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Реферат Курсовая Конспект

The Gerund.

The Gerund. - раздел Образование, Lecture 10. Non-Finite Verbs. The Gerund Is The Non-Finite Form Of The Verb Which Combines The Properties O...

The gerund is the non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb and the noun. Similar to the infinitive, it serves as the verbal name of a process, but its substantive quality is stronger than that of the infinitive as the gerund can be modified by a noun in the possessive case or its pronominal equivalents and it can be used with prepositions.

The formal sign of the gerund is homonymous with that of the present participle: it is the suffix -ing added to its grammatically (categorially) leading element.

The gerund is a categorially changeable/variable/demutative form; it has two grammatical categories, sharing them with the finite verb and the present participle:

1) the aspective category of retrospective coordination (perfect in opposition),

2) the category of voice (passive in opposition).

The categorial paradigm of the gerund of the objective verb includes four forms:

the simple active taking

the perfect active having taken

the simple passive being taken

the perfect passive having been taken

The gerundial paradigm of the non-objective verb includes two forms.

going having gone.

The perfect forms of the gerund are used, as a rule, only in semantically strong positions.

The combinability of the gerund is dual (noun and verb features):

1) verb-type combinability: it combines with nouns expressing the object of the action; modifying adverbs; certain semi-functional predicator verbs (other than modal).

2) noun-type combinability: with finite notional verbs as the object of the action; finite notional verbs as the prepositional adjunct of various functions; finite notional verbs as the subject of the action; nouns as the prepositional adjunct of various functions.

The syntactic features of the gerund: the subject, the object, the predicative, the attribute, the adverbial modifier.

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Lecture 10. Non-Finite Verbs.

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Все темы данного раздела:

Non-Finite Verbs.
  1.1. Non-Finites: General Characteristic. Every verb stem (except a few defective verbs) takes both finite and non-finite forms: the syntactical function o

The Infinitive.
The infinitive is the non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the noun. It serves as the verbal name of a process. There are distinguished the 1

The Present Participle
The present participle is the non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the adjective and adverb. It serves as the qualifying-processual name. The

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