Прочитайте тексты (1—8) и установите ихсоот­ветствие с заголовками (A—F). Один заголовок лишний.Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

The history of gardening

1.The modern garden has a history going back many thousands of years. Early humans were hunters and gathered plants, and they didn't stay in one place for a long time. They traveled from place to place following the food (plants and animals) according to the seasons. About 10,000years ago this slowly began to change; humans started to grow some plants, which meant they
could remain in one place. The first were vegetable gardens, where early humans cultivated different plants for food.

2. Early agriculture included not just edible plants, such as wheat, but also ornamental plants for decorative purposes. Plants for medicine were also grown, as were herbs and spices for flavouring or preserving food. Certain plants also had spiritual value and were used in religious ceremonies.

3. Almost everybody has heard about the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon which are called one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World. This garden was created around 2,600 years ago near the river Euphrates and contained many plants, flowers-, fruit trees, stone columns and waterfalls. It was designed in terraces so the river could water it easily and as a result it was green all year round.

4. In the past gardens were planted to honour the gods, or used in religious ceremonies such as funerals or weddings. Some trees were also sacred in some cultures, as were sycamores in Egypt. Ancient Greeks planted groves — small woods — for their Gods, and many cultures believed gardens were holy.

5. As gardens have developed over the years, design and beauty have become more and more important. People have learnt to control nature and to design gardens like a building. The gardens of Versailles, in France, are an excellent example of "garden architecture" — everything is sym­metrical and even the trees are cut in a special way to fit in with the design.

A. The most famous garden

B. Works of art

C. Not a recent invention

D. The best place to rest

E. A tribute to Gods

F. Plants for different aims




Задание № 2




Раздел 3 (Грамматика и лекеика) включает три вида заданий. При выполнении упражнений в задании № 1 обратите внимание, что упражне­ния 6—10 являются более сложными.

При выполнении упражнений в заданиях № 2 и № 3 вам необходимо показать знание прой­денных грамматических правил. Если у вас воз­никнут затруднения, советуем заглянуть в грам­матические таблицы, помещенные в Грамма­тическом справочнике (см. Приложение 1). Внимательно прочитайте рекомендации к каж­дому виду заданий.

Задание № 1 Рекомендации к выполнению

В задании № 1 вам даны тексты с' пропуска­ми. В эти пропуски вам надо вставить слова и выражения, чтобы получился полный текст.

Слова и выражения для упражнений 1 — 5 да­ны перед каждым текстом. Сначала прочитайте сам текст, не обращая внимания на пропущен­ные слова. Постарайтесь понять общее содержа­ние текста. Затем прочитайте слова и выраже­ния и решите, какое из них подходит к каждому пропуску. Если вы учили слова, это задание не будет для вас сложным. Помните о том, что по­рядок слов не соответствует порядку пропусков.

Будьте внимательны! Три слова или выра­жения в списке окажутся лишними.

Упражнения 6—10 являются более сложны­ми. Выполняя их, вы сами должны домыслить, какое слово необходимо вставить для восстанов­ления текста. Читая текст, прежде всего постарайтесь понять, какая часть речи необходима для заполнения пропуска. Это может быть ар­тикль или предлог, местоимение или вспомога­тельный глагол, иногда это смысловой глагол или существительное, необходимость которых подсказана содержанием текста.

Перенесите свои ответы в таблицу. В верхней строчке проставлены номера пропусков. В ниж­ней строчке необходимо вписать пропущенное слово или выражение.

Выполнив задание, проверьте себя еще раз.

1.1. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски (1—7) со­ответствующими по смыслу словами и фразами из при­веденного списка (а—j). Три фразы или слова — лиш­ние. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

a) energetic

b) working much

c) much trouble

d) lazy

e) relaxing

f) give the impression

g) leisure activities
h) exciting activity
i) entertain

j) spare time

Are you a couch potato?

Centuries ago, people didn't have much free time, because everybody was working too hard. In Britain in the nineteenth century, people had more


1) 2)

_________,but because the Victorians hated _________ and doing nothing, they invented football, rugby and cricket. People took up more gentle activities too, like gardening or bird watching, and it was even possible simply to watch a sport and 3) ______that you were actually

doing something Gradually, 4)

_______have become less and less demanding, and most people have a variety of more or less 5)__________interests and hobbies. But now there is a new type of person who thinks that lying on the sofa watching television on Sunday afternoon or reading the newspaper from cover to cover is the most 6) ________they can manage. This is the twentieth-century couch potato. For

them, every activity is too. 7)_______ , and laziness is an art form! So how do you spend your free time? Are you a couch potato?



