Link /DLL /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DEF:%1.def /LIBPATH:c:masm32lib %1.obj

These LINK directives should be all on the same line.


A .bat file BLDDLL.bat is provided to automate the entire build process, similar to the BLDALL.bat file does. This may be invoked with this Quick Editor menu macro:


Build &DLL,MASM32BINBLDDLL.bat {b}

A DLL also requires a .def file to specify the exported items. This file may also optionally name the final .dll Library. If it does not, the .asm file name is used with the .dll extension.

Building Visual Components (.ocx)

A Visual Component (.ocx) is simply a DLL with the extension changed to .ocx, no further magic is required. If the .def file specifies the library name as .ocx, then the DLL build as above may be used.


For those who prefer a choice, a BLDOCX.bat file option is included. This is identical to the BLDDLL.bat file, with the inclusion of an /OUT directive to change the Library name:


With Resources: