Notetaking Preparation

1. Deciphering Notes

Sometimes you may for one reason or another miss a lecture and have to ask a classmate to share his or her notes. If your classmate has taken good notes, you may be able to reconstruct much of the message of a lecture.

Imagine that you missed a lecture in which your professor discussed some basic differences between U.S. colleges and universities and those in foreign countries. You can use these notes to answer your teacher's questions. Work with a partner.

Educ. System in Coll. or Univ.

1. Kinds of courses

a. required (sometimes choice among some req. courses = alternatives)

b. elec.-- students choose

c. prerequisites -- req. before another course can be taken

2. Schedule

-- very flexible

--late afternoon/ even. courses (working stud.)

3. Classes

-- diff. people class to class

-- great variety of kinds of peop. (difficult for some young freshmen from small homogeneous h. schools, big change)

2. Answer in complete sentences.

a. What are prerequisites?

b. What is the difference between an alternative class and an elective class?

c. Why are the same classes sometimes offered both during the day and in the late afternoon or evening?

d. Why do incoming freshmen from small high schools sometimes suffer from a kind of culture shock?