рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Exercise 47. Read the text and match the words/phrases in bold with definitions 1-13 below.

Exercise 47. Read the text and match the words/phrases in bold with definitions 1-13 below. - раздел Образование, GRAMMAR: IDIRECT SPEECH. SEQUENCE OF TENSES. COMPARATIVE STRUCTURES.   Two Security Guards Were Kidnapped And Held ...


Two security guards were kidnapped and held hostage for twelve hours by a gang of armed robbers, who attempted to raid a security depot. The robbers held the guards gunpoint and forced them to hand over keys and security information . They then proceeded to fill a lorry with more than £53 million in notes . Another £150 million was left behind because there was no more room in the getaway vehicle. Luckily, one of the guards managed toraise the alarm, and the police arrived and arrested the gang before they could escape. Eye witnesses said that they saw at least eight men being arrested.



1. continued to _____ ______

2. a group of criminals who work together _______

3. took someone away because they have done something illegal ___________

4. thieves carrying weapons _ ____

5. an attack by criminals on a bank, shop, etc., to steal money or valuable things ______

6. (doing something) while threatening to shoot someone _ ___

7. people whose job it iis to protect people or a place, or to make sure that a person does not escape _____ _____

8. leave a place or dangerous situation when someone is trying to catch you ________

9. people who saw the crime _________

10. tried _____

11. warn people that something bad is happening___________

12. made someone do this _______

13 a vehicle for the escape__________



– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:



Если Вам нужно дополнительный материал на эту тему, или Вы не нашли то, что искали, рекомендуем воспользоваться поиском по нашей базе работ: Exercise 47. Read the text and match the words/phrases in bold with definitions 1-13 below.

Что будем делать с полученным материалом:

Если этот материал оказался полезным ля Вас, Вы можете сохранить его на свою страничку в социальных сетях:

Все темы данного раздела:

    1. I thought you’d like to get a good story.   I thought you’d like to cook me something tas

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English using speech patterns.
1. Какая красивая картина! Давай купим ее. 2. Какие удобные туфли! Я чувствую себя в них как в тапочках. 3. Какая великолепная погода! Собирай вещи, мы едим на дачу! 4. Я

After O.Henry I was doing work on a newspaper. of One day Tripp came in and leaned on my table. Tri

Vocabulary notes.
lean v.(leaned or leant) наклоняться; lean forward/ back наклоняться вперед/назад; lean over наклониться, склониться над чем-то; lean on/a

Note:окна моей комнаты выходят в сад/на море my room overlooks the garden/the ocean.
lookn взгляд; to have a look at посмотреть на что-либо   set (set,set) v. ставить, класть, помещать, расставлять, устанавли

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions about the text.
  l , How did Tripp make his living? 2. What did he look like? 3. Why, do you think, Tripp was more miserable than ever that morning? 4. What was · the matt

Exercise 7.Amazement andenjoymentare made by adding
the suffix –ment to verbs. Form nouns from the following verbs by adding –ment and make up short sentences to show what they mean: disappoint, agree, arrange, amuse

Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. Robert was leaning forward, talking to the people in front. 2. Look over there- there’s a rainbow! 3. If looks could kill. 4. Mr. Garcia looks down on anyone who hasn’

Exercise 12. Match the words to their definition.
    1.guess   2. look   3. inquire 4. lean   5. set   6. appearance 7. circumstances   8. patc

Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with a correct word or a phrase.
Look (3) Lean (3) set (2) appear (2) appearance leave circumstances guess patch (3) amaze amazement (2) 1. She … forward and whispered something in my ear.

Exercise 14. Fill in the prepositions.
1. She leant the brush … the wall. 2. I sat down next to Tom, who leaned … to me and said “You’re late”. 3. Ann leant her head … his shoulder. 4. She was looking … to see

Put the expression in the box into the right column.
  Saturday the weekend Monday morning breakfast New Year’s Day July the winter/the summer the twenty-first century lunchtime Thursday afternoon

Exercise 16. Read the message and choose the correct variant.
Mr Lewis - here are your flight details for later this week: You depart from Heathrow at/ on 8.30 - /in the morning on / in 23 April (Thursday ). You arrive in Dubai to

Exercise 17. Translate the sentences into English, using the vocabulary of Lesson Two.
1.Мария подошла к Майклу,села рядом с ним,наклониласьк нему и прошептала: « Я тебя люблю, я полюбила тебя с первого дня нашего знакомства. И вот уже 20 лет как мы вместе.»

