The faculty of Physics and Mathematics trains specialists for different branches of industry and research laboratories, and teachers for secondary schools, technical secondary schools and universities. The faculty provides a broad engineering education. In the age of rapid scientific progress there is a growing demand for engineers with a thorough knowledge in their speciality and the ability to apply that knowledge to practical problems. Therefore, the number of students admitted to the faculty increases with every year. In the beginning all the students take the same courses. They study mechanics, electricity and magnetism, the History of Russia, a Foreign Language and some other subjects.

A proper understanding of physical sciences needs a good knowledge of Mathematics. Therefore, the faculty gives particular consideration to the teaching of Mathematics. All the students study mathematical analysis, analytical geometry, algebra and mathematical physics. Each of these subjects provides in itself a broad mathematical education and helps the future physicist to obtain a deeper insight into all physical phenomena. Later on specialization begins. The students spend a lot of time on more specialized theoretical and practical work in their chosen field. They read a lot to get new information about the extraordinary progress in all branches of physics. They work in well-equipped laboratories which provide excellent facilities for a wide range of research work. Here they gain much practical and useful experience in scientific research. The students of the faculty receive a thorough and comprehensive guidance for their future work from the academic staff. Among them are outstanding scientists who are well known not only in our country, but also abroad.


to train specialists algebra

different branches of industry to help the future physicist

research laboratories to obtain a deeper insight into

secondary schools an insight into all physical phenomena

a broad engineering education to spend a lot of time on smth

in the age of rapid progress more specialized theoretical work

a growing demand for smb/smth in one's chosen field

with a thorough knowledge of to get new information

speciality / specialization extraordinary progress

ability to apply that knowledge in all branches of physics

to apply to practical problems- to provide excellent facilities

therefore for a wide range of research work

to admit to the faculty to gain experience

to increase with every year practical and useful experience

in the beginning to receive a guidance

to take a course thorough and comprehensive guidance

a proper understanding of smth. academic staff

physical sciences outstanding scientists

a good knowledge of mathematics

to give particular consideration

teaching of mathematics

mathematical analysis

analytical geometry

III. Answer the questions. Write down a topic about your faculty:


1. What faculty do you study at ?

2. Are you a first-year student ?

3. Is the demand for specialists of your type great in our country?

4. Why does the number of students increase with every year ?

5. What subjects do you study in the first year ?

6. Which is your favourite subject ?

7. When will you take your examinations ?

8. In what subjects will you have examinations ?

9. What subjects do the students study in the second (third) year ?

10. Which is the most interesting subject ?

11. Have the students of your faculty favourable conditions for study?

12. Do many students live in the hostels of the University ?

13. Are there many laboratories at your faculty ?

14. Are they well-equipped ?

15. How many times a week do you go to the library? laboratory? reading room, or to the dean's office ?

16. How many students graduate from your faculty ?

17. Are there many post-graduates at your faculty ?

18. Under whose supervision do the post-graduates work ?