1. Comment on the following quotation: “An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.” George Mikes 2. What quotation can you think of that is suitable for Russian people?

3. What images do you have of the following nationalities? The British, Americans, Italians, Germans, Japanese, Brazilians. 4. Do you think your images are realistic or stereotypical?


Read this text about three nations and point out what they have in common and what they differ in .You are given only the opening part about the Russians, you are welcome to go on talking about them using any lexical units from the text. Be inventive and creative!

Stereotypes of several nations

Traditionally the British have been known as insular, they are reputed to be superior, snobbish, aloof and haughty people who do not yell in the… There are some national characteristics that are typical of many people and… One often hears of the Englishman's «reserve», how he likes to «keep himself to himself», and how on a long railway…


2. Does the author acknowledge the existence of a stereotype? 3. How have the British been known traditionally? 4. How do visitors find an ordinary Briton?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give a suitable Russian translation of the following units from the text.

2. the British have been known as insular 3. they are reputed to be superior, snobbish, aloof and haughty people 4. English are said to be prim

II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian units.

2. судить о людях 3. кричат на улице 4. нельзя противоречить никому, когда обсуждаете погоду

Vocabulary in practice

I. Match the word with its definition.

2. hail b. the general idea, opinion or belief concerning the character of a person 3. reputation c. frozen rain or particles of ice falling from the sky

II. Paraphrase the underlined using lexical units from the text.

2. He seems to be an arrogant fellow. 3. It’s not polite to shout in the street. 4. Bob always demonstrates polite behaviour.

III. Find the odd one out. There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.


1. similar different dissimilar

2. a multi-racial society a multi-lingual society a monoculture

3. immigrants emigrants migrants

4. the Normans the Romans the Saxons

5. to intermarry to interfere to integrate

6. asylum refuge shelter

7. prejudice bias criticism

IV. Match the idiom in the left column with the translation in the right one.

1. as cool as a cucumber a. беспечный, беззаботный

2. to be on the high horse b. высказываться откровенно

3. look down one’s nose c. быть замкнутым, необщительным

4. come off the high horse d. важничать, высокомерно держаться

5. keep up with the Joneses e. самообладание

6. keep oneself to oneself f. общительный

7. stiff upper lip g. невозмутимый

8. a good mixer h. перестать важничать

9. to speak one’s mind i. смотреть свысока

10. happy-go-lucky j. держаться наравне, не отставать от других

V. Make up a story with any idiom.

VI. Make up a dialogue with as many idioms as possible.


1. Choose two adjectives that you think describe the nationalities listed below. Choose two countries of your own to describe.

punctual • outgoing • hospitable • aggressive

• tolerant • nationalist • talkative • polite

• romantic • well-dressed • sociable • rude

• respectful • humorous • serious • arrogant

• hard- • lazy • quiet • ignorant

working • sophisticated • formal • casual

• emotional

American British French Japanese

Country Adjective A sentence about the people ItalyItalian The Italians eat a lot of pasta. Brazil

Add some nationalities to the list and characterize them.



Choose two or three other nationalities and brainstorm common stereotypes that you have heard people use about them.


I. Working on your own, write down five or six stereotypes for your own nationality.

b. Did the completed statements make you feel uncomfortable? Why? Why not? c. In general, were your responses positive or negative? II. List the stereotypes under positive, negative or neutral. What does this tell us about stereotypes?

IV. What is, in your opinion, the best way to challenge a stereotype.

V. What you have seen here are national stereotypes. Can you think of other kind of stereotypes?


Read the following dialogue and give its contents.

A: Are we talking about a struggle for superiority? B: Yes, but we measure our superiority in different ways. Ours is cultural and… A: So in what ways are they superior?


a) From your own experience of English people, in real life, on TV or in films, do you think the attitudes described in the reading text are common amongst them today?

b) The following is taken from an article entitled What I have learnt from the movies. The article was intended to be amusing. Can you think of any examples of movies where these plot lines exist? Is there anything wrong with the stereotypes that are produced in films like this?

• If an American is involved in a martial arts fight with skilful oriental fighters, he or she will always win. It does not matter if he/she is heavily outnumbered: the enemies will wait patiently to attack one by one by dancing around in a threatening manner until the American has knocked out the other members of the gang.

• An American soldier will survive any battle in any war unless he makes the mistake of showing someone a picture of his sweetheart back home.