Exercise 18. Translate the following sentences into English using word combinations and phrases of Lesson Two.
1. Продолжайте бегать (to jog) по утрам и вы всегда будите в форме (fit and slim). 2. Она протянула свою руку за бокалом вина и я увидел, к моему удивлению, оче

  What do you remember most about your childhood? Run­ning through the grass or the Saturday morning TV cartoons? Sitting in the kitchen watching your mother cook supper or sitting in

Exercise 20. Find the English for the following phrases.
1. Что в начале (сперва) 2. вспоминать 3. Современный, новейший, стоящий на уровне современных требований 4. Реклама в журнале 5. Реклама на телевидении

Exercise 21. Answer the following questions.
  1. What influence does TV have on children's lives? Do you remember the TV programmes that you watched when you were a child? 2. Why do you think people often refer to &quo

Exercise 26. Translate the following sentences into English using the words from the text.
1. Он сказал, что реклама на телевидение очень важна, так как она стимулирует людей на покупки. 2. Она сказала, что все средства массовой информации можноразделить на два

Exercise 27. Complete the sentences, using the following words in the right place. Give your own headline to this text.
television pamphlet comics billboards skywriting book internet email websites radio film newspaper The mass media intend to reach a large audience by mass communica

Exercise 29. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.
  Спутниковое телевидение; сеть; телевизионные часы пик; включать/выключать радио; музыкальная заставка к теме, мелодии из кинофильмов; диктор; ведущий/ ведущая телепрограммы; ведущий

Exercise 31. Translate the following sentences into English, using words and word combinations of exercise 28.
1. Майк сказал, что он установил (to install) себе спутниковое ТВ и теперь может смотреть ВВС и другие новостные каналы. 2. Ведущий этой телевикторины очень известный актер и

Exercise 35. In the box there are some words to describe different types of TV programmes or newspapers. Match them with their definitions below.
    Broadsheet chat show quiz show soap opera tabloid sitcom contestant     _ 1. A televisi

Exercise 36. Complete the sentences with words from the box.
soap newsreaders contestants audience documentary chat shows microphone quiz show   1 The____wasn't working so no one could hear him!

Exercise 37. a) Put the words and phrases in the box into the correct columns.
Cameraman documentary journalist headline quiz show   the front page soap newsreader celebrity review section     editor article chat show main st

B) Use the words and phrases above to complete the sentences.
1 You can read about new books and films in the _ of the Sunday paper. 2 We saw a about wild animals in Africa on TV. It followed the movements of lions. 3 I watch t

A) rewrite or retell it in reported speech.
FRANCIS So tell me, Shelley, I'm curious about the media in America. Do people read mostly regional or national newspapers over there? SHELLEY I think that really most people read regional

Exercise 39. Match the words on the left with their description on the right.
      a. foreign correspondent   b. brochure     c. review     d. section   e. article

Exercise 40.
  a) Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.   брошюра; бульварная пресса (газета); крупноформатная газета; мало

Exercise 41. Translate into English, using the words from exercise 38.
1. Ты видел заголовок в газете? Это статья обо мне и о моей фирме. 2. На первой странице газеты «Аргументы и Факты» отчет (report) премьер министра о проделанной работе в это

Exercise 42. a) Read the text and choose the best endings for the sentences below.
1. Janet Cooke was A a very poor woman. B a journalist. C a newspaper editor.   2. She invented a story about

When no news is real news - the journalists who lied and got caught
Open a newspaper and you expect to read, more or less, the truth. So what happens when it turns out that journalists invent their stories? Ask Stephen Glass or Jayson Blair or Janet Cooke. They all

B) Now listen to the news stories and answer the questions.
1. Who did Niall Smith study? 2. What food and drink should the children eat and drink less of? 3. What two things will the town of Fincher build in place of the houses?

B) Read the article to check your answers.
    Man on the Moon. There are claims that Neil Armstrong's 'giant

A Royal Affair
Diana, Princess of Wales, was killed on 31st August 1997, after her car crashed as it was driving through the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris. Conspiracy theorists have claimed that Diana's death wa

The Death of a President
m Suspects in the assassination of President John F Kennedy included the FBI the Cuban leader Fidel Castro, and many

Exercise 46. Read an account of an important news event. Complete the text with phrases a)-h).
  11 February 2000: Nelson Mandela's release from prison II was in the crowd on the parade in Cape Town that day. It was a hot day, and 1 to see Mandela walk free from the pr

Exercise 48. Match the headlines 1-10 with the explanations a) –j).
1. Prime Minister’s wife dies in crash 2. World Trade Center attacked 3. Student demonstration turns violet 4. Workers threaten strikes 5. Massive earthquake hit

Exercise 49. Match the headlines with the articles. Then choose any news you liked and tell it to the class.

