рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Study the following phraseologies.

Study the following phraseologies. - раздел Философия, ФРАЗЕОЛОГІЯ РАДІООБМІНУ   Contact Newtown Control 129.1. ...


Contact Newtown Control 129.1. Работайте с Ньютаун Контроль 129,1.
Contact Mike Control 129.1 now. Сейчас работайте с Майк Контроль 126,5.
At 42 contact Newtown Control 129.1. В 42 работайте с Ньютаун Контроль 129,1.
Over BI contact Newtown Control 129.1. Над BI работайте с Ньютаун Контроль 129,1.
When passing /leaving/ reaching FL 350 contact Newtown Control 129.1. При прохождении /освобождении/ занятии ЭП 350 работайте с Ньютаун Контроль 129,1.
If no contract revert to present frequency. При отсутствии связи возвращайтесь на настоящую частоту.
Stand by 121.9 for Ground. Будьте на приеме 121,9, ждите руление
*Request change to 121.8. Прошу переход на 121,8.
Frequency change approved. Изменить частоту разрешаю.
Monitor Tower 118.1. Контролируйте Вышку 118,1.
*Monitoring 118.1. Контролирую 118,1.
When ready contact Newtown Tower 118.1. По готовности работайте с Ньютаун Вышка 118,1.
Remain this frequency. Оставайтесь на настоящей частоте.
Until advised. До указаний.
Until further advised. До дальнейших указаний.

– Конец работы –

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Все темы данного раздела:

  ПІДРУЧНИК     КІРОВОГРАД – 2010   УДК 81.2 Англ 656.7.022 “Затверджено Міністерством о

  Unit 1. Introduction…………………………………………….. Unit 2. Ground………………………………………………….. Uni

Exercise 2
Listen to the spelling alphabet and repeat it after the speaker.   Letter Word Pronunciation

Study the following words.
airspeed [7BEspi:d] воздушная скорость altimeter [7Xltimi:tE] высотомер

Exercise 3
Study the following.   Example Phraseologies Aircraft identification CCA 238 Air China two three eight

Exercise 1 Study the callsigns for aeronautical stations.   Контроль Control [kEn7trEul] Райо

Exercise 2
Study the following. When establishing communication an aircraft shall use the full callsigns of both stations. After satisfactory communication has been established and provided th

Exercise 4
Listen to the transmissions and respond to them. Practise the exercise several times. Example:ACFT: Newtown Tower, Austrian 402, heavy. TWR: Austrian 4

Exercise 5
You haven’t understood the callsign, ask the pilot to say it again. Begin with the words ‘Station calling’. Practise the exercise several times. Example: ACFT:

Study the following words.
  advise [E7dvaiz] сообщать, советовать approve [E7pru:v] одобрять, разрешать

Exercise 4
Give instructions to the aircraft. See the information given below. Practise the exercise several times.   Number Callsign

Translate into English.
  Работайте на 118.2. Работайте с Контролем 129.6. Контролируйте Вышку 118.5. Работайте с Прилетом 120.45. Работайте с Контролем 135.7. Ра

Study the following words.
  acknowledge [Ek7nOlid3] подтверждать active runway [7Xktiv] действующая ВПП

Study the following phraseologies.
  Contact Newtown Control 128.1, correction, 129.1. Работайте с Ньютаун Контроль 128,1, поправка, 129,1. Affirm. (Affirm

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) ACFT: Newtown Control, Speedbird 711, correction, Speedbird 710. ACC: Speedbird 710, Newtown Control, go ahead. 2) APP: Delta 774, c

Exercise 1
Study the following words. background [7bXkgrEund] фон, задний план box [bOks]

Exercise 3
Study the following. Test transmissions should take the following form: a) the identification of the aeronautical station being called; b) the aircraft identificat

Exercise 5
1) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Speedbird 711, radio check 118.7. GROUND: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2) ACFT: Newtown Ground, Sca

Exercise 1
Study the following words. airborne [7BebO:n] находящейся в воздухе ATC clearance  