Does anyone in the group have stereotypes of other nationalities? Where do these images come from? Do you have stronger stereotypical images of people who live nearer to your country, or of people who live on the other side of the world? Are there stereotypes of people who live in certain areas of your country?


Work together.

Choose a nationality that you think it is very easy to imitate. Devise a scene which will clearly indicate to other people in the class who you are imitating. Act the scene out for the rest of the class. Don't tell them which nationality you are imitating, don't mention the nationality and don't use any words from the language spoken by this nationality.

When you have finished, discuss whether the stereotype images you produced were fair, unfair, complimentary or derogatory.


1. How would you portray your nation?

2. How accurate do you think national stereotypes are?

3. Do you think stereotypes can be harmful or dangerous? Why? Why not?

4. What are your country’s national stereotypes?

a) The following line is about the English:

Englishness, however, didn't free my spirit so well as being truly foreign did.

Which other nationality strikes you as being truly free-spirited? Describe the people you most admire for their free spirits. Explain what it is about their behaviour that you like and how you learnt about them.

b) When you were a child, did you want to be different from the way you were - a

different nationality or living with different people in a different place? Write an ac-

count of the alternative lifestyle you devised for yourself.


Make up monologues on the following situations.

1. You have a very definite opinion of the British and you are eager to share it with other students.

2. Other nations see the Russians differently, don’t they?

3. We do have some national stereotypes, though they are not always objective and sometimes may be harmful.

Make up dialogues on the following situations.

1. You are discussing the image of the British. Discuss whether we have realistic or stereotypical generalizations of the nation.

2. Discuss with your partner how you view the Americans.

3. You are discussing how the world sees the Russians.



1. What images do others have of people from your country? How can you find out? (There are some suggestions below). When you have collected information, discuss whether national stereotypes can be useful, or whether they are always derisive and

liable to prolong racist attitudes.

2. You are to arrange an exhibition of national stereotypes. What exhibits would you design? It could be something representing your country (or other countries) in the world, focusing on some themes such as a culture, technology or history. The choice is yours!

Decide what kinds of activities you will provide for the visitors.


Some students are to be talk masters who are to interview people of different nationalities. Each group, consisting of one talk master and the people being interviewed, acts out their talk show in front of the group. The rest of the group are the audience and may ask additional questions or put forward suggestions regarding the topic, the people being interviewed or the talk master himself.


You are to think of the plus points (P), minus points (M) and interesting points (I) of an idea of stereotyping.


Make your own presentation of any nationality. Make sure that the group knows all the words from your presentation (do it any way you like). Be ready to check the group and get a good feedback.


• Find the e-mail addresses of schools, colleges and universities in other countries. Send them e-mails asking them to reply giving an honest impression of what their nationality thinks about yours.

• Go online to foreign newspapers and try to find articles about your country.

Look for profiles of politicians or other famous people from your country. They often contain generalisations about the place that the person is from.

• Collect information and find the ideas and impressions that regularly occur.

If you find the impressions amusing or inaccurate, write a reply, giving a more realistic account of yourselves.


I. Translate the following article from Russian into English.

Русские имеют очень смутное представление о классических Британских стереотипах. Мы не полностью понимаем крикет, пяти – часовой чай, сады с розами,… Британцы также воспринимаются как люди, у которых послушная, не подверженная… Такие термины, как «невозмутимый», «элитный», «невмешивающийся» и «безразличный» используются, чтобы описать англичан,…

II. Act as interpreters, translate from English into Russian and from Russian into English.

America as seen by Britons.

S. –Sheila B. –Bob I. Вы считаете, что Нью-Йорк такой же космополитический, как и Лондон?

England as seen by Americans

I= Interviewer T= Terry I.Итак, Терри, вы пробыли в этой стране довольно долго. T. Mmm.

III. This is the text for liaison translation. One student translates the text into Russian sentence by sentence and asks students to translate it into English with their books closed.

Stereotypes about the Russians

"People from other countries have a lot of different stereotypes about the Russians, and very often these stereotypes are wrong, because people from other countries don't know the Russians very well. But I must say that it is impossible to know and understand the Russians very well, because we are unpredictable, we act very differently in different situations. Foreigners don't understand us, for example, when we are happy, we cry, when something is wrong, we smile. A man from some other culture will ask 'Why?' and a Russian will answer 'I don't know'. So, it's obvious that the Russians themselves don't know who they are, but I'm absolutely sure that the Russians can do great things".

