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СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЁН. КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ - раздел Образование, ENGLISH GRAMMAR I. Выберите Один Из Предложенных Вариантов Ответа: ...

I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. The secretary asked her boss what time (would he leave / he was leaving) for the airport.

2. He wondered what (he should do / should he do) to set the situation right.

3. Melvin promised (to pay / paying) back the money as soon as possible.

4. Mr. Ferrow suggested (talking / that he would talk) to the CEO in person.

5. The company’s executive director informed the staffers that they (will be given / would be given) a few days off.

6. The Marketing Director inquired when the launch campaign of the new product (is going / was going) to take place.

7. Mr. Martin denied that she (had taken / took) any money from the company.

8. The teacher explained that the elements of the marketing mix (focused / focus) on the consumer.

9. We found out that the new trainee (was promoted / had been promoted) over the heads of several of his seniors.

10. The shop assistant told us (do not touch / not to touch) any of the items on display.


II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. Katherine’s told me she … for a better job at the moment.

a. was looking b. looks c. looked d. is looking

2. Last year’s financial statement indicates that it … a very profitable year for the company.

a. is b. was c. has been d. had been

3. The financial adviser convinced the CEO that the new project … a success.

a. will be b. is going to be c. would be d. was

4. The suppliers said that they already … us the duplicate invoice.

a. had sent b. have sent c. would send d. were sending

5. He warned me … my shares yet.

a. do not sell b. about selling c. to sell d. not to sell

6. Last year our company operated less efficiently than it … this year.

a. did b. does c. have done d. would do

7. The merger you … about now was announced yesterday.

a. were talking b. talked c. are talking d. have been talking

8. The correspondent asked the Returning Officer … on the election results.

a. to comment b. don’t comment c. commented d. would comment

9. I want to know … new staff for the summer.

a. would they be employing c. will they be employing

b. if they would be employing d. if they will be employing

10. The manager threatened … the clerk if he didn't change his attitude to work.

a. that he will dismiss c. to dismiss

b. dismissing d. that he dismissed

11. The Managing Director said at the meeting that he … a joint venture … the best way to break into the foreign market.

a. thinks; was b. thinks; is c. thought; is d. thought; was

12. We learnt that a market … an arrangement through which people … for the purpose of buying and selling merchandise.

a. is; meet b. was; met c. is; met d. was; meet

13. The bank ordered the company … its activity until a thorough inspection … .

a. suspend; is completed c. suspending; completes

b. to suspend; was completed d. not to suspend; completed

14. My personal assistant informed me that Ms Sullivan … while I … out.

a. phoned; was c. was phoning; had been

b. had phoned; had been d. had phoned; was

15. The purchasing director wanted to know how much … .

a. the new equipment costs c. the new equipment cost

b. did the new equipment cost d. does the new equipment cost

III. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1. He said, “The company carries out a lot of research to make sure that the commercial will appeal to the target audience.”

2. The suppliers threatened us, “We’ll sue you if you cancel the agreement.”

3. The chief accountant said to the employees, “You’ll be given a 10% salary increase next month.”

4. The customs officer asked Mr. Vito, “Do you have anything to declare?”

5. She said, “I met Mr. Luis while I was attending Seattle World’s Fair.”

6. They cautioned me, “Don’t make a statement before you’ve consulted the lawyer.”

7. The book said, “Supply is the amount of a commodity that producers are willing and able to offer for sale at a specified price.”

8. The Vice President announced, “We’re not going to compromise with our rivals.”

9. We asked the corporate management, “When are you planning to set up a subsidiary?”

10. The director-general asked Miss Benson’s immediate boss, “Could you tell Miss Benson that she has been made redundant?”


– Конец работы –

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  Практикум по грамматике английского языка для студентов экономических специальностей высших учебных заведений     Минск

Тарасевич, Т.В.
English Grammar: Практикум по грамматике английского языка для студентов экономических специальностей вузов / Т.В. Тарасевич. – Минск: БГЭУ, 2008. – 51 c.     Д

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