рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект


Speaking - раздел Образование, UNIT 3 HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE USA. HARVARD. 4.1 Listen To The Dialogue And Read It In Roles.   At ...

4.1 Listen to the dialogue and read it in roles.


At the Campus Cafe

Applicant: Excuse me, do you study at this university?

Student: Yes, I do.

A: The fact is that I hope to enter this university, so I’d like to learn more about it.

S: I am glad to be a student here.

A: Why? What do you like about the university?

S: In my opinion, it’s a great university to study at, because it has a long teaching history. Many famous people graduated from it. The President and the faculty really do their best to educate students.

A: What is your major, by the way?

S: Criminal Justice. I want to be a lawyer.

A: Oh! So do I. How long does the complete course last?

S: About six years.

A: How do you learn to become a lawyer?

S: First of all we listen to lectures and take notes, attend classes and seminars.

We spend much time in the library and at the Computer Center.

A: I guess you have many different assignments, don’t you?

S: You are right. Every week we write essays in English classes.We make presentations, work at research projects etc.

A: I see it takes much time and hard work to become a lawyer.

S: There is no doubt about it.


4.2 Reconstruct the dialogue translating Russian expressions into English.


Applicant: Извините, Вы учитесь в этом университете?

Student: Yes, I do.

A: The fact is that я надеюсь поступить в этот университет, so I’d like to learn more about it.

S: Я рад быть студентом здесь.

A: Why? What do you like about the university?

S: По моему мнению, it’s a great university to study at, because it has a long teaching history. Многие известные люди окончили его. The President and the преподавательский состав really делают все возможное, to educate students.

A: What is your специальность, by the way?

S: Уголовное судопроизводство. Я хочу быть юристом.

A: Oh! So do I. Сколько времени длится полный курс?

S: About six years.

A: Как вы учитесь to become a lawyer?

S: First of all мы слушаем лекции и записываем, посещаем занятия и семинары. Мы проводим много времени в библиотеке and at the Computer Center.

A: Я полагаю you have many different assignments, don’t you?

S: You are right. Every week мы пишем эссе на занятиях по английскому языку. Мы делаем презентации, работаем над исследовательскими проектами и т.д.

A: I see требуется много времени and hard work to become a lawyer.

S: There is no doubt about it.


4.3 Reproduce the dialogue reconstructing the student’s part.

At the Campus Cafe

Applicant: Excuse me, do you study at this university?


A: The fact is that I hope to enter this university, so I’d like to learn more about it.


A: Why? What do you like about the university?


A: What is your major, by the way?


A: Oh! So do I. How long does the complete course last?


A: How do you learn to become a lawyer?


A: I guess you have many different assignments, don’t you?


A: I see it takes much time and hard work to become a lawyer.



4.5 Add to the dialogue some words and expressions from the Units 1 and 2 and act it out.


4.6 Compose and act out the dialogues in the following situations.

– Your friend was granted a bachelor’s degree in one of the USA universities. Ask him about the university and the typical way of studying there.

– Ask the NVCJA trainee about details of the course there.

– An American professor will conduct Criminal Justice courses for your group. Before classes he wants to introduce himself, his university and answer your questions.

– Конец работы –

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Все темы данного раздела:


Topical vocabulary
2.1 Listen and pronounce the following words and expressions after the speaker Major – специальность, профилирующий предмет Curriculum – учебный план Campus – территория

Present Indefinite Active
+ ? - I

Present Indefinite Passive
+ ? -   I am

Before reading
5.1 Read and translate some international words: college, university, collection, specialize in, private, public, percent, student, institution, president, various, professor, faculty, acade

After reading
5.8 Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones. a) A university is a collection of colleges each of which specializes in different field. b) College

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