Vocabulary and key concepts

Write the word or words you hear in the blanks provided in the following sentences.

1. ________________ education in the United States includes _____________ as well as senior colleges, most of which are ___________________.

2. To be ___________________, a college must meet certain ___________________ set by institutional and professional associations.

3. The more ___________________ private schools are more ___________________, that is, they have stiffer admissions requirements.

4. All college applicants must submit a ___________________ of high school grades and often ___________________ test results.

5. A student's ___________________ activities and possibly his ___________________ are often factors in his admission.

6. Some freshmen ______ _______ of school after their first year rather than ___________________ for a second year.

7. Some students begin college at a junior college with more ___________________ admissions requirements and later ___________________ to a senior college.

? Culturegram: Many terms and long names are commonly written and spoken in their abbreviated form in English. US and UN are common abbreviations using the first letter of each word. In this lecture the following tests and degrees will be referred to in abbreviated form. As you write the first-letter abbreviations, say them to yourself. When you take notes, use the abbreviations.

Graduate Record Examination G.R.E.
Graduate Management Admissions Test  
Law School Admission Test  
Medical College Admission Test  
Scholastic Aptitude Test  
Associate of Arts degree A. A. degree
Bachelor of Science degree  
Bachelor of Arts degree