the best kind of smth to collect stamps

a well-paid hobby to be informative

an ideal situation to fade away

not always found in real life to move on to collecting recording

a creative person after a while

to have no time for anything to be (seem) pointless

besides music radio stations

to have some rest from to play old and new hits

one's favourite occupation to go on doing smth

to invent hobbies a way of spending time

to get a kick out of doing smth a very quiet occupation

the most widespread hobby to require some particular skills or

from stamps to coins ability

old bottles . to give the greatest pleasure

do-it-yourself activity to prefer

to grow exotic plants to be more powerful than a long

cacti novel

to take one's pick to be funny and tragic

to be mad about smth at the same time

a kind of leisure activity



I. Answer the questions :


1. Have you a hobby ?

2. What is your hobby ?

3. What are you fond of ?

4. What are you interested in besides your main activity ?

5. Have you chosen your hobby according to your character ?

6. Have you any spare time for anything besides your studies ?

7. Can you fully express yourself in your hobby ?

8. Do you need a rest from your favourite occupation ?

9. Do you get a kick out of doing any extraordinary things ?

10. How do you usually spend your leisure time?

11. Do you like music/ theatres / reading / sport , etc ?

12. Are you fond of computer games ?

13. Have you ever collected anything ?

14. What do rich people usually collect ?

15. Where are valuable private collections given to ?

16. Have you an opportunity of learning from your hobby ?

17. What is the most exciting aspect of your hobby ?