At a Grocery Store.

- Good morning, Mrs. Smith. How are you this morning?

- I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?

- I'm having a little trouble. I don't have any eggs or butter.

- Oh, that's a shame! I need two pounds of butter and a dozen eggs.

- I can deliver them this afternoon.

- That'll be fine. I’m having a party tonight for 15 persons. I have a list here of about 20 things.

- First, what do you want in the line of meat?

- Can you give me a ten-pound ham?

- Yes, here's a nice one. It's 95 cents a pound.

- That seems expensive. But all right. I'll take it.

- Now what else?

- Well. I want some canned goods, 3 cans of pears and a can of peaches.

- Here they are. Now, do you need any milk?

- Yes, three quarts, please, and a pint of cream... Well, that's all for today. How much do I owe you?

- That's $ 17.70. Here's your change from the 20 dollar bill 2.30.

- Good-bye, Mrs. Smith. Thanks a lot.