1.2. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски (1—7) со­ответствующими по смыслу словами и фразами из при­веденного списка (а—j). Три фразы или слова — лиш­ние. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

a) less selfish

b) playful

c) share the room

d) share the achievement

e) get along

f) playing in a team

g) make new friends
h) doing well

i) share the loss

j) to co-operate

Taking up a team sport

People worldwide enjoy sports whether they are playing in a team or doing an individual sport. Some choose team sports because they like

1)_______ , while those who take up individual sports consider team sports to have many disadvantages.

To begin with, one advantage of taking up-a team sport is the sense of team spirit. Players
learn 2)________ while working towards the same

goal. This encourages people to be 3)_______ . Moreover, playing in a team can also help one

4)_____ __. Another reason for taking up a team sport is that when you win, you 5)_______ _________ and when you lose, you have someone to 6)_________ with.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. First of all, there is a chance that not all players will 7)________ with each other. This may cause arguments and make players very competitive. In addition, when you are part of a team, you have to depend on other players.



1.3. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски (1—7) со­ответствующими по смыслу словами и фразами из при­веденного списка (а—j). Три фразы или слова — лиш­ние. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

a) most successful

b) helpless

c) picked the scientist up

d) least successful

e) dangerous

f) accidentally

g) chased him h) safe

i) unexplored

j) specially

Bad luck

Thomas Nuttall (1786—1859) was a natural scientist who spent many years studying the plants and trees of 1)_______ parts of northwest America. He was really the 2)_______ of all the explorers. He was different from them because he was almost always lost. During one of his journeys of exploration in 1812 his helpers often had to light fires in the evening so that he could find his way back to their tents.

One night he did not come back and a group went out to search for him. When Nuttall heard them in the darkness, he was frightened. He thought that they were Indians and tried to escape. Getting more and more angry, Nuttall's friends 3)______ for three days through the forest and across rivers until he 4) ____

arrived back at their tents.

Another day Nuttall was lost again. He was very tired, so he lay down to rest. An Indian found him lying there. The , scientist did not look 5)______ ; in fact, he looked quite 6)_________ .

So the Indian felt sorry for him and decided not to kill him. Instead, he 7)______ ,. carried him three miles to the river and brought him safely back home in a boat.


-------------- 1

1.4. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски (1—7) со­ответствующими по смыслу словами и фразами из при­веденного списка (а—j). Три фразы или слова — лиш­ние. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

a) which

b) protect

c) few

d) environment

e) pollution

f) save

g) rubbish
h) largest
i) many

j) dangerous


The problems of environment are important all over the world. In our country the problem of 1)_________ of Baikal and destruction of its nature is really actual.

Baikal is the 2) ___ lake on the Earth, it looks like a sea. In Baikal there are more than 2600 kinds of animals and more than 1000 species of plants. 3)___________________________ kinds of fish, birds, reptiles, insects inhabit the region of Baikal. It is 40 per cent of plants and 85 per cent of animals, 4)_______ you can meet here. They are unique.

This place is very beautiful. Many tourists come here to enjoy its nature. But many of them leave piles of 5)_______ on the Baikal shores: cans, plastic bottles, beaten glass and so on.

But the most 6) problem for the lake's nature is a lot of factories on its shores. They pour chemical and industrial waste into the Baikal's water and destruct its environment. As a result, many animals and plants die.

We must 7)_______ our unique lake against different kind of pollution. The health of our country and our planet, our health depends on it very much.



1.5. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски (1—7) со­ответствующими по смыслу словами и фразами из при­веденного списка (а—j). Три фразы или слова — лиш­ние. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

a) look

b) hardworking

c) also

d) every day

e) thick white hair

f) lazy

g) personality
h) good-looking
i) hard work

j) never

My best friend Dick

Everybody agrees that Dick has got a wonderful 1)_____ He is clever, 2)________ and he 3)______forgets his friends.

Dick comes from an old family. His parents were farm workers. Dick himself is not a farm worker. He lives with our family and spends time playing with me, my sisters and brothers. But he has not forgotten the work that his fathers and grandfathers did for many years.