Facebook trap
    A man who was on the run from police in the US revealed where he was hiding through a series of Facebook updates.   Cameroon-born Maxi Sopo fa

Exercise 53. Tell the class what you asked people and what they answered.
I asked Giovanni if he read a newspaper every day. He said he read 'La Stampa ' most days.     Exercise 54. Comment on the following quotations:

Reporting statements
  I. 1. We can report what someone says in two ways: using direct speech and indirect speech. When we use direct speech, we use the exact words that someone says. Whe

Tense changes in indirect speech
  Original words Reported statements Present simple: “We work for the town council.” Past simple: They said

Exercise 55. Choose the correct verb from the words in brackets.
1.I said that I didn't (understand, understood) this sentence. 2.The porter knew that the train (would, will, had) be late. 3.Th

Exercise 56. Read the newspaper report and choose the correct words in italics.
In Court This Week. Maggie Givans reports from Brentford Magistrates' Court   On Tuesday, local shopkeeper Barry Southgate appeared in court for dangerous dri

Exercise 57. Match the speech sentences 1-8 with the reported statements A-H.
1. Adrian’s revising for and exam at the moment. 2. I’m going to take the exam tomorrow. 3. I was revising for the exam yesterday evening. 4. I’ve already taken an exam t

Exercise 59. Complete the reported statements. Make the necessary changes.
POLITI CIAN (to reporters) : I'm ready to answer your questions. The politician told the reporters that he was ready to answer their questions. REPORTER: People w

Exercise 60. Read the dialogue, then complete the text.
  Suzy Hi,Jane. What are you doing here? JaneI'm buying some curtains. We moved into our new house last month and there's lots of work to do

Exercise 61. Rewrite the quotes in reported speech. Do not change the tense if it is possible not to.
1. ‘The museum was opened to the public in 1965.' The guidebook says ... .................................................... ……………………………………………………………………. 2. 'I'll take

Exercise 66. Give the exact words of the speaker in the following sentences, i.e turn them from Indirect Speech into Direct Speech.
1. Hob said that his friend was a painter . 2. The painter said that he wanted to paint the old man. 3. The teacher said that Olaf would never paint well. 4. Hiram Boost

Exercise 67. Translate into English.
1. Нина сказала, что скоро вернется, и ушла. 2. Он сказал, что не уйдет, пока все не узнает. 3. Она сказала мне, что позвонит брату, если не получит от него e-mail на этой неделе.

Reporting questions
  I. 1. Indirect questions are not real questions so they do not have the word order of questions or a question mark(?): I said: 'Where does Penny live?'

Reporting questions
  I. 1. Indirect questions are not real questions so they do not have the word order of questions or a question mark(?): I said: 'Where does Penny live?'

Exercise 73. Put the following questions into indirect speech.
1. 'Where is the ticket office?' asked Mrs Jones. 2. 'What platform does the train leave from?' asked Bill. 3. 'When does it arrive in York?' he asked. 4. 'When was the t

Exercise 75. Put the following questions into indirect speech.
1. 'Did they understand what you said to them?' he asked me. 2. 'Are you being attended to, sir?' said the shop assistant. 3. 'Do you see what I see, Mary?' said the young man.

Exercise 76. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Мы спросили его, куда он идет. 2. Мы спросили его, когда он свободен. 3. Мы спросили его, где его машина. 4. Мы спросили его, в чем дело. 5. Мы спросили его,

Exercise 77. Translate into English.
1. Мама спросила меня, почему я не прочитала эту книгу. 2. Журналист спросил писателя, над какой книгой он сейчас работает. 3. Он спросил меня, когда я в последний раз видел Мери.

Reported requests, orders, and advice.
In indirect speech, we use ask, tell and advise like this to report requests and advice: The secretary askedus to fill i

Exercise 78. Read the email and choose the correct words in italics.
Subject: I hate exams!   Hi Vicki I've just come back from my Spanish oral exam . It was awful! I was really nervous. Our teacher had advised us try to stay calm/

Exercise 79. Complete the reported orders, requests, advice and warnings. Use tell, ask, advise or warn.
'Don't talk in the library.' The librarian told us not to talk in the library...........................   1'I'd take some food for the journ

Exercise 81. Put the following sentences into indirect speech.
  1. 'Come to the cinema with me,' he asked her. 2. 'Cook it in butter,' I advised her. 3. 'Don't touch the gates, madam,' said the lift operator. 4. 'Don't

Exercise 82. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Я попросил Ольгу дать мне совет. 2. Учитель сказал ученикам не выходить из класса. 3. Учитель попросил студента стереть с доски. 4. Мама попросила меня закрыть окно.

