Typology of accentual structures


(из лекций): Degrees of stress

1) primary (strong)

2) secondary (alw preceeds the primary stress: e*xami*nation);

3) tertiary (alw follow the primary stress: *terri*tory, *dictio*nary, *cere*mony);

4) weak (unstressed)

In Russian: 2 degrees of stress:

- primary

- unstress

The dictionary of accents marks some long words with 2 stresses.

The differences in the number of stresses → differences of the rhythm.

1) omission of the secondary stress (examination)

2) omission of the tertiary stress (dictionary)

3) degree of reduction of the pretonic vowel (in Rus this vowel is not reduced)

4) reduction of unstressed posttonic vowel in all E words without exceptions (*photogr[а:]ph)

Билет 13