The Ox and the Frog

Once Mr Frog and his two 1)_______ (child)

went to a pond to get a drink of water. There, for the

2) ______ (one)time in their lives, they saw an Ox (áûê).

"What a big, 3) _____(beauty) animal”, thought Mr Frog. "In the frog world I am big and nice, but this animal makes 4)___(I)feel very little. I will puff myself up (íàäóþñü) and become as big as that Ox."

Mr Frog took a big breath and asked little frogs, "5)_____(be) I as big and nice as that Ox?" "No, Dad," answered his sons.


Mr Frog puffed himself up again and asked, "And now?"
"No, Dad," 6)_______(cry)his sons.

"They must never know that I am small," thought Mr. Frog. "They must think that their father is 7)____ (big)and more beautiful than any other animal."

So Mr Frog took another breath, and then another, and then he burst (ëîïíóë). Poor silly Mr. Frog!