Exercise 2
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) (IFR flights) ACFT: Simferopil Ground, Fastair 345, IFR to Odessa. Unable to monitor ATIS information. Request ATC clearance. GROUND

Exercise 1
Study the following words. area [7BEriE] район, зона, область brake [breik] тор

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. *Stand 21, request push-back. Стоянка 21, прошу буксировку хвостом вперед. Push-

Exercise 4
Work in pairs. Listen to the pilot’s words and respond to them. Use the expressions given in the table below.   push-back approved hold pos

Exercise 6
Translate into English: Буксировка хвостом вперед разрешена. Не разрешаю, ожидайте задержку на 1 минуту из-за Боинга 747, рулящего сзади. Буксировка разрешена.

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. *Stand 1, request start-up. На стоянке 1, прошу запуск. *Stand 15, request start-u

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) ACFT: Newtown Ground Finair 1704, stand 24, IFR to Oslo, request start up, information Bravo. GROUND: Finair 1704 Newtown Ground, cleared to

Exercise 4
You are a Newtown Ground controller. Listen to pilot’s requests and respond to them. Use the expressions given in the table below. Practise the exercise several times.  

Exercise 5
Work in pairs. Listen to the pilot’s words and respond to them. Use the phraseologies given in exercise 2. 1) ACFT: Cubana 1472, stand 25, IFR to Riga, request start-up, information

Exercise 1
Study the following words. ahead [E7hed] вперед, впереди air-taxi [7BEtXksi] ру

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. For departures При вылете *Cessna 172, at the south side of hangars, request taxi f

Exercise 4
a) You are a Newtown Ground controller. Listen to taxi instructions, look at the diagrams and identify which aircraft the instructions apply to. Write the correct aircraft in the table.

Exercise 6
Translate into Russian. Request taxi. Taxiway 3 to holding position 29L. Approaching holding position runway 29L, request cross runway 29L. Holding short.

Exercise 7
Translate into English: Ждите, не доходя магистральной рулежной дорожки. Возьмите первый направо. Рулите на предварительный старт ВПП 29 левая через РД 3.

Exercise 4
Listen to the pilot’s words and give taxi instructions. Use the information given in the table below. Practice the exercise several times. No

Exercise 1
Study the following words. adjacent [E7d3eisEnt] примыкающий, смежный, соседний along [E7lON

Exercise 3
Study the following phraseologies. Caution! Осторожно! Construction work in progress on runway 21, right / left side.

Exercise 4
Warn the aircraft you are in contact with about different obstructions on their way. Use the table given below.   Construction work ad

Exercise 5
Translate into English. Рулите на предварительный старт ВПП 08.Для информации: середина рулежной дорожки частично покрыта льдом. Торможение среднее. Рулите на предварительн

The Control Tower
The control of air traffic on, or in the vicinity of an aerodrome, is provided by the control tower. In most cases the tower is located on top of terminal building. The aerodrome controller, who is

  broadcast [7brO:dka:st] радиовещание, радиопередача case [keis] случай

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Unable to issue departure to Miami due weather. Разрешить вылет в Майами не могу из-за погоды.

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) ACFT: Newtown Tower Air France 720, holding position runway 26 left. TWR: Air France 720, Newtown Tower. Report when ready for departure.

Exercise 4
Listen to the transmissions and give line up clearance. Use the information given in the table below. Use dialogue 1 of exercise 3 as an example. Practise the exercise several times.

Exercise 5
Listen to the transmissions and give conditional clearances. Use the information given in the table below. Use dialogue 2 of exercise 3 as an example. Practise the exercise several times.

Exercise 1
Study the following words. abandon [E7bXndEn] прекращать, прерывать (взлет) abort [E7bO:t]

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Take off immediately or vacate runway. Взлетайте немедленно или освободите ВПП.

Exercise 3.
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) TWR: Alitalia 456, hold position, cancel, I say again, cancel take-off, vehicle on runway. ACFT: Holding position, Alitalia 456.

