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Pumpkins - раздел Образование, Halloween Facts Pumpkins Have A Lovely History With Halloween. Actually They Were Found By Ir...

Pumpkins have a lovely history with Halloween. Actually they were found by Irish people when they came to America and its origin is said to be of more than 5,000 years ago. Actually the reason they became popular in this great even is that Irish immigrants thought that pumpkins are easy to carve rather than potatoes to celebrate Halloween. Pumpkins can be white, orange or black depending on the theme of parties.

9. Jack-’o-Lantern

Jack-o-Lantern history is about some hundred years ago. The story goes like this that once a man named Jack invited devil to a party, now Jack did not wanted to pay for the drinks so he had a deal with the devil and devil turned himself in coins. But instead of paying the coins, jack acted clever and didn’t pay for them and ran away. The devil then gave him a piece of coal which he used to keep in his turnip. Jack o Lantern is carved of potatoes and turnips colored.

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Halloween Facts

Halloween is celebrated in different countries worldwide as a symbol of fun and enjoyment and to have a night with ghosts and evil spirits But... Parties... As mentioned earlier that Halloween is an event which started for celebrating their autumn harvest But it has now...

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Top 10 Halloween Facts
Halloween is just coming and it is widely spread not only in America but all over the world. Halloween is celebrated on October 26, 2013 and it is considered to be the second biggest event

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