The meaning of the verb is process presented dynamically.

On the basis of the subject-process relation all notional verbs are divided into the following sets: actional and statal, relational. Actional verbs express the action performed by the subject, i.e. they present the subject as an active doer. Statal and relational verbs denote the state or relations of their subject, i.e. they either give the subject the characteristic of the inactive recipient of some outward activity, or else express the mode of its existence. The difference in their categorical meaning affects their morphological paradigm: statal and relational verbs have no passive voice. Also they are not generally used in the continuous and perfect continuous tenses. Their occasional use in these tenses is always exceptional and results in the change of meaning.

On the basis of implicit grammatical meaning of transitivity/intransitivity verbs may be subdivided into transivite and intransitive

The verb has 8 categories:

· The category of finitude [i] (finite, non-finite)

· The category of person can be defined only in the III person singular in the present tense and in the verb to be

· The category of number can be defined only in the III person singular in the present tense and in the verb to be in the present

· The category of tense (present, past, future)

· The category of aspect (вид) (continuous, non-continuous)

· The category of retrospect (врем. Отнесенности) (perfect, non-perfect)

· The category of voice (active, passive, medial: reflexive He washed (возвратный); reciprocal (each other, one another) they met, they kissed; middle The blouse washes well

· The category of mood (наклонение) (indicative изъявительное, imperative повелительное, oblique косвенное: conditional, subjunctive II, subjunctive I (bare inf), suppositional предположительное)

The English verb is always used as a predicate.