National Traits

"The Russians are very sympathetic. Most of them will always give money to the beggars. Their hearts bleed for others as they try to put… "Another national feature of the Russians is optimism, and belief in a… "They never give up or get cast down. Humor always helps. The Russians try to be in a good mood, that helps them…


"Hospitality stems from Russian history of a multinational state, where people of different nationalities, values, beliefs live together, help… "When guests come, the Russians try to do their best to make their guests… "If you are invited by a Russian family, you shouldn't have dinner before leaving your place for theirs. Many…

Friendship and Assistance

"There's a saying in Russia: "don't have a hundred of rubles, but have a hundred of friends". In practice, it will turn out, that… "The Russians are very kind and helpful. They are always ready to help a… "The Russians need somebody close and intimate, to whom they can talk anytime, who will always help them. These…

Attitude to work

"Russian people work for a better future. They study a lot, they gain knowledge, in a word, do everything for getting a job they like. To prove… "If we look at Russian fairy-tales, we'll see that the main character… "There is a tendency to value self-reliance and hard work. The more you work, the better you work, the more you…

IV. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

2. Не может быть, что он кричит на улице. 3. Если бы я смогла, я бы описала самую поразительную черту их характера. 4. Жаль, что они так высоко ценили частную жизнь.


a) Look at the people in the photograph. Imagine they are people you know. Write a description of the people. Refer to the following:

· where they come from

· what theydo

· their relationship with each other

· other aspects of their lifestyle (hobbies, food and drink etc).

b) Write an informal letter to someone who is planning to visit your country for the first time. Imagine that he/she comes from a country which is nothing like yours (in a different continent, with completely different geography, weather and people). Help this person by describing the kind of people he/she is going to meet.



1. Q: If you drop a white hat into the Red Sea, what does it become? A: Wet.

2. Q: What do you call a boomerang that won't come back? A: A stick.

3. Q: Where do you find giant snails? A: On the ends of their fingers. (Giants' nails.)

4. Q: What travels around the world and stays in a corner? A: A stamp.

5. Q: What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean? A: A blackboard.

6. Q: What do you call a pig with three eyes? A: A piiig.

7. Q: Why did the boy balloon chase the girl balloon? A: Because he wanted to see her bust!

8. Q: What do you call a fish with no eyes? A: fsh (No letter "i", so no i's.)

9. Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes? A: No idea. (No eye deer)

10. Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes or legs? A: Still no idea.

11. Q: Where do cows go for entertainment? A: They go to the mooovies!

12. Q: What animal is it that has four legs a tail and flies? A: A dead horse!

13. A: What is the difference between a mail box and an elephant? B: I don't know. A: I'm not going to give you any letters to post then!

14. Q: What do you call 'a fly' without wings? A: You call it 'a walk.'

15. Q: What's the difference between a musician and a savings bond? A: A savings bond eventually matures and earns money.

16. Q: What color is a guitar string?

A: Plink! (It is the sound the guitar makes. The word sounds like the color "pink.")


1. Q: What has a neck, but no head?

2. Q: Where is the ocean the deepest?

3. Q: Why did the man throw his watch out of the window?

4. Q: What State in the United States is high in the middle and round at the ends?

5. Q: "There were some twins. One was twenty, the other was twenty too. One married the other. How can this be?"

6. Q: What letter of the alphabet is an insect?

7. Q: What letter is a part of the head?

8. Q: What letter is a drink?

9. Q: What letter is a body of water?

10. Q: What letter is a pronoun like "you"?

11. Q: What letter is a vegetable?


The XY society

Variations Any of the steps from the table can be tackled on its own. The students are then given the information which is necessary, e.g. if the…   Further activities: preparation of newsletter, radio or TV programme about the society.





1. Comment on the following quotations.

“Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.” “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet.” “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink; you can send your son to college, but you can’t make him think.” ‘A university should be a place of light, of liberty and of learning’ 'Knowledge is a city, to the building of which every human be­ing brought a stone.' ‘Knowledge is power.' 'Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.'


2. Work in pairs or alone. Look at the list of possible aims of education. In column A, put a number 0 – 5 according to the importance attached to these aims at the school you went to; in column B, put a number 0 – 5 according to what you think the ideal school’s priorities should be. When you have finished, compare your conclusions with the group.