Exercise 4.
Work in pairs. See the dialogues below and fill in the controller’s words. Cancel or stop take-off due to different reasons given in the table below. Practise the dialogues in pairs several time

Work in pairs. You are a controller and your partner is a pilot. Translate the dialogue into English and practise it. ВЫЛЕТ ИЗ РИО-ДЕ-ЖАНЕЙРО

Exercise 3.
Listen to the transmissions and give the pilot taxi instructions after landing. Use the information given in the table below. Example: ACFT: Speedbird 118, land

Exercise 4
Work in pairs. You are a controller and your partner in a pilot. Translate the dialogue into English and practice it.   ПОСАДКА В СИМФЕРОПОЛЕ.

  according (to) [E7kO:diN] в соответствии с … airband [7BEbXnd] диапазон воздушн

Exercise 1 Study the following words: advise [E7dvaiz] сообщать

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies: *Request right (left) turn. Прошу разрешить правый (левый) разворот. Righ

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) ACFT: Newtown Approach, Air India 112, airborne 57. APP: Air india 112, Newtown Approach. Climb to FL 130, report passing FL 110. AC

Exercise 4
Listen to thepilots’ words and respond to them. Use the expressions given in the table below. Practice the exercise several times. Example: ACFT: Newto

Exercise 7
Listen to the information and translate it into Russian and back. Climb to reach altitude 9000ft at/by 45. Climb at 5 metres per second. Continue climb to F

Exercise 1
Study the following words: certain [sE:tn] определенный congestion [kEn7d3estSn]

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies: Fly direct to BW. Hold over BW, FL 160, inbound track 002, right hand pattern, outbound time 1 minute. Разр

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues and write down the data: 1) APP: KLM 127. Maintain altitude 6000ft to TW and hold as published. Report TW. ACFT: Maintaining altitude 6000ft. Wil

Exercise 1 Study the following words: alternate [Ol7tE:nit] запасной (аэродром)

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies: Diversions Уход на запасной аэродром *Request divert (diversion) to Winton.

Exercise 4
Listen to the transmission, inform the aircraft and ask about intentions. The aerodrome cannot receive you due weather below m

Exercise 5
Translate into English: a) решение, намерение; сильный ливневый дождь; доложите решение; залитая ВПП; доложите намерение; стоячая вода на ВПП;

Exercise 1 Study the following words: acknowledge [Ek7nOlid3] подтвердить braking [

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues and write down the data: 1) ACFT: Newtown Approach. Swissair 492, BW at 12 FL 260. APP: Swissair 492, Newtown Approach. Descend to FL 160 to LH,

Exercise 5
Study the following information and then listen to an example of an ATIS for arriving flights:   REMEMBER: ATIS (Aerodrome Terminal Informa

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Position 15 km north-east of Georgetown. Turn right heading 180. Местоположение 15 км северо-восточнее

Exercise 5
Listen to the dialogue and speak. You are a Precision controller. The aircraft is making an ILS approach. Use exercise 3 as an example and fill in the controller's words using words and phrases

Exercise 1 Study the following words. acknowledge [Ek7nOlid3] подтверждать adjust [

Exercise 5
Translate the dialogue ‘Precision Radar Approach’ into English. Practise the dialogue several times. Work in pairs. ЗАХОД НА ПОСАДКУ ПО ПОСАДОЧНОМУ ЛОКАТОРУ  

Exercise 1
Study the phraseologies This will be Surveillance Radar Approach RW 27, terminating at 1 km from touchdown. Obstacle clearance altitude 150 m. Check you

Exercise 3.
Translate the dialogue ‘Surveillance Radar Approach’ into English. Practise the dialogue several times. Work in pairs. ЗАХОД НА ПОСАДКУ ПО ОБЗОРНОМУ ЛОКАТОРУ  

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Continue visually or go around. Продолжайте заход визуально или уходите на второй круг.

