Not a problem

Some people know 1)_____but they are too shy to speak foreign languages. Some people know little but they overcome this problem 2)______.

Once a famous European writer3)____to an American girl. The American, speaking in the writer's native language, asked him why he had never visited 4) United States. "I know only a few sentences 5)__________________________________ English," answered the writer. "What are 6) sentences?» asked the girl. «How do you do? I love you. Forgive me. Forget me. Ham and eggs, please," answered the writer. "But," said the girl, "with that vocabulary you 7)_____

travel all over my country.'

1. a) much b) little c) many d) a little  
2. a) easy b) easiest c) easily d) easier  
3. a) talked b) was talking c) talks d) is talking
4. a) a b)the c) an d)-
5. a) by b)at c) on d)in
6. a) the b)a c)- d) an
7. a) have to b) mustn't c) can d) had to



3.3. What's his life worth?

(Сколько стоит его жизнь?)

Robert Burns loved people and wrote about 1) ____ . One day when he 2)_____near the sea, he heard a cry for help. He ran 3)______ that place. At that time a sailor jumped off a boat and began to swim towards the man 4)_____was calling for help and saved him. The man who 5)_____was a rich merchant (купец). When he came to himself he thanked the brave sailor and gave him a shilling (англ. серебряная монета). By this time 6)______ people were standing round them. They called the sailor a hero and protested 7)______when the rich man gave him only a shilling. But Burns stopped them and said, "Don't cry! The gentleman knows better of course what his life is worth."

c) their c) walked c) at c) what c) saves c) little c) loudly
b)they b) is walking b)to b) which b) was saved b)few b) louder
a) them a) walks a) on a) who 5. a) saved 6. a) much 7. a) loudest
1 2 344 4.

d) theirs

d) was walking


d) whom

d) is saved

d) many

d) loud