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Реферат Курсовая Конспект


READING - раздел Образование, ПРЕДПРИНИМАТЕЛЬСТВО   I Corporation.A ...



Corporation.A corporationis a business organization created under a government charter. Ownership of corporation is represented by shares of stock, and for that reason corporate owners are known as stockholders.

One feature of corporation is that the courts treat it as a legal “person”. It can, for example, sue and be sued and enter into contracts, and it must pay taxes.

Although corporations are outnumbered by about four to one by sole proprietorships, they dominate American business. Corporations are so important because of the advantages they offer over sole proprietorships and partnerships:

Limited liability. Unlike the owners of proprietorships and partnerships, who can be held personally liable for the debts of their firms, the most that corporate shareholders can loose (i.e., their liability) is limited to whatever they paid for their shares of stock. Limited liability is thought to be so important that corporations in most English-speaking countries outside of the United States add the abbreviation “Ltd” (for Limited) to their company name.

Ease of transfer. Stockholders can enter or leave a corporation at will simply by buying or selling shares of stock in that corporation.

Unlimited life. When the corporate stockholders die, their shares of stock are passed on to their heirs. Meanwhile, the corporation is free to conduct business as usual.

Tax advantages. In certain instances individuals can reduce their tax liability by incorporating.

With all these advantages you might wonder why there are so many more unincorporated businesses than incorporated ones. The answer has to do with the disadvantages of the corporation:

It is difficult and expensive to organize a corporation. The process of obtaining a charter usually requires the services of a lawyer. Most small firms prefer to avoid these expenses by forming proprietorships or partnerships.

Corporations are subject to special taxes. The federal government, along with many state and local governments, taxes corporate income in addition to the taxes paid by shareholders on their dividends. (Dividends are the proportion of a corporation’s profits that are distributed to the stockholders.)

Corporations whose stock shares are sold to the public give up their right to privacy. The law requires that these large, open(or public) corporations disclose information about their finances and operations to anyone interested reading about them. The purpose of this legislation is to give people information about companies in which they might invest. But information that helps investors may also be of value to the competition. For that reason, some corporations have chosen to remain closed (or private) corporations rather than disclose information they would prefer to keep secret.


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Все темы данного раздела:

Sole proprietorship
(рассказать наизусть – 4 балла) Before starting your business you have to choose the type of proprietorship in which you will own it. You should know that any business sho

Active vocabulary
(выучить – 1 балл) To choose – выбирать proprietorship – собственность to own – владеть sole proprietorship – частная собственность par

Translate into English using the expressions from the previous tasks
(перевести письменно – 2 балла)   1 Я начинаю свое собственное дело и должен выбрать тип собственности. 2 Этот предприниматель владеет своим бизнесо

Forms of business ownership
Sole proprietorship: business that is owned, and usually managed by one person. Example: most of the produce sellers at the central market. Partnership: a business w

Miscellaneous definitions
Acquisition: obtaining (in business it is when one company buys another). Merger: combination of to or more firms to form one company. Example: many banks in the USA

(рассказать наизусть – 4 балла) The partnership. Partnerships are voluntary combinations of from two to twenty persons formed for the purpose of carrying on busines

Active vocabulary
(выучить – 1 балл) Purpose – цель to share – делить to carry on – вести tax benefits – налоговые льготы limited liability – ограниченна

Translate into English using the expressions from the previous task
(перевести и выучить – 2 балла) добровольные образования образованные с целью ведения бизнеса делить ответственность получать налоговые льготы о

Translate into English using the expressions from the previous tasks
(перевести письменно – 2 балла) 1 Это партнерство образовано с целью ведения бизнеса для получения прибыли. 2 Партнеры делят ответственность за принятие решений и

I Partnership. A partnershipis a business organization that is owned by two or more persons. Partnerships offer certain advantages over sole propri

(рассказать наизусть – 4 балла) The corporation. A business corporation is an institution formed by two or more shareholders, who put money into business and get

Active vocabulary
(выучить – 1 балл) Institution – учреждение share – доля ownership – собственность stockholder (shareholder) – акционер stock certifica

Translate into English using the expressions from the previous task
(перевести и выучить – 2 балла)   Учреждение, образованное акционерами вкладывать деньги в бизнес получать долю от прибыли быть пр

Translate into English using the expressions from the previous tasks
(перевести письменно – 2 балла) 1 Акционеры корпорации вкладывают деньги в бизнес и получают свою долю прибыли. 2 Эта корпорация представлена на рынке акциями.

Special types of business organizations
Not all business organizations fall neatly into the categories that we have described. Other types of business organizations are described below. The S corporation – the corporatio

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Active Vocabulary
(выучить – 1 балл) оwn - собственный to earn – зарабатывать experience – опыт skill – навык to choose – выбирать success – усп

Translate into English using the expressions from the previous task
(перевести и выучить – 2 балла) Способность зарабатывать деньги Выбирать собственный бизнес Позволять продавать оптом Зависеть от опыта

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(перевести письменно – 2 балла)   1 Я хочу начать собственное дело, чтобы быть независимым. 2 Мой друг заработал хорошие деньги, начав собственное д

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