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) РRSN : Air France 720, 3 kilometres from touchdown, 120 metres left of track, 30 metres above glidepath. Out of deviation limits. Report your decision

Exercise 5
Listen to the sentences and translate them intoRussian. Fastair 345. Go around, I say again, go around, acknowledge. Korean 001. Runway is blocked. Go around immediately, I

consumption [kEn7sVmpSn] расход (напр. топлива) cover [7kVvE] покрывать

Exercise 1
Study the following words. advise [Ed7vaiz] советовать, извещать contain [kEn7tein]

Exercise 2
Study the phraseologies Report flight level (FL). Доложите ваш эшелон полета (ЭП). Report passing FL 240.

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) ACFT: Newtown Control, Angola 676. ACC: Angola 676, Newtown Control, go ahead. АСFT: Angola 676. Departed Newtown (at) 07.30. BW (at

Exercise 4.
You are an ACC controller. Listen to the pilot position reporting and write down the position reports:   aircraft identification

Exercise 5
You are an ACC controller. Listen to the position reports and request to report the omitted point. Practise the exercise several times: Example: ACFT: Angola 6

Exercise 7
Translate into Russian and back into English. Maintaining FL 280, Swissair 728. Maintain FL 190 until advised. Will omit position reports until NF, Speedbird 128.

Exercise 8
Translate into English N 121 AX. Выдерживайте ЭП 220 до пролета Duets. Speedbird 816. Доложите за 20 км до SO. Air India 182. Когда вы прошли ИВ? Tarom 80

Exercise 9
Listen to the dialogues of the position reports and respond. Use the expressions given below. Practise the exercise several times. 1) ACFT: KLM 301, MN 05, FL 190, (estimate) SP 17.

Exercise 1
Study the following words alternative [Ol7tE:nEtiv] альтернативный available [E7veilEbl]

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Request descent. Прошу снижения. Expect descent at 40. Предполагаемое

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: ACFT: Newtown Control, Finnair 704. ACC: Finnair 704, Newtown Control, go ahead. ACFT: Finnair 704, KB 30, FL 310, (estimating) DK 36,

Exercise 7
Translate into English: Air Ukraine 205. Прекратите снижение на ЭП 170. Выдерживайте ЭП 170 до дальнейших указаний. TWA 310. Выдерживайте ЭП 270, ожидайте снижение в 20.

Exercise 8
Work in pairs. Translate the dialogue into English and practise it. НА МАРШРУТЕ ЛАГОС – АФИНЫ Пилот Диспетчер

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Enter controlled airspace at LUTOS. Входите в контролируемое пространство у LUTOS.

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Leave the airway 10 km north of DANBY FL 190. Покиньте трассу 10 км севернее DANBY, ЭП 190.

Exercise 5
Translate into Russian. Tarom 929.Покиньте воздушную трассу 10 км северо-восточнее SOD, курс 100 градусов. Delta 116. Вы уже покинули воздушную трассу? KLM 705. До

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) ACFT: Newtown Control KLM 127. Request cross Airway Red-7 30 km south of RA, maintaining FL 150. ACC: KLM 12. Newtown Control. Remain outside

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Hold at DUETS at FL 170. Ждите у DUETS на ЭП 170. Expect further clearance at 42.

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) ACC: Speedbird 319. Newtown Control. Are you able to lose 8 minutes en route until passing SU due emergency traffic in the vicinity of the aerodrome?

Exercise 7
Translate into English. Saudi 205.Выполняйте полет по кругу от вашего места. Malev 980. Можете затянуть время на маршруте на 10 минут до прохождения МВС из-за аварийного Ta

Exercise 5
You are аn ACC controller. Give instructions to the pilot to establish control communication:     ACC: &n

Exercise 1
Study the following words. airspace [7BEspeis] воздушное пространство appropriate [E7prEupri

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Cross the border at FL 290. Пересекайте государственную границу на ЭП 290. *Reques

Exercise 6
Translate into English. Tarom 290. Разрешите номер разрешения на вход. *KLM 380. Прошу разрешения пересечь государственную границу на ЭП 280 в 18. Delta 205. Вход

