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RaiseValue PROTO :DWORD, :DWORD - раздел Образование, Creating a COM object in ASM   Big Difference... But For A Simple Reason. Interfaces Written...


BIG difference... but for a simple reason. Interfaces written for type libraries are as general as can be, and are directed at clients such as Visual Basic, and VB is designed to hold the programmer's hand as much as possible. To keep interfaces simple to VB users, the concept of a "property" is used. One may "set" or "get" a property value, so these two functions seem to be the same to a VB programmer (the object reference just moves to the other side of the equate operator). A "method" makes some change or performs some action involving the object.


To create the type lib, use MIDL on a command line like so:


– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Creating a COM object in ASM

aggregate REFIID riid... Reference to the interface identifier... Oid ppvObject Address of output variable that receives...

Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: RaiseValue PROTO :DWORD, :DWORD

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

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Все темы данного раздела:

Creating a COM object in ASM
  Copyright © Dec 27, 2000 by Ernest Murphy ernie@surfree.com For educational use only. All commercial use only by written license.   Revised December

Increments or decrements the lock count
  LockServer keeps the class factory instanced (helpful if one has to make numerous object copies). CreateInstance is the workhorse here, it is used to creates the object's "work

MyComObject ENDS
  The first point is I have great latitude in defining this structure. The only element that the COM contract imposes on it is that it contain a DWORD pointer to the vtable of functio

Interface IMyCom : IUnknown
{ [propget, helpstring("property Value")] HRESULT Value([out, retval] long *pVal); [propput, helpstri

Coclass MyCom
{ [default] interface IMyCom; }; };     This file can be used as

Typelib MyCom.tlb
  Making it the first resource element is important, as later on we will be using the LoadTypeLib API function to extract this library, and this function expects to find the library a

(Default) "C:masm32COMMyCom"   One key value here is variable, that is the path and name of the server dll itself. On my system I placed it at &quo

AddRef_MC endp
  AddRef is a bit unusual in that it does not return a HRESULT (failure code), instead it returns the object count. The return value is undefined in the COM contract, but it is tradit

RaiseValue ENDP
    MyCom.dll, the server code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To build the

End Sub
  Now you can run the application and test the server by clicking the Raise button. Do be careful, there is no error checking to see if you put a valid number in Text2. What you are s

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