рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Choose, select, pick, pick out, elect

Choose, select, pick, pick out, elect - раздел Философия, Знакомство с общими сведениями по изучаемой теме, тем самым происходит погружение в проблему предстоящего проекта Choose (Выбирать Из Двух Или Более; Предпочесть, Решить): Choose A Tie; Choos...

CHOOSE (выбирать из двух или более; предпочесть, решить): choose a tie; choose a car; choose a book for me; choose friends; choose the cast; choose a chairman; choose one's words; choose between two evils; choose carefully; choose well; choose poorly; he chose wisely; choose freely; you are free to choose whichever you want; choose anything you want; you can't pick and choose in this situation; there's nothing to choose from; choose for yourself; she chose to leave; he chose to stay.

SELECT (тщательно выбирать из группы): select a wine; select a tie; select a jury; select the cast; they selected him to represent them; select goods from a catalogue; select carefully; select deliberately; select tastefully; select fastidiously; select arbitrarily; select at random; select automatically.

PICK, PICK OUT (придирчиво выбирать из группы): pick the best; pick one's words carefully; they picked him as the captain of the team; pick out the dress that you like; she picked out the red one; she always picks out the best fruit on the market; pick out for yourself the tomatoes that you want to buy.

ELECT (избрать официально; предпочесть, решить): elect a chairman; they elected him chairman; he was elected chairman; elect a mayor; elect as a candidate; he was elected to the city council; elect unanimously; elect for the term of five years; elect by popular vote; she elected to leave; he elected to remain silent.

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Знакомство с общими сведениями по изучаемой теме, тем самым происходит погружение в проблему предстоящего проекта

SubjectSimple сабджъектсимпл стоит на следующей ступени по сложности по сравнению с трежахантом здесь так же содержаться ссылки на текстовые и... Webquest веквест от англ интернет проект это самый сложный тип учебных... Знакомство с общими сведениями по изучаемой теме тем самым происходит погружение в проблему предстоящего проекта...

Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: Choose, select, pick, pick out, elect

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

Если этот материал оказался полезным ля Вас, Вы можете сохранить его на свою страничку в социальных сетях:

Все темы данного раздела:

Allow, permit, let
ALLOW (разрешить, позволить): allow the children to watch TV; allow the students to leave early; he allowed them to stay in his house; I was not allowed to visit her; smoking is not allowed here; s

Ask, beg, request
ASK (спрашивать; просить): ask a question; I asked him a question; she asked me about my work (my family, friends, plans); he asked after her health; she asked what he was going to do; she asked wh

Beat, hit, strike, knock
BEAT (бить): her heart was beating fast; rain was beating against the windows; beat the rhythm; beat the drum; beat an alarm; beat the rug; they beat an old man; they beat him to death; beat someon

Begin, start, commence
BEGIN (начать): begin work at nine o'clock; the concert begins at seven; I don't know where to begin; Where do I begin? begin at the beginning; we begin tomorrow; she began to cry; she began crying

Collect, gather, pick up
COLLECT (собирать): collect stamps; collect coins; collect rare books; collect information; collect data; collect facts; collect signatures; collect taxes; collect a debt; collect a bill; collect o

Consist, comprise, include, contain
CONSIST (of: состоять из; in: заключаться в): his report consists of six parts; the United States consists of fifty states; the United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Great

Demand, claim, require, need
DEMAND (требовать как необходимое; настоятельно спрашивать): I demand an apology (an explanation, an aswer); he demanded money from them; she demanded payment of the debt; he demands obedience; thi

Do, make
DO (делать): do housework; do the dishes; do the room; do the cooking; do the shopping; do homework; do an exercise; do a sum; do math; do research; do business with someone; do one's work; do one'

Defend, protect, guard, safeguard
DEFEND (защищать, оборонять): he defended his family; he defended them from the attackers; they defended their town from/against the enemy (from/against attack); they will defend their country; he

Fall, drop
FALL (падать): I fell and hurt my elbow; she tripped over a stone and fell; the cup fell and broke; snow is falling; rain is falling; the temperature fell ten degrees; prices fell by 20 percent; le

Finish, end, complete, terminate
FINISH (закончить): I finish work at six; he finished school in 2004; we were just finishing dinner when the phone rang; finish your meal; I have to finish my report; I haven't finished reading thi

Fulfill, realize, accomplish, achieve, reach
FULFILL (выполнить полностью; исполнять; осуществить): fulfill a promise; he finally fulfilled his promise to his parents; fulfill a task (an order); he failed (was unable; couldn't; tried; was abl

Go, walk
GO (идти, ехать): go home; go to work; go to school; go to Spain; go to prison; go to the kitchen; go to the park; go for a walk; go for a ride; go for a drive; go by bus; go by plane; go by train;

Have, own, possess
HAVE (иметь): have a car; have a nice house; she has a good job; he doesn't have a telephone; they don't have much money; I have a younger brother; he has a lot of friends; she has blue eyes; he ha

Lay, put
LAY (положить, класть): lay – laid – laid – laying; lay the book on the desk; lay the child on the bed; lay the carpet on the floor; lay the table for dinner; lay the foundation; lay the cable; lay

Look for, search, seek
LOOK FOR (искать): look for a job; look for a new apartment; look for a place to live; look for a nice hotel to stay; look for a book; look for an answer; look for advice; look for help; she is loo

Mean, imply, denote, signify
MEAN (иметь в виду, намереваться, значить, предназначать): What do you mean to do? I mean to talk to him about it; I meant to ask you; I didn't mean to offend you; she meant no harm; he means well;

Offer, suggest, propose
OFFER (предлагать): offer help; offer to help; he offered her a drink; they offered him a good job; he offered to drive me to the store; offer money; offer $100 for the carpet; offer goods at a red

Raise, lift
RAISE (поднять): raise your hands; raise your head; raise a hat to someone; raise a glass to someone; raise him from his knees; the noise raised him from his bed; raise a building; raise a monument

Refuse, reject, decline
REFUSE (отказаться): he refused the nomination; he refused my offer of help; she refused my request; she refused permission; she refused them permission to enter; she refused to see him; they refus

Stop, quit, cease
STOP (остановить, перестать, прекратить): stop talking; stop working; stop playing; stop joking; stop complaining; stop crying; stop the car; stop the bus; stop work; stop the game; stop the war; s

Throw, cast, toss
THROW (бросать): throw a ball; throw a stone at someone; throw a piece of paper into the wastebasket; throw a rope to someone; throw a man into prison; throw a glance at something; she threw me a k

Wait, expect, anticipate
WAIT (ждать): wait for a bus; wait for a telephone call; wait for me; don't wait for me; I'm waiting for an answer; wait for your turn; wait for an hour; wait a minute; wait till eight o'clock; wai

Want, would like, wish
WANT (хотеть): I want to see you; she wants to sleep; I don't want it; I want something to read; I want something to eat; I want a sandwich; I want a pound of Swiss cheese, please; What does he wan

Wear, dress, put on
WEAR (носить, быть одетым в): wear a coat; wear warm clothes; wears jeans; she is wearing a blue dress today; he is wearing a suit; wear a hat; wear leather shoes; wear glasses; wear jewels; wear a

Furniture and Decor
Word Meaning bed long frame with a mattress on top for sleeping; has blankets and pillows for comfort

Word Meaning dishwasher electric appliance that washes dishes; can be "built-in" (under a sink) or "portab

Cleaning Supplies
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Linen and Laundry terms
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Describing words for Housekeepers
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Action words for Housekeepers
Word Meaning Example sentence clean; clean up remove dirt, dust, and other messes After you cle

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