Exercise 1
Study the following words achieve [E7tSi:v] достигать, добиваться adjacent [E7d3eis(E)nt]

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Turn left / right heading 050. Поворачивайте влево / вправо курс 050°. Fly heading

Traffic information and avoiding action en route.
Traffic information is information issued by an air traffic services unit to alert a pilot to other known or observed air traffic which mау be in proximity to the position or intended route of flig

Exercise 4
Match the Russian and English equivalents. 1. Борт под 30° справа. a) Traffic 10 o’clock 2. Борт под 60° слева.

Exercise 5
Listen to the dialogues: a) 1) ACFT: Newtown Control, KLM 301, BW at 07, FL 200, estimating DK 50; ST next. ACC: КLM 301, Newtown Control, 105 kilometres from Newt

Exercise 6
Translate into Russian. Swissair 816. Turning left 30°, will report passing FL 220. Tarom 310. Traffic 1 o’clock in sight. Air France 182. Request any information

Exercise 7
Translate into English: Malev 816.Выдерживайте ЭП 260 до команды из-за встречного борта 1 час справа на ЭП 270 20 км, аэробус 310. Sandi 208.Прекратите набор. Встречный бор

Collision hazard information
  When an identified controlled flight is observed to be on a conflicting path with an unknown aircraft deemed to constitute a collision hazard, the controlled flight shall, whenever

Exercise 1
Study the following words above [E7bVv] выше, наверху, над, сверх avoid [E7vOid]

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Be advised! Thunderstorm south-west of SH, 30 km, moving to the north. Для вашей информации! Гроза юго-зап

Exercise 3
a) Listen to the dialogues: 1) ACC: Speedbird 319. Be advised. Heavy thunderstorm in the vicinity of DK, moving south-east. Traffic avoided to the north. АСFТ: Speedbird 31

Exercise 4
You are an ACC controller. Inform the aircraft about marginal weather and give instructions to avoid weather. Practise the exercise several times. Libair 1

Exercise 6
Translate into Russian. Swissair 328. Request avoid thunderstorm to the east. Finnair 416. Front thunderstorm observed. Accept FL 340. Air France 388. Unable to cl

Exercise 7
Translate into English. Delta 132. Доложите условия полета. Tarom 416. Набирайте ЭП 310, чтобы обойти грозу верхом. Ariana 240. В районе привода СЛ фронтальная гро

Exercise 9
Work in pairs. Translate the dialogue into English. НА МАРШРУТЕ РЕКСБЕРИ-УИНТОН Пилот Диспетчер 1 Нью Каунти

Exercise 1
Study the following words. airspace [7BEspeis] воздушное пространство altimeter setting [7Xl

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. Confirm RVSM approved. Подтвердите разрешение на полеты с RVSM. * Affirm RVSM.

Exercise 1
Study the following words: area [7BEriE] район, зона, область area navigation  

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseologies. RNAV (Regional Navigation) Зональная навигация. RNP (Requisite Navigation Performa

Exercise 4
Translate into English. Speedbird 412. Возвращайтесь на трассу в 28. Air India 627. Возобновите самостоятельное самолетовождение. KLM 930. Не превышайте число Маха

MINI-TEST (p. 213, 5.12)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions: 1) What is the aircraft callsign? a) Air India 897; b) Libair 897; c) Cyprus 798; d) Cyprus 897.

Exercise 1
Study the following phraseologies. Direct route. Спрямленный маршрут. When able proceed direct to SORNA.

Area Control Service
The function of the area control is to provide Air Traffic Control service for controlled flights except for those parts of flight where the ATC service is provided by approach control or by aerodr

accomplish [E7kOmpliS] завершать achieve [E7tSi:v] достигать, добиваться

Exercise 1
Study the following words: cover [7kVvE] покрытие, покрывать radar cover [7reidE]

Exercise 2
Study the phraseology: * Estimating NO (at) 49. Рассчитываю NO (в) 49 минут. Turn right 45° for identification.

