рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Acceptance by quality and quality, reclamations

Acceptance by quality and quality, reclamations - раздел Философия, Ділова іноземна мова 8.1. The Buyer Checks The Weight Of The Consignment Of The Cast-Iron Received...

8.1. The Buyer checks the weight of the consignment of the cast-iron received in the presence of the Supplier's representatives.

Weighing is done by the organization nominated by the agreement of both Parties during discharging cast-iron from the ship at the port of destination. This coordination is done not later than 10 days from the discharging the first consignment of cast-iron in this Contract. If the results of weighing deviate more than 1%, the Parties are to perform recalculation according to the weight stated at reweighing at the port of unloading, the shortage or overweight to the amount of 1% including from the whole contractual amount is not to be taken into account.

8.2. If the Buyer wants to check the quality of the cast-iron delivered, then in the course of discharging the ship at the port of destination sampling of the incoming consignment of cast-iron is done by the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter "Ch.C") or by another organization agreed upon between the Parties (at the cost of the Buyer) in the presence of the Buyer and the Supplier. This coordination is done not later than 10 days before discharging the first consignment in the present Contract. 6 samples must be taken from each consignment, the samples being marked and sealed, two samples Nos. I and 2 are to be given to the Buyer; two samples Nos. 3 and 4 are to be given to the Supplier and two samples Nos. 5 and 6 are to be given to the representatives; of Ch.C or another organization of the Buyer's country for conducting an independent analyzing. In case there is no agreement with the quality of the commodity indicated in the" certificate of the Supplier "or the manufacturing plant the dispute between the Parties is to be settled in accordance with the laws of the Buyer's country.

8.3. Reclamations or declarations concerning any consignment of cast-iron cannot be considered as a basis for the Buyer to refuse paying for the disputed consignment of cast-iron and also for accepting and paying the following consignment of cast-iron envisaged for delivery according to the Contract.

8.4. Reclamations can be' lodged within __ days from the day of the cast-iron arriving at the port of destination. On expiration of this time-limit no requisitions concerning the quality of the cast-iron can be made.


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Ділова іноземна мова

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Модуль 2
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Англійська мова Переклад спеціальної літератури та розмовна практика № Тема Кіль-ть тижнів, годин

Модуль 2
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англійська мова Переклад спеціальної літератури та розмовна практика № Тема Кіль-ть тижнів, годин

Французька мова
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англійська мова Переклад спеціальної літератури та розмовна практика № Тема Кіль-ть тижнів, годин

Французька мова
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з дисципліни «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням (англійська)» денна форма навчання № блоку Назва теми

з дисципліни «Ділова іноземна мова (французька)» денна форма навчання № блоку Назва теми 3 курс, V семестр

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11.1. При, настанні обставин неможливості повного або часткового виконання будь-якою із сторін зобов'язань по теперішньому Контракту, а саме: пожежі, стихійного лиха, воєнних операцій будь-якого ха

4.1. Payment is done in _____ from the irrevocable confirmed divisible letters of credit lodged by the Buyer for the benefit of the Supplier to the sum covering the cost of the loaded consignment,

Force majeure
11.1. Should any circumstances arise which prevent full or partial fulfillment of the obligations for any of the Parties under this Contract, namely: fire, acts of the elements, military operations

Additional conditions
12.1. All the previous directions in this Contract, correspondence and negotiations are considered to be invalid. 12.2. Any changes or additions to this Contract are considered to be valid

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Французька мова
1. Коротич Т.А., Круковський В.І. Методичні вказівки з курсу “Ділова комунікація. Частини 1-3. КНЕУ. Київ, 1998 р. 2. Коротич Т.А., Круковський В.І. Методичні вказіки

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Французька мова
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Французька мова
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