
This disease is due to bacteria taken into the system through water or food and usually occurs in tropical and semitropical countries. This bacteria cause severe inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the intestine.

Symptoms. – There may be slight attacks of diarrhea for several days and possibly chills and fever. Then stools increase in number and consist largely of blood and mucous. This is usually accompanied by cramp pains. As a rule the temperature is not high.

Treatment. – Rest is essential even in mild cases and the patient should be given enzymes and astringents. The diet rich in vitamins and proteins are recommended. On reaching the port the patient should be taken at once to a physician as the bacteria causing the disease is sometimes very hard to destroy, and relapses are frequent.

Prevention. – The early indication of the disease, strict control over the galley, health and hygiene by all the crewmembers, especially those who are in contact with water and food.