Exercise 4
a) Listen to thedialogues: 1) ACFT: Newtown Control, Speedbird 812. ACC: Speedbird 812, Newtown Control, go ahead. ACFT: Speedbird 812, NP 10.35, FL 290, estimatin

Exercise 4
Listen and speak: give the identification instructions. Use the information given below. Practise the exercise several times. Example: ACC: Japanair 449, t

Exercise 8
You are an АСС controller. Give instructions to the pilot. Air France 725. Выполните разворот влево, курс 230°, для опознавания. Jal 816. Выполните разворот вправо на 45° д

Exercise 10
Translate the dialogue into English. Work in pairs. Practice the exercise several time. НА МАРШРУТЕ ДУБЛИН-ПАРИЖ Пилот Дисп

MINI-TEST (p. 213, 6.1)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions: 1. What is the aircraft callsign? a) Continental Airlines 989; b) Continental Airlines 986; c) Continenta

Exercise 1
Study the following words: altimeter [7Xltimi:tE] альтиметр, высотомер code [kEud]

Exercise 3
Study the Secondary Radar Phraseologies     REMEMBER!    

Exercise 7
Yоu are an ACC controller. Give instructions to the pilot. Cedar Jet 316. Проверьте установку высотомера и подтвердите эшелон. Air Ukraine 530. Доложите тип приемоответчика

Exercise 8
Translate the dialogue into English. Work in pairs. Practice the exercise several times. СНИЖЕНИЕ И ЗАХОД НА ПОСАДКУ НА МАРШРУТЕ РЕКСБЕРИ – УИНТОН

A Short History of Radar
The principles of radar are not new; in fact, some early experiments were made back in 1880s. In 1904 a German engineer had invented, an he explained, a ‘radio-echo collision prevention device’. By

accuracy [7XkjurEsi] точность, правильность in addition to [E7diSn] вдобавок, в дополнение к, к

Exercise 1
Study the following words. dangerous [7deind3ErEs] опасный distress [di7stres]

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseology. I am (being) hijacked. На меня совершается нападение. I am (being) forced to a new de

Exercise 1 Study the following words. crack [krXk] треснуть decision [di7si3n]

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseology. Decompression (depressurization). Разгерметизация. Making emergency descent to FL 150

Exercise 1 Study the following words. airmiss [7BEmis] опасное сближение appear [E7

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseology. We have. Almost collided with another traffic. Mы чуть-чуть не столкнулись с другим бортом.

Exercise 1
Study the following words. activate [7Xktiveit] приводить в действие attempt [E7tempt]

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseology. Engine No3 on fire, request vectoring for landing on RW 07. Двигатель №3 горит, прошу векторение для посадки

Questions: 1. What is the emergency? a) fire the hold; b) fire in the toilet; c) fire in the cockpit; d) fire in the cabin. 2. What imme

Exsercise 1
Study the following words. burn out / off [bE:n] выработать (топливо) consumption [kEn7sVmpS

Exsercise 2
Study the following phraseology. Engine No2 failure. Отказ двигателя №2. Engine failure. Отказал двигател

Exercise 3
a) Listen tothe dialogues and write down the data: 1) АСFT: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. Newtown Control. Finair 402. All engines failed. Descending rapidly. Making forced landing. 40 km

Exercise 4
Translate into Russian: dump/jettison fuel fuel dumping area fuel dumping track Fuel dumping completed. burn out/burn off fuel Report re

Exercise 1
Study the following words. belly [7beli] живот blanket [7blXnkit] одеяло

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseology. Right landing gear damaged. Request bеlly landing. Повреждение правой стойки шасси. Прошу посадку с yбpaнным

Exercise 4
Translate into Russian: Right landing gear damaged. Request bеlly landing. Left / right nose gear does not appear up/down. Unable to lower undercarriage.

Exercise 5
Translate into English: Подтвердите повреждение шасси. Левая стойка, кажется, не убрана. Правая стойка, похоже, не вышла. Вы можете выпустить шасси?