Helping you to develop your personality and character A B

Helping you to do as well as possible in exams

Teaching you about right and wrong

Showing you how to get on with other people

Teaching you about what is going on in the world today

Keeping you occupied

Teaching you how to read and write well

Helping you to get as good a job as possible

Helping with things you will need to know when you leave school (e.g. about running a home and managing money)

Making school a pleasant place to be in

Can you add anything to the list about the aims of higher education?


Read the text and describe the peculiarities of the British system of education.


  Education is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Most children attend… Primary schools have changed greatly in recent years under the influence of new theories about child development and…


1. When is education compulsory?

2. Are state schools expensive for parents? 3. How many levels can the state system be divided into?

4. Has the primary school undergone any changes?

5. Is there any difference between a grammar and a modern school?

6. Who are comprehensives for?

7. What are pupils to take at 16?

8. What options are there after 16?

9. How do private schools differ from state schools?

10. How long do undergraduate courses take?

11. How are students supported by the state?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give Russian equivalents for the following.

1. Much of the responsibility for education is taken by local governments rather than by the national government.

2. the room is divided into “areas” for particular activities

3. State secondary schools fall into three main types: secondary modern, grammar and comprehensive.

4. Children go to the school whose “catchment area” they live in.

5. a national exam called “A” level

6. to study for more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work

7. It’s necessary to put your child’s name on a waiting list

8. undergraduate courses

9. receive a grant from their local authority

10. parents with higher incomes are expected to make a contribution

11. a system of loans was introduced

12. Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their “A” level results.

II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian word-combinations.

1. образование обязательно

2. посещают государственные школы

3. слегка отличается от общей схемы

3. государственная система делится на три уровня

4. В типичной классной комнате больше нет рядов парт, обращённых к учителю.

5. под руководством учителя

6. предназначенная для более академических детей

7. Такие школы принимают детей всех способностей с данного района.

8. сертификат о среднем образовании

9. колледж шестого класса

10. колледж дальнейшего образования

11. плата отличается

12. средняя школа-интернат

13. учреждение высшего образования

14. три года на стационаре

15. степень бакалавра

16. аспирантура

17. покрывает стоимость курса

18. могут проводить собеседования

Vocabulary in practice

I. Paraphrase the underlined using the text.

1. British children must study from five to sixteen.

2. You don’t have to pay for state schools.

3. Each area is a bit different from the general pattern.

4. The children can work supervised by the teacher.

5. State secondary schools are divided into three types.

6. Grammar schools are meant for the more academic children.

7. A few areas still choose children at the age of 11.

8. Children go to the school whose region they live in.

9. Other 16-year-olds prefer to go to a college of further education.

10. He got a more practical diploma.

11. Fees are different.

12. University courses take 3 years.

13. These students were admitted by the university.

14. Students receive a scholarship.

II. Give a word or phrase for the following definition.

2. to be unlike 3. separate into parts 4. an effect, consequence or result of power

Make up a dialogue using as many idioms as possible.

Make up a monologue to illustrate the use of some idioms.





Look at the photos above and discuss these questions:

1. What do you think the people in each picture are studying? How are they feeling?

2. Which class looks the most interesting?

3. How would each scene look different in your country for pupils/ students of the same age?

4. What changes have there been in education in your country recently?


Rank order

Put in order of priority. Give grounds for your list of priorities.

Television should be used more to make school more interesting. Teachers should decide what is studied at school, not pupils. Everyone should study the same things.


Read this dialogue and sum up opinions of these students about education and schools.

school has to offer? Louise: The main thing is its excellent facilities, sport facilities… fantastic swimming pool.



One of you is the authority on the British system of education. The whole group is to interview her (or him) on the subject.


Discuss the merits and demerits of system of education in Great Britain. Try to

Consider all the important points and stages of education (the age of schooling, stream division of schools, etc.)


Points to be considered should include: finance, size and scope, type of students, staffing, range of subjects offered, facilities, geographical… a) You are a committee appointed to set up a new university in a town of… Roles: an architect, a town councillor, a prospective student, his father/mother, an influential local businessman,…


I. Make up monologues on the suggested situations:

1. You are an educational official of GB. You are eager to speak on the advantages

of the British education system.

2. Give all the pros and cons of British state educational establishments and private


3. You are an anxious mother who is not quite pleased with the progress of her son at


II. Make up dialogues on the suggested situations:

1. One of you is a representative of the British educational authorities, the other is

interviewing you on the British education system.

2. You are two British parents. You discuss what school to send your children to:

private or state.