Dick's favourite food is meat. He 4)____________

eats cereal, eggs and biscuits. But cooking for

Dick is not very 5)_________.

He only eats one meal a day. He doesn't say, "Thank you", but you can easily see that he means it.

We all think that Dick is very 6)_______ He has long legs and wonderful 7)________. His hair is one of his best points. We brush it every day and say, "Good old Dick! You are one of the finest Old English sheepdogs in the country."



1.6. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски соответ­ствующими по смыслу словами и фразами. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong 1)_____ born in New Orleans, USA, on July 4, 1900. When he was thirteen years 2)__________ _____,he began to play in a jazz band. He played different musical instruments.

In 1925, Armstrong went 3)______ Chicago and started his own band there. It became very popular. Armstrong and 4)________ band gave concerts in many countries.

Louis Armstrong changed the style 5)______ jazz. He invented singing without words. The classic music of black Americans became the music of all Americans.

He was 6)_______ happy man and he wanted other people to be happy too. Louis Armstrong died in his sleep on July 6, 1971. But people still remember him and listen 7)___________ his music.




1.7. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски соответ­ствующими по смыслу словами и фразами. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

An Indian tale

A wise man heard that the Rajah (раджа) liked to talk to wise people. So he came to the capital and went right to the Rajah's palace. But the wise man was 1) ________ rich and his clothes 2)________old and cheap. The Rajah looked at the man's clothes and did not like them. So the Rajah did not want to talk to him and did not invite the man in.

Next day the wise man went to his old friend and borrowed (взял взаймы) some new clothes from him. Then he again 3)______to the palace. The Rajah met the man at the door, looked at him from head to toe and said that he was happy to see him. Then the Rajah took the man to a large room where they sat 4)_______ to a rich dinner.

At dinner the Rajah saw that the wise man did not eat but put pieces of food 5)_______the pockets of his new coat. The Rajah was surprised.

"What are you 6)________ ?" he asked.

"You see," the wise man answered, "Yesterday I came in old clothes and you did not want to talk to me. 7)_________ I came in new clothes and you asked me to dinner. So I understand that this food is not for me but for my new clothes, and I feed them."



1.8. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски соответ­ствующими по смыслу словами и фразами. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Sport in our life

Many people say that they like sports because they enjoy 1)________ a game of football at a stadium or on TV while sitting in comfortable armchairs. But watching sport events and going 2)_______for sports are two different things.

Sport helps people to be healthy. At the same 3)_____ those who go in for sports try to win sports competitions. Nowadays you can train in any kind of sport. You can 4)_____physical exercises or play games at sport and fitness clubs, you can swim in swimming pools, play games on playgrounds or jog in the park.

Sport makes people healthy and strong, brave and cheerful. It helps people 5)______ good friends, especially in team sports. It's impossible to 6)_______ a game if players in a team are


7)_________ good friends.

1.9. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски соответ­ствующими по смыслу словами и фразами. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

My favourite subject is Literature

Last year Sally won 1)______competition in a bookshop. She had to guess the number of words in one of the books. The book was very long, and she decided that the answer was about ten thousand words. A few days 2)________Sally got a letter from the bookshop. It said, "Well done! You 3) guessed the correct number of words in our competition. 4)______ you like to come to the bookshop to get a present?"

Sally felt very 5)________ , and the next day she went to the bookshop again. There were a lot of people there, 6)______ a famous poet was visiting the shop. He gave a book to Sally and said, "This is for you. It's a book 7)______ love that I have just written." Sally thanked him and said, "It's really exciting. My favourite subject is Literature and I'm keen on poetry and enjoy reading poems about love and nature." Then she asked the poet to sign his name on the cover, because she wanted to show her present to all her friends at school.



1.10. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски соответ­ствующими по смыслу словами и фразами. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.



is the farthest distance you have 1)____ run? Can you imagine running more2)_____ twenty-six miles? Marathon runners do this. They perform one of 3)_______ difficult tasks in all of sports.

The marathon is 4)_______ longest race. It is more than 26 miles (about 42 kilometers). Why that number? That was the exact distance 5)_______ two ancient Greek cities. A Greek messenger ran it to report that the Greeks had won a battle. After the report he fell dead.

Nowadays the marathon has become a popular

event for runners. It 6)_______ always the last event at the Summer Olympic Games.

