I am a first-year-student of Kursk State University. This institution of higher education was established in 1934. There were only two faculties in it: the faculty of History and that of the Russian language. Many skillful and experienced professors and lecturers worked there. They gave their knowledge and enthusiasm to lay the foundation for the future University. In 1994 our institute got the status of a University. In 2001 it got the qualification of a State University of an academic type.

Our University is in the center of the town. It is in Radishev Street which is near Red Square, the central square of the town. The University takes up 5 buildings. There are a lot of classrooms, laboratories and workshops there. All the rooms are large and light. The laboratories are equipped with modern instruments and apparatus. We spend a great deal of time there making experiments and calculations.

The head of the University is the Principal. He has some Vice-Principals. They are in charge of tuition, research work, public and social activities of our University. There is a library and a reading-hall there. The library is rich in books. The reading-hall is rather comfortable for individual studies. There are many shelves with books, magazines and newspapers on them. We often come to the reading-hall to read up before lectures and seminars. As a rule we have 3 or 4 lectures and seminars a day.

We study various subjects: Mathematics, Physics, History, Psychology, English and others. Usually we have English classes twice a week. Our University has many faculties. At the head of each faculty there is the Dean. He usually has an assistant – a Vice-Dean. The students take an active part in the public life of the University. Many students attend scientific circles. It is interesting and useful for students to work in them.

The academic year is divided into 2 terms which run from the 1st of September to the beginning of January and from the beginning of February to the end of June. It is very interesting to study at the University but it is not so easy. We realize that our future profession is very responsible, we must know and be able to do many things. I like my future profession and want to become a skilled teacher.