Parts of Speech

In OE 9 parts of speech had already been distinguished:


changeable 1. Noun Nominal Categories: Number, Case, Gender, Degrees of Comparison, Determination
2. Adjective
3. Pronoun
4. Numeral
5. Verb Verbal Categories: Tense, Mood, Person, Number, Voice, Aspect, Order, Posteriority
unchangeable 6. Adverb(only Degrees of Comparison) -
7. Prepositions -
8. Conjunctions -
9. Interjections -


Below all notional parts of speech will be discussed, their categories described and the meanings of these categories stated as related to the Old English Period



Number –Singular (Sg) and Plural (Pl).

Gender –Masculine (M), Feminine (F), Neuter (N).

Case –Nominative (Nom) (agent), Genitive (Gen) (attribute), Dative (Dat) (instrument, indirect/prepositional object), Accusative (Acc) (recipient, direct/prepositionless object).