3. You are two British school children. You discuss what you are going to do after



Make a presentation of our department and its subdivisions as part of our university.


• Find the e-mail addresses of schools, colleges and universities in other countries. Send them e-mails asking them to reply giving an honest impression of what they think about their institutions.

• Go online to foreign newspapers and try to find articles about the education in our country.

• Collect information and find the ideas and impressions that regularly occur.

If you find the impressions amusing or inaccurate, write a reply, giving a more realistic account of the problem.



I. Act as an interpreter. Translate the sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian.

Bob: Затем следует средняя школа. Почти все средние школы сейчас общеобразовательные, в которых соблюдаются одинаковые стандарты. Mary: The old practice of "streaming", or teaching children in class… Bob: Кроме академической программы, много внимания уделяется развитию личности ребёнка. Для детей недостаточно просто…

II. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

2. Похоже на то, что большая часть ответственности взята на себя местными властями. 3. Она спросила, на сколько уровней будет делиться государственная система. … 4. Сообщили, что дети будут работать под руководством Брауна.



Comment on the following quotations. Training is everything: the peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.Education is that which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding. The college graduate is presented with a sheepskin to cover his intellectual nakedness. Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught.


Read the following text and say what new information you have got about the system of education in the USA.

Schooling is divided into twelve academic levels or grades, each of which lasts one year. Elementary school usually covers grades one through six or… In American schools much attention is given to creative activities. Students… After high school over 40 per cent of the graduates pursue higher education in colleges and universities. Nearly every…


1. What stages does a child pass in his educational ladder?

2. How many grades is schooling divided into?

3. What is given much attention to in American schools?

4. How do American high schools adept to the needs of society?

5. What education do American high schools offer?

6. How many graduates pursue higher education?

7. What types of universities and colleges are there in the US?

8. What do university students have to pay for?

9. What are the benefits for deserving students?

10. What are the peculiarities of individual colleges and universities?


Vocabulary in context

1. a day care center 2. schooling is divided into 12 academic levels 3. elementary school covers grades one through six or seven

Vocabulary in practice

1. potential a. not taking into account; paying no attention 2. to tend b. make up for; balance; compensate for 3. success c. that which is required, demanded or ordered

III. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

with his friends. A weight В nerve С face D regard 2. When the truth about the blackmail attempt finally.............. we were all astonished


1. single sex mixed coeducational

2. compulsory voluntary optional

3. independent school public school state school

4. nursery primary secondary

5. grammar school comprehensive school non-selective school

6. streaming mixed ability grouping ability grouping

7. continuous assessment final examinations intelligence testing



One of you is a representative of American educational authorities. The group interviews him on advantages and disadvantages of American system of education.


1. Would you prefer to send your child to a mixed or single sex school?

2. Is day school always a better alternative to boarding school?

3. Should rich people be permitted to buy educational advantages by sending their children to private schools or should all schools be run by the state?

4. Do you prefer a system where children are put in fast and slow streams or is it better to create mixed ability classes?

5. Should corporal punishment be permitted in schools?

6. Which system do you favour for measuring children's progress -final examinations or continuous assessment?

7. Do the "three Rs" (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) make up the most important part of the school curriculum?


Read the following dialogues and give their contents.

B: I agree up to a point, but don't you think a student can cheat and get a mark he doesn't deserve? A: Yes, that's true but exams are the quickest way of testing students. B: Yes, but many students get really nervous at exam time and they don't do as well as they could in an ordinary class…



I. Make up dialogues on the following situations.

2. One of you is the authority on Russian education, the other – on American. Share your ideas on the problems of both systems. 3. An English student and a Russian student are exchanging information on… 4. An English student and a Russian student are discussing systems of higher education in their countries.


Arrange a talk show on systems of education in three countries. One person will be the talk master of the show. The talk master distributes the roles among the members of the group. Each student may write his own role card. If not, the possible roles are: a. representatives of educational authorities of three countries; b. parents of children of different countries, etc. Then the talk master can interview people himself or have some other journalists help him. The group acts out their talk show.

It is a good idea to invite other groups to be the audience and ask questions.



The students have to think of the plus points (P), minus points (M) and interesting points (I) of three systems of education. Then the group counts all the points and sees what country has got the greatest number of points or where there are similarities and differences in three educational systems.


Go online and find articles about education in England or the USA. You can visit chat rooms and discuss educational problems with students from other countries.


I. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

2. Похоже на то, что он начал посещать школу слишком рано. – Да, ему бы лучше посещать детский сад. 3. Если бы его мама работала, он бы посещал детский центр. 4. Насколько я помню, школа в Америке делится на 12 классов. – Да, очень похоже на наши русские школы. Всего на один…



The Perfect Son.

B: Does he smoke? A: No, he doesn't. B: Does he drink whiskey?

Riddles of Alphabet

Q: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand


Q: Why is the letter "T" like an island ?

Q: In what way can the letter "A" help a deaf lady?

Q: Which is the loudest vowel?

Q: What way are the letter "A" and "noon" alike?

Q: Why do birds fly south in the fall?

Q: Which letters do Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday have in common?

Q: What are the 3 important rings in life?

Q: Which room has no doors, no windows.



Hotel receptionist

Language – all kinds of questions, expressing understanding, asking for con- firmation Other – observation, fun






Look at the pictures of people with different jobs and discuss who you think should be paid the most/the least and why.

I. Describe what these different people do in their jobs. example: A nurse takes care of people who are not well.

a nurse; a debt collector; an undertaker; a referee; a tax inspector; a bouncer; a plumber; a traffic warden; a conductor; a bookmaker; a social worker; a surgeon; a dustman; an artist; a chef; a miner; a private investigator; a librarian; a caretaker; a stockbroker; an editor; a vet; a wrestler; a lifeguard.

II. If you had the necessary skills/qualifications, which of these jobs:

1. might you be interested in? Why?

2. would you definitely not be interested in? Why?

III. Work with a partner.

1. Choose one of the jobs from Exercise 1, but don't tell your partner which one you have chosen.

2. Your partner must ask you questions to find out what the job is. example: a: Do you wear a uniform? B: /Yes.

3. You can only answer 'Yes' or 'No' to the questions. When your partner has discovered the job, change over.

4. See who can discover the other person's job in the least number of questions.


Discuss the following questions.

1. Did you choose your career when you were still at school?

2. What influenced your choice of a career?

3. Did you have any family council to help you choose your career?

4. Did all the family support your choice?

5. What advantages do you see in the career you have chosen?

6. Can you foresee any demerits of it?

Read the following text and say if you agree with all the main points of it.

Choosing a career


1. What is one of the first things we try to find out about any person?

2. Why are we so curious about one’s job?

3. Is the writer specially interested in what a man does?

4. What wrong reasons does the writer give for choosing a career?

5. Why do some people make exactly the opposite decision?

6. Has Simon settled for a certain career at once?

7. Why has Simon decided that business administration might be a better career?

8. Does the writer approve of Simon’s choice?

9. How do people we admire influence our choice of a career?

10. What example does the writer give to illustrate this idea?

11. Has the girl made a right choice?

12. Why are we very often mistaken in choosing our careers?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give Russian equivalents for the following phrases.

1. we shall be able to judge where he stands socially

2. we shall get a pretty good idea of his educational background

3. how we came to choose that particular line of work

4. the kind of mental struggle that goes on

5. more rewarding, more challenging, or simply more comfortable

6. he will one day take over a profitable and well-established business

7. he always came top at school

8. to embark on a career for which we are unsuited

9. her rather unsystematic way of ordering her life

10. they were overjoyed when she settled for a legal career

11. she decided to go in for law out of respect for their wishes

12. some professions carry with them a special sort of glamour

II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.

1. определить его статус

2. какой уровень жизни он может себе позволить

3. я также любопытен насчёт работы других, как и любой другой человек

4. выбираем карьеру по неправильным причинам

5. идти по стопам отца

6. заняться тем же ремеслом или профессией

7. унаследовать семейный бизнес

8. он закончил университет, получил степень по химии

9. закончил подготовительные курсы

10. судя по её способностям к языкам

11. они были разочарованы, когда она переключилась на языки

12. у них есть чёткое представление об относительных преимуществах разных работ

13. они, казалось, предоставляли выбор полностью дочери

14. уже не говоря о финансовых выгодах, которые они дают

15. на нас так легко влияют факторы, которые имеют мало или ничего общего с главной проблемой

Vocabulary in practice

I.Explain in other words the following phrases:
1. ‘the kind of mental struggle that goes on’

2. ‘on the right track’

3. ‘he always came top at school’

4. ‘she met and fell in love, as it were, . . .’