One of the most unusual marathon 7)_____ was Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia. He won the Olympic marathon in 1960 — he ran barefoot!





Задание № 2

Рекомендации к выполнению

В задании № 2 вам даны тексты с пропусками. Справа жирным шрифтом даны слова, кото­рые надо поставить в правильную форму, чтобы заполнить пропуски.

Внимание: слова не. надо переставлять из строчки в строчку. Каждое слово стоит именно на той строчке, где надо заполнить пропуск.

Сначала прочитайте сам текст, не обращая внимания на пропущенные слова. Постарайтесь понять общее содержание текста. Затем прочи­тайте слова справа, вспомните, какой частью ре­чи они являются.

Вспомните, какие грамматические формы, этих частей речи вы знаете.

Еще раз прочитайте текст и подумайте, в ка­кой форме должно стоять каждое слово. Иногда вам надо изменить часть речи — например, из существительного сделать прилагательное (или наоборот), а из прилагательного — наречие. Иногда по смыслу нужно поставить антоним — то же слово, но с противоположным значением.

Если у вас возникнут затруднения, советуем заглянуть в грамматические таблицы, помещен­ные в Грамматическом справочнике (см. Прило­жение 1).

Перенесите свои ответы в таблицу. В верхней строчке проставлены номера пропусков. В ниж­ней строчке необходимо вписать пропущенное слово в правильной форме.

Выполнив задание, проверьте себя еще раз.

2.1. Прочитайте текст. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

The national parks of Wales


There are three National parks in Wales, which cover one-fifth of the whole country. 1)_______

parks are protected by law because of their natural beauty, but ordinary people still live and work here.

The 2)______ (famous)of the parks is Snowdonia in the north-west.

It 3)______ (cover),840 square miles (2, 176 sq. km). It's Wales' most picturesque countryside. The 4)_______(high) mountain range in Wales is in this area, with several peaks over 3,000 5)____( foot) (910 m).

Snowdon is more than 1,085 m. You can reach the top of it on foot or by the Snowdon mountain rail­way, which is 7 kilometers long.

Many men, women and 6)_____(child)travel to the arks for special holidays. These include a large number of outdoor 7)_________(activity)


such as walking, climbing and riding, or water-sports such as canoeing and fishing. People camp and live without all the usual comforts of home.



2.2. Прочитайте текст. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Let our children be healthy!

There are many problems that 1)_____( Britain)

schools are facing today. One of them is making sure that schoolchildren eat healthy food.

In Britain, children can either choose to bring their own lunch or buy their lunch at school. Children from poorer'2)______(family)

can have free school dinners but many of them don't take their dinners for 3)____ (differ)reasons.

Here is what they say: "I hate my school dinners. The food is so disgusting!" "I never have school dinner because it's the same food every day". "Our school dinners are always cold!" "My school 4)____ (most) sells chips and pizza. Of course it sells some healthy things but they look extremely 5)__________’’(bore).

But it's not all bad. Some Brit­ish schools are making a real ef­fort to help their pupils to make the right food choices. Some run competitions for the "6)________” (healthy)class of the week, some produce information leaflets (брошюры) about the right kind of food. And 7)___________(much) important of all, they try to make their school dinners both tasty and healthy.



2.3. Прочитайте текст. Измените слова справа так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

They had a narrow escape (Они чудом избежали гибели)

Everybody 1)____

_____ summer enjoy

holidays. People usually have a fantastic time and a lot of fun. But it happens so, if they behave in a proper way, have a sense of responsibility and obey simple rules.

Last summer a group of tour­
ists 2)______ became shark food near


tell good fall be they

when they visited an aquarium (ак­
вариум) in New Orleans, the USA.
The tourists 3) to wait

for their turn and come to a spe­cial platform by the ten people.

Trying to get a 4)_______ look at

the deadly animals twenty or more tourists got on that plat­form. It collapsed (обвалиться)

and they 5)_____ into the water.

Some of the sharks (акулы) in

the aquarium 6)_______ as big as

the people — but luckily they had

already had 7)______ breakfast.

As they weren't hungry the sharks stayed away from the tourists, giving the stuff (персо­нал) time to rush to the people's rescue (броситься на помощь).

2.4. Прочитайте текст. Измените слова справа так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

The Exxon Valdez disaster (Катастрофа)

Alaska is a land of clear sea and skies, and great 1).