Sequence of Tenses.
‘One tense back’if the principle clause is in the past tense!     I knew (that) she lived in London. they wer

Exercise 83. Replace the infinitives in brackets with the most suitable tenses.
  1. The secretary (announce) to the visitors that the director already (sign) the documents which (arrive) by air-mail an hour before. 2. I (be) under the impression that Mary (leave

Exercise 84. Translate the following sentences into English.
1.Я заметила, что он смотрит на меня. 2.Я знала, что он не вернется. 3. Я знал, что случилось что-то ужасное. 4. Рик обещал, что все буд

Exercise 85. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Она думала, что завтра будет хорошая погода. 2. Я не знал, что ты еще здесь. Я думал, что ты давно ушел. 3. Он думал, что все уже ушли, но друзья все еще ждали его. Он спросил,

Exercise 86. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Сестра сказала, что хочет приехать к нам сама. 2. Я знала, что она очень занята и поэтому не пригласила ее на вечер. 3. Никто не знал, что вы здесь ждете. Пойдемте в дом , там

Pets for sale.

Exercise 87. Translate into Russian and comment on the degree of comparison.
  1. His brother is four years older than he. 2. His brother is twice as old as he is. 3. A qualified typist gets nearly twice as much as an unskilled one.

Exercise 88. Paraphrase to clarify the meaning of the words in bold type.
1. His English is now a great deal better than before. 2. The more you learn, the less you remember. 3. Th

Exercise 89. Complete the given phrases.
1. The sooner, .... 2. The longer the day (is), ... . 3. The more we learn, .... 4. The more expensive the wedding, .... 5. The later . one goes to bed, ... .

Exercise 90. Choose the best answer, А or В.
1. Your sunglasses are similar to mine. А They are exactly the sаmе. B. They are almost the sаmе. 2. Jackie isn't as friendly as Lucy. А Lucy is friend

Exercise 92. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the words in brackets.
  1. Lions are stronger than tigers. (aren't) Тigers…………………………... lions. 2. I’m not as old as mу sister. (than) Му sister . .........................

Exercise 93. Complete these sentences using the comparative of the words in brackets (+than).
  1. You look ………you were last year. Have you lost weight? (thin) 2. You won’t believe it but he is …….. his sister. (talkative) 3. I usually buy vegetables at the m

Exercise 94. Use the right degree of comparison of the adjectives in brackets.
1. He's а far (intelligent) person than my brother. 2. The first edition of the dictionary is (good), he new one is (good). 3. He is (angry) than I had expected. 4. To

Exercise 95. Use the right degree of comparison of the adjectives in brackets.
1. I must say mу position is (good) nоw than before. 2. She is the (clever) in her group. 3. If you try to press him, the situation will nоt bе (easy) for you .

Exercise 96. Use the right degree of comparison of the adjectives in brackets.
  1. He laughs (good), who laughs last. 2. He who laughs last, laughs (long). 3. Of two evils, choose the (little). 4. My aunt is the (old) of the four si

Exercise 97. Use the right degree of comparison of the adjectives in brackets. Retell the text.
  А funny thing happened on the boat that morning . It was (cold) than usual when I woke, аnd, as I was in а hurry to put the shirt оn, I dropped it into the water. It made me angry,

Exercise 98. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Чем дешевле товар , тем быстрее он продаете,& 2. Больному все хуже день ото дня. 3.Это крайне важная новость, сообщи ее всем. 4. Чем выше мы подни мал ись, тем тру

Exercise 99. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Это, конечно, более короткий путь, но есть еще один, раза в два короче. 2. Старший брат в семье старше своей сестры на З года и в 3 раза старше самого младшего брата. 3. Наше

Exercise 100. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Из двух проектов второй более интересный. 2. Это был самый лучший день в моей жизни. 3. Чем скорее он перестанет общаться с ней, тем лучше. 4.Чем меньше т

The Story So Far
  The idea of a machine able to broadcast both sound and vision goes back to 1875. But it wasn't until 1926 that a Scottish engineer turned the idea into a practical reality. Now, his

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