рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

The aim of theoretical grammar.

The aim of theoretical grammar. - раздел Образование, Lecture 1. Introduction: Grammar: General Notions The Term ‘Grammar’ Goes Back To The Greek Word ‘Grammatike’ ...

The term ‘grammar’ goes back to the Greek word ‘grammatike’ that may be translated as the ‘art of writing’. But later this word acquired a much wider sense and can now be used in at least three different meanings to denote: 1) the grammatical structure of language; 2) a linguistic discipline studying the abovementioned structure of language; 3) a textbook containing information about the grammatical structure of language.

Language (a means of forming and storing ideas as reflections of reality and exchanging them in the process of human intercourse) incorporates three constituent parts:

1) the phonological system,

2) the lexical system,

3) the grammatical system.

The grammatical system can be regarded as the whole set of regularities determining the combination of naming means (that is words and stable word-groups) in the formation of utterances as the embodiment of thinking process. The grammatical description of language is effected by the science of grammar.

Any linguistic description may have a practical or theoretical purpose. The aim of practicalgrammaris the description of grammar rules that are necessary to understand and formulate sentences. It is aimed at providing the student with a manual of practical mastery of the grammatical part of language. The aim of theoreticalgrammar of a language is to offer explanation for these rules, to present a theoretical description of its grammatical system, to scientifically analyse and define its grammatical categories and study the mechanisms of grammatical formation of utterances out of words in the process of speech making.


– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Lecture 1. Introduction: Grammar: General Notions

Introduction Grammar General Notions The aim of theoretical grammar Language a means of...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Grammar and Usage
  In earlier periods of the development of linguistic knowledge, grammatical scholars believed that the only purpose of grammar was to give strict rules of writing and speaking correc

Grammar in the systemic conception of language. Systemic relations in language. Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Relations.
  The nature of grammar as a constituent part of language is better understood in the light of discriminating the two planes of language, namely, the plane of content

General characteristics of linguistic units.
  Language is regarded as a system of elements (signs, units) such as sounds, words, etc. These elements have no value without each other, they depend on each other, they exist only i

Seminar 1. Grammar: General Notions
    1) Be ready to define the following terms:   1. grammatical system 2. naming means 3. prescriptive approach

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