Read and translate the text.

2. Translate the following words and learn their pronunciation:

acquisition; consequence; consignee; cycle; requirements; deferment; certificate; charges; contents; dimension; invoice; origin; weight; punctual; obtainable; payable; compulsory; frequent; total release; complete; arrange; ensure; occur; exercise; seize; contain; issue; require.

3. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases in English:

cash flow; a certificate of origin; a commercial invoice; contents; a consignor; a packing list; storage charges; to clear goods

4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following:

a) под таможенным контролем; таможенные власти; вес и объем каждого упаковочного места; баланс оборотных средств; ошибки в документации; потеря доверия; содержимое; условия оплаты; дополнительные расходы; вес нетто и брутто

b) наложить арест на имущество; выполнить требования по оформлению документации; снять арест с имущества (товара); оплатить перевозку полностью; указать страну отправления

5. Answer the following questions:

1) When is the job of selling goods abroad considered to be completed?

2) What does the final part of the order cycle involve?

3) What can every exporter recall?

4) What is the first consequence of a mistake in documentation?

5) Why will the warehouse operator refuse to release the goods?

6) What are the other consequences of delay in delivery?

7) What are the main documentation forms required for exporting as well as for importing goods?

8) What is a commercial invoice?

9) From where are certificates of origin usually obtainable?

10) What should a packing list detail?

6. Sum up the contents of the text according to the following plan:

1) Errors in documentation and their possible consequences.

2) A commercial invoice as one of the main document’s required for exporting and importing goods.

3) A certificate of origin and a packing list.