Add additional resources here starting at ID number 300


This should be simple to duplicate. All you are specifying is the type library file and the resistrar script file. Should you have multiple objects, just keep adding the type libraries as the comment suggests. CoLib will register every type lib in the list that appear at the IDD_TypeLibresource number and on. There can only be one registrar file, so if you have multiple objects, you must hand edit these scripts into a single script.

MyCom.IDL Interface Definition File




MyCom2.idl, the interface definition file

I will not pretend that I understand Interface Definition Language or syntax. All I can state is the following code works. I have Jeremy of Collake Software ( to thank for the outline of this file (cause I stole mine from him).


// MyCom2.idl : IDL source for MyCom2.ocx (or dll)


import "oaidl.idl";

import "ocidl.idl";



helpstring("MyCom2 1.0 Type Library"),