5. ‘decided to go in for law’

6.‘the relative merits of different jobs’

7. ‘so easily swayed’

II. Paraphrase the underlined part of each sentence choosing the appropriate word or phrase from the text.

2. We’ll get to know the level of his education. 3. I’m just as curious about people’s jobs as any other man. 4. I wondered how he happened to choose this very work.

III. Give the word for the following definition.

2. anxious to find out; 3. receive as an heir; 4. to produce goods;

V. Reproduce the context where the following phrases occurred.

1.define his status

2. as curious about people’s jobs as the next man

3. follow in father’s footsteps

4. mental struggle

5. came top at school

6. embark on a career

7. relative merits of different jobs

8. carry a special sort of glamour


I. Discuss the following problems and items.

1 What three things, according to the writer, can we find out about a person once we know his/her job? Do you agree?
2 What do we know about the attitude of the girl’s parents to the different careers their daughter considered? Can you think of other professions that carry a special sort of glamour?


One of you is Simon, the other – the girl. Interview them on their choice of a career.


VI. Match the English idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column. Use them in a proper context. 1. a big shot камень преткновения 2. to stew in one’s own juice говорить по делу

VII. Choose the most suitable word given for each space in the text.

time to (1)...............this taboo question, or put it to others in moments of weakness or confidentiality, you (2)...............well have heard… something to (12)............up. We'll win the pools, and tell the boss what… think. We'll scrape together the (13)...............and open that little shop we always

IX. Choose the most suitable word or phrase given.

a. extra time b. supplementary time c. overtime d. double time 2. I succeeded in my job through sheer hard.............. . a. work b. labour c. industry d. effort

X. Complete each sentence with a word or compound word formed from the word in capitals.

a) Jack built his own boat in his garden. WORK

b) I don't have a job, so I'm living on............... benefit. EMPLOY

c) We can't...............with these low prices. COMPETITOR

d) Many pupils have already chosen a career. SECOND

e) This used to be a rural area but it has become................ INDUSTRY

f) our factories is falling because of absenteeism. PRODUCE

g) You won't be paid much as a/an...............worker. SKILL

h) The government is heavy industry. INVEST

i) Jim is very disorganised and not very................ BUSINESS

j) We would like details of your...............on this form. QUALIFY

XI. Find the odd one out. There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.


1. an application a post a vacancy

2. an applicant a candidate an interviewer

3. an employee an employer a worker

4. an industrial dispute a lockout a strike

5. a union representative a shop steward a foreman

6. an apprentice a probationer a trainee

7. a department a division a district

8. wages salary pay




Discussion questions

2. Are the people in your country famous for working hard or for having a good social life? 3. What jobs would you most and least like to do? 4. What jobs have you done in your life and what did you like and dislike about them?



One of the students is to interview several people on the choice of a career. The person who conducts the interview is to prepare questions in advance. Don’t fail to ask representatives of different jobs about merits and demerits of their professions.


The group is divided into two teams. One student from team 1 (optimists) begins by giving a statement, e.g. “The teacher’s job is very noble.” Then one student from the other team (pessimists) gives the other point of view, e.g. “But all the teachers are underpaid.” The pessimists continue with a new – pessimistic statement, which the optimists have to react to.

After a few minutes of exchanging statements, the teacher decides what team won.


a) Does it mean that it should be a plum (well-paid) job? b) Is it more important for you that your future job could agree with your… c) What else do you want from your future job?


1. In your opinion, which factors below are important for getting a job? Choose the seven most important. Is there anything missing from the list?

age sex appearance astrological sign contacts and connections

experience family background handwriting intelligence hobbies

marital status personality qualifications references

sickness record


Brainstorm the following problem: “Are people justly paid?”


Role-play the following situation: One of you is an unskilled worker with a dangerous job, the other - the representative of the «vocation». Discuss the working conditions, the wages and generally all the pros and cons of your jobs.


Read the list of job values with your partner. Decide which ones are most important to both of you, or to only one of you. Individually rate them in order of importance.

Challenge (not routine activity)

Meeting people through work

Job security

The respect of colleagues

Working conditions

Status in your organization

Prestige, everyone will look up to you

Learning something new

Independence, being your own boss

Being part of the team

Leadership : you like to direct the work of others

Variety : doing many different things

Exercising power

Creativity : using your imagination or talent

Good salary and benefits

Working with your mind

Being promoted

Being praised by your superiors

Your thoughts

I. What impression would you try to give to the people you deal with in business? What impression would you try not to give?

