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ИМЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ. НАРЕЧИЕ - раздел Образование, ENGLISH GRAMMAR I. Выберите Один Из Предложенных Вариантов Ответа: ...

I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I hope the project continues to run as (more smoothly / smoothly) as it has so far.

2. Investors are becoming (more and more / most and most) sophisticated.

3. Mr. Smith refused to accept the proposal of Mr. Jones, and the (latter / later) had to apply to court.

4. They realized their plan without (farther / further) difficulties.

5. This year our sales figure are (worse / worst) than last year.

6. Please, send me your (last / latest) catalogue and price list.

7. Putting the (most good / best) applicants for the job on a short list enables us to select the (most suitable / more suitable) candidate.

8. She earns twice (as much as / more than) me although she’s only half (as well-qualified / better qualified).

9. If any company can provide (more attractive / most attractive) terms, we will match them on the spot.

10. The guarantee is a year (longer than / longest that) with our (older / elder) models.

11. The Belarusian State Economic University is by far (the most prestigious / more prestigious) university training economists in Belarus.

12. The new Personnel Director set about creating a (better / best) atmosphere amongst the employees.

13. (The bigger / The biggest) the company and (the larger / the largest) its costs, (the greater / the greatest) the opportunity to see tremendous efficiencies.

14. The production of hi-tech instruments is one of (the most rapidly / more rapidly) growing industries nowadays.

15. Foreign exchange markets are far (more volatile / most volatile) and unpredictable thancommodities markets.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. The plane arrived (lately / late) so I missed the start of the meeting.

2. (So / Such) accommodation as she could find was far (more expensive / more expensively) than she could afford.

3. For long-standing customers we have a concessive rate of discount which is much (higher / more highly) than the normal rate.

4. The position of legal adviser is (currently / current) vacant.

5. He’s a (high / highly) qualified specialist like most of our employees.

6. Our new Project Manager is (deep / deeply) involved in his job.

7. The rise in the cost of living bears (hard / hardly) on old people living on fixed incomes.

8. Our share prices are slightly (more lowly / lower) than our competitors’.

9. Overtime bonus is a payment made to an employee when they work (more longly / longer) than regular working hours.

10. She invested (most / mostly) of her money in shares.

11. The skilled workers in the Production Department are (good / well) paid.

12. This is our (fastest ü/ most fastly) selling product.

13. We got this catalogue (free / freely) at the exhibition.

14. When running business correspondence, make sure the envelope is (correctly / correct) addressed.

15. (Hard / Hardly) had we finished negotiating the terms of the contract when the CEO arrived.

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УО Белорусский государственный экономический университет... Т В Тарасевич... ENGLISH GRAMMAR Практикум по грамматике английского языка для...

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  Практикум по грамматике английского языка для студентов экономических специальностей высших учебных заведений     Минск

Тарасевич, Т.В.
English Grammar: Практикум по грамматике английского языка для студентов экономических специальностей вузов / Т.В. Тарасевич. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2008. – 51 c.     Д

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