In this article the political time is analyzed in accordance to its inner heterogeneity, presence of different «time layers» in it. The structural approach of F. Braudel`s different ranges of the temporality is being used. The authors propose according to the methodological aims to analyze political time through the prism of its micro, meso and macro levels using mainly the contemporary ideas of B. Kubicek, D. North, G. Modelski and others. According to the authors` idea, the political time issued in a such aspect could not only efficiently explain the «black holes» of the political dynamics through the discovering of the new ways of the integration of political behavior micro basis in the researches of macro historical processes, but, what is more important, could enrich the political theory so it has an opportunity to find the solution of contemporary problems that is now out of its view.


Key words: the political time, chronopolitics, range (level, scale) of temporality, «non-routine politics», «path dependence», «long cycle» theory in the world politics




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