1. Where is Spielberg’s motherland?

a) in the USA;

b) in the USSR;

c) in the Ukraine;

d) in the UK.

2. What was his hobby in his childhood?

a) shooting films;

b) shooting animals;

c) shooting animation films;

d) he just liked shooting something.

3. What was the name of Spielberg’s first 40-minutes film?

a) Escape to Anywhere;

b) Escape to Jamaica;

c) Escape to Nowhere;

d) Escape to Whatever you want.

4. How many children has Spielberg?

a) 2;

b) 13;

c) 5;

d) 7.

5. When did Spielberg shoot “Jaws”?

a) in 1975;

b) in 1795;

c) in 1579;

d) in 1597.

6. What did Spielberg affect Hollywood?

a) he astonished it;

b) he burnt it;

c) he shook it;

d) he blew it.

7. How did people call Spielberg?

a) movie wizard;

b) movie magician;

c) movie sorcerer;

d) movie witch.

8. Who were Charles Chaplin’s parents?

a) music-hall performers;

b) singers;

c) artists.

9. When did Chaplin firstly change his life?

a) after his parents’ death;

b) at the age of 14;

c) at the age of 18.

10. The leading Charlie’s character is

a) a little fellow;

b) a little farmer;

c) a little singer.

11. In 1919 he joined

a) the United Artists Corporation;

b) Fred Kamo’s company;

c) the State Department.

12. What was the first Chaplin’s speech film?

a) Monsieur Verdoux;

b) the Great Dictator;

c) Limelight.