Classifications of Subordinate Clauses.

Sub-clauses are classified on two principles: functional and categorial. As to the functional principle, they are classed on the analogy with the parts of the simple sentence. They are likened to subjects, objects, adverbial modifiers, predicative and attributes. (People treated the old as if theywanted nothing. Compare it with People treated the old with neglect). But there are clauses which do not correspond to the members of the simple sentence. Such are continuative attributive clauses (She makes me feel happy, which you have never done (I.Murdoch). Such are complement sub-clauses (It’s in Paris where we met). Such are contaminated clauses (It was as if he had been younger every spring. J. Galsworthy).The clause underlined is a result of contamination of a predicative clause and an adverbial clause of unreal comparison. In accord with the categorical principle, sub-clauses are classed into nounal, adjectival and adverbial clauses, as here they are likened to the classes of words (nouns, adjectives and adverbs). Both principles are mutually complementary.