Exercise 1 Study the following words. address [E7dres] адресовать aileron [7eileron

Exercise 5
Translate into English: Я потерял связь с Эр Франс 245. Передайте мое сообщение Эр Франс 245. Я повторяю, сообщение адресовано Эр Франс 245. Подтвердите о

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseology. Unsure of my position. Не уверен в своем местонахождении. Compass failure.

Exercise 2
Study the following phraseology.   Sick passenger on board. Больной пассажир на борту. We require medica

Exercise 5
Translate into English: Травмы у пассажиров и обслуживающего персонала из-за сильной болтанки. На борту родился ребенок. Раненый на борту, нам понадобится скорая п

Tenerife: Report Blames KLM Two 747s collided on the runway at Tenerife on March 27 1977, because the captain of the KLM aircraft took off without clearance, says the repo

access [7Xkses] доступ, проход, подход accident [7XksidEnt] проишествие, авария, катастрофа

1) ACFT: Newtown Approach Air France 345. APP: Air France 345. Newtown approach. Go ahead. ACFT: FL 160 Information Foxtrot. Request descent. APP: Air France 345. Maintai

PRSN: Air Ukraine 462. Vectoring for ILS approach turn left heading 250. Report established. ACFT: Heading 250. Air Ukraine 462. АCFТ: Air Ukraine 462. Established (on localizer)

For voice communication purposes civilian air traffic uses two ranges of frequencies: Very High Frequency (VHF) and High Frequency (HF). VHF radio is used for relatively short distances (up to 200

according (to) [E7kO:diN] согласно, в соответствии с available [E7veilEbl] доступный, имеющийся

cardboard [7ka:dbO:d] картон continuos [kEn7tinjEs] непрерывный control

achieve [E7tji:v] достигать aid [6eid] помогать airway [6B

Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)   Сборник аэронавигационной информации appropriate [E7prEupr

The ILS is the ICAO approach international standard electronic landing aid and is installed at nearly all major aerodromes. The ILS functions with equipment in the aircraft and on the grou

in addition to [E7diSEn] в дополнение, к тому же, кроме alert [E7lE:t] предупреждать об опаснос

During busy periods, arriving aircraft may be required to delay their approach because of weather or traffic congestion, and this is known as ‘holding’. Where delays are expected, flights may be he

alternatively [O:l7tE:nEtivli] наоборот beacon [bi:kEn] радиомаяк, приводная радиостанция

Reports are given either at designated reporting points or at significant points quoted in the flight plan. Generally reports are made at approximately one-hourly intervals. The report is

adjacent [E7d3eisEnt] близкий, соседний, смежный aircraft identity [ai7dentiti] опознавательный

Aircraft at or near airports are controlled by personnel at the particular airport, with the exception of London Heathrow and London Gatwick which operate under a separate system. Shortly after an

allocation [6XlEu7keiSn] назначение, размещение, распределение exception [ik7sepSEn] исключение

This is the whole area under the jurisdiction of a control centre, abbreviated to FIR, for airspace extending from the surface to 24,500ft (FL245). At and above FL245 the region is known as an Uppe

alongside [E7lON7said] рядом с complex [7kEmplEks] сложный display

Any aircraft in Classes ‘F’ and ‘G’ airspace may use the country-wide Flight Information Service which is available on one of several frequencies. Aircraft are not obliged to contact the Flight Inf

advantage [Ed7va:ntid3] преимущество, выгода , польза to take advantage of   воспользовать

Military Air Traffic operating within the airways, or on Upper Air Routes, is normally controlled by civilian ATC centres, although it will often be co-ordinated by military personnel operating wit

circumstance [7sE:kEmstEns] обстоятельство coordinate [kou7O:dineit] координировать, согласовыв

There are two types of flight conditions: - Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC). - Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). Under VMC pilots are required to operate

affect [E7fekt] воздействовать, влиять apply [E7plai] применять complic

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