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The earliest mentions of translation, the translation development during ancient times until 500AD.

The earliest mentions of translation, the translation development during ancient times until 500AD. - раздел Философия, The theoretical and methodological aspects of translation World Translation In General And European Translation In Particular Has A Lon...

World translation in general and European translation in particular has a long tradition. The earliest mention of translation used in viva voce goes back to approximately the year 3000 BC in ancient Egypt where the interpreters or dragomans, as they are called, were employed to help in carrying on trade with the neighbouring country of Nubia: to accompany the trade caravans and help in negotiating. In 2100 BC, Babylon translations are known to have been performed into some languages including Greek, Armenian and Egyptian. As far back as 1900 BC, in Babylon, there existed the first known bilingual (Sumerian-Akkadian) and multilingual dictionaries. In 1800 BC, in Assyria there was already something of a board of translators headed by a certain Giki.

Interpreters and translators of the Persian and Indian languages are known to have been employed in Europe in the 4th century by Alexander the Great (356-323), during his military campaign against Persia and India.

The history of European translation, however, is known to have started as far back as 280 BC with the translation of some excerpts of The Holy Scriptures. The real history of translation is supposed to have begun in 250 BC in Egyptian city of Alexandria. The local leaders of the Jewish community there decided to translate the Old Testament from Aramaic, which was no longer understood into ancient Greek – their spoken language (72 Jews in 70 days). In reality, the Septuagint (Latin for 70), as their translation has been called since then, took in fact several hundreds of years to complete. The bulk of the Septuagint has been done in a slavishly literal (word-for-word) translation.

The next best known translation of the Old Testament into Greek was performed this time sense-to-sense (200 BC). Translations from Greek into Latin were started by the scholar Livius Andronicus, who made a successful translation of Homer’s poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey in 240 BC. A significant contribution was made by the orator and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC), who became famous for his principles of the so-called “sense-to sense translation”, which have been in opposition to the principle of strict word-for-word translation. The principles were accepted by Horace (65-68 BC), but he used them in his own way: he would change the content. This free interpretation was accepted by Apuleius, who would rearrange the originals beyond recognition. So, the Roman translators began to omit all insignificant passages, rearrange even whole stories of their own. This practice of Roman translators began to dominate in all European literatures throughout the next centuries and during the Middle Ages.

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The theoretical and methodological aspects of translation

Interrelation with other disciplines... Many aspects of translation have been covered by other disciplines such as... Stages of translation process understanding...

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Все темы данного раздела:

The theoretical and methodological aspects of translation
  1. Translation as a notion and subject. Interpretation. 2. The object of translation theory, the problems which the translation studies. 3. Interrelation with othe

Translation as a notion and subject. Interpretation.
  Translation as a term and notion is of polysemantic nature. The first common and most general meaning is associated with the action or process of rendering the cont

The object of translation theory, the problems which the translatology studies.
Translation is a mean of interlingual communication. The translator makes possible an exchange of information between the users of different languages by producing in the TL a text, which has an id

Stages of translation process.
Psychologically viewed translation process includes two mental processes: -understanding (1); -verbalization (2). 4.1. The translator understands the content of ST, first

Types of translation.
The types of translation can be singled out depending on the predominate communicative function, the form of speech involved in translation process. So we can distinguish between literary a

Pragmatic adaptation.
The communicants involved in interlingual communication not only speak different languages but also have different general knowledge, social and historical background and belong to different cultur

Linguistic and extralinguistic aspects.
Translation is a complicated phenomenon involving linguistic, psychological, cultural, literary and other factors. The most of the research of up-to-date translation has been made within linguistic

When confronted with the text to be translated, the translator’s first concern is to understand it by assessing the meaning of language units in the text against the contextual situation and the ex

Translation and interpretation during the Middle Ages.
The MiddleAges(500 AD – 1450 AD)are characterized by a general lack of progress. Translations and interpretations are known to have been performed in the domains o