I would try to be:pleasant, sincere, efficient, friendly, confident, calm, honest, skilful, intelligent, nice, helpful, polite. But the most important thing is a nice smile and friendly eye contact.

I would try not to be: sleepy, unclear, lazy, dishonest, clumsy, stupid, prejudiced, inefficient, nasty, unhelpful, off-hand, rude.

Do you agree with all the qualities on the list? How would you rate them? Is anything important missing?


Role play the family council on your choosing the career after leaving school.


Radio Presenter: We all have our own ideas about what certain jobs are like, but are we right? Today, we're going to hear three people talking about… Business Executive: Being a business executive re­quires a number of… Radio Presenter: Thank you, James. Our next guest today is Reg Bowles. Reg, what does it take to be a fire­fighter? …

Here are some words that will help you.

salary= fixed regular payment to employees (usu. monthly or yearly) 2. perk= money/goods given as a right (in addition to one's salary/wages) bonus= payment extra to what is usually given


1. Two friends meet ten years after they left school. One of them graduated from the polytechnic and works at a state enterprise getting modest… 2. This is a conversation between the employer and the person looking for a… The employer puts forward his requirements, among which – higher education. The employee doesn’t have it but he has…

Make up monologues on the following situations.

1. Speak on how you chose your career.

2. Some people really choose their careers for wrong reasons.

3. Your dream is to enter the Journalism Department of the University, but your cousin who is a successful editor in TV thinks that the main thing for any journalist is luck. He suggests that you should test yourself in his studio.

4. Speak on pros and cons of your future job.


Go online and find the material about some people in other countries choosing their careers.


I. Act as an interpreter. Translate the sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian.

Dialogue I

B. You're right, there are lots of options in life, but there are also all kinds of problems with making choice and putting all the ideas into… A. Что вы имеете в виду? B. Lots of things: how to choose the right career for you, how to get ac­cepted by a university, where you can go to…

Dialogue II

В. Здравствуй, Андрей! Как настроение, какие планы? A. Same as everybody else in the top class - getting ready for the entrance… B. Да, это «головная боль». Как говорится, «ни сна, ни отдыха изму­ченной душе...»

II. Translate the following text into English.

Выбор карьеры занимает много времени, и есть много вещей, о которых вам надо подумать, когда вы пытаетесь решить, что бы вы хотели делать. Возможно,… К счастью, есть много людей, к которым вы можете обратиться за советом и…



is right/wrong Other - fun Level Intermediate



1. Q: Why is "U" the happiest letter?

2. Q: What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters?

3. Q: What relatives are dependent on "you"?

4. Q: What is the end of everything?

5. Q: What has many keys but can't open any doors?

6. Q: What has 6 eyes but can't see?

7. Q: Who earns money driving their customers away?


1. Man: I could go to the end of the world for you. Woman: Yes, but would you stay there?

2. Man: I offer you myself. Woman: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.

3. Man: I want to share everything with you. Woman: Let's start from your bank ac­count.

4. Teacher: Why are you late? Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill. Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it? Student: No. I was standing on it.

5. Customer: Excuse me, but I saw your thumb in my soup when you were carrying it. Waitress: Oh, that's okay. The soup isn't hot.

6. The real estate agent says, "I have a good, cheap apartment for you." The man re­plies, "By the week or by the month?" The agent answers, "By the garbage dump.."

7. Bank Teller: How do you like the money? English Student: I like it very much.

8. "Why do you take baths in milk?" "I can't find a cow tall enough for a shower."

9. Customer in a restaurant: I would like to have a plate of rice and a piece of fried chicken and a cup of coffee. Waitress : Is it enough Sir? Customer : What? Do you think I can't buy more?

10. "You look very funny wearing that belt." "I would look even funnier if I didn't wear it."

11. "I was born in California." "Which part?" "All of me."

12. Three mice are being chased by a cat. The mice were cornered when one of the mice turned around and barked, "Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!" The surprised cat ran away scared. Later when the mice told their mother what happened, she smiled and said, "You see, it pays to be bilingual!"




How to create a good impression . . .

1 Work in pairs. Before you read the article below, note down two things you think candidates should do at a job interview and two things they shouldn’t do. 2 Read the first part of the article and then decide which of the points (1-10) are DOs and which are DON'Ts. 3 Read the next part of the article and decide which of the points (11-20) are DOs or DON'Ts.



1. Find out as much as you can about the job beforehand. Ask the job centre or employment agency