Helpful lessons

10-year-old Jane Smith was 1) holiday with her parents and a 7-year-old sister when the tsunami (цунами) began. The people were on the beach enjoying their rest when suddenly something happened 2)______ the water: there appeared a lot of bubbles (пузырьки) and the sea retreated (отступать).

The adults were 3)_____ , but Jane was frightened. She remembered her Geography teacher, who had told her class about tsunamis some weeks 4)_____. She cried, "We must get off the beach now. I think there's going to be a tsunami.

Jane's parents 5)_____ understand her at first. "When the water went back, I was like most people on the beach. I wanted to have a look at what was going on. And only when Jane explained what was going to happen, I had second thoughts (призадуматься)," remembered Jane's mother.

Jane's parents alerted (предупреждать об опасности) tourists and they all ran off the beach as fast as they 6)______.A few minutes Inter the wa­ter rose over the beach and destroyed everything. As it turned out later, this beach was one of the few places in Thailand where no one 7) . Now Jane is back at school and her classmates are very proud of her and their Geography teacher.

1. a) at b)in c) on d)by  
2. a) to b) about c) at d)in  
3. a) inte- b) interes- c) interest d) interests  
resting ted      
4. a) earlier b) more c) early d) earliest  
5. a) haven't b) don't c) didn't d) doesn't  
6. a) could b) can c) was able d) be able  
7. a) kills b) killed c) was killed d) were killed