Translation during the Renaissance period.
The Renaissance period which began in the 14th century in Italy was marked by great discoveries and inventions, the most significant of which was the invention of the moving printing pre

Translation during the period of classicism and Enlightenment.
The controversy between the supporters of three different approaches to translating continued unabated all through the periods of Classicism (17th – 18th centuries) and Enligh

The Kyiv Mohyla Academy and revival of translation activities in Ukraine.
A considerable intensification witnessed in Ukrainian translation during the 17th century, which could have been influenced by the initial activities in the Kyiv Mohyla Academy (founded

Rules and methods of Romanization of different Ukrainian proper nouns.
Ukrainian proper names are mostly conveyed on the basis of their phonemic / orthographic structure, i. e. aretransliterated in English. One of the efforts to get rid of our former

The main rules of conveying English sounds in Ukrainian translation of proper names.
[æ] - a, e. Angela-Анджела, Енджела, Andy- Енді, Анді. [٨] - a, y, o. Ulrica- Алріка, Улріка; Ulster- Ольстер, Doug- Даг. [u:] [ju]-. у,ю. Cooper- Купер, Judy-Джуді, M

Identification of international lexicon units.
Internationalisms are such language units which are borrowed from one and the same source language (SL) by at least three genealogically different 1anguges in the same or similar l

Ways of conveying the lexical meaning of genuine internationalisms.
  2.1. Literal translating of genuine internationalisms. - letter-to-letter translation, but a letter may be dropped or added іn the TL (dentist, rector, stadi

Literature used and recommended
1. Баранцев К.Т. Англо-український фразеологічний словник. - К. Радянська школа, 1996. - 1052 с. 2. Зорівчак Р.П. Фразеологічна одиниця як перекладознавча

Units of nationally biased lexicon and ways of their translation
  Each nation in the course of its historical development acquires a great number of features characteristic of the nation only and not pertained to any other, even to genealogically

Ways of rendering the meaning of nationally biased units of lexicon.
  2.1. By transcription or transliteration exclusively. The units, whose meanings are rendered at the phonological level, usually belong to genuine internationalisms.

Literature used and recommended
1. Баранцев К.Т. Англо – український фразеологічний словник. – К.: Радянська школа, 1996. – 1052 с. 2. Зорівчак Р.П. Фоазеологічна одиниця як перекладознавча категорія. – Львів: Вища школа

Transformation of some idioms in the process of translating.
Many phraseological expressions singled out by V. Vinogradov as unities may reflect national features of the SL (reference to traditions, customs, events, geographical position). Being nationally d

The lexico-grammatical expression of modality through modal verbs.
This kind of modality is realized in both 1anguages via modal verbs plus the infinitive of the notional verb, performing the function of compound modal verbal predicate. 1.1. Can /

То be (to)
to be to is the synonymous to have to and is realized depending on the form and lexical meaning of the infinitive following it. Mostly -мати, even повинен, мусити. According to the agreement rent w

Grammatical modality and mean of expressing it.
Grammatical (syntactic) modality is of common nature in English and Ukrainian as well. It expresses actions viewed upon as real, unreal, optative, hypothetic, conditional, interrogative, incentive.

Transformations in the process of translation.
1. The kind of major and minor alteration in the structural form of language units performed with the aim of achieving faithfulness in translation are referred to as transl

Grammatical transformation.
Faithfulness of transformation depends on the functional and never on the formal approach to the choice of corresponding linguistic means. E.g. I wanted to have done it myself. -Я хотів це

Lexical transformations.
The term was used by Retsker. Sometimes to achieve adequacy the translator must considerably change words and phrases of the original and instead of formal correspondences use functional correspond

Lexico-grammatical transformations.
Antonymic transformation is defined as rendering SL unit with the help of opposite words and constructions. It is employed for achieving faithfulness in conveying the content or ex

Objectively and subjectively conditioned transformations of lexical units in the process of translation.
Transformations of nationally peculiar lexical units become inevitable as a result of differences existing between the ways and means of expression of the same meanings in the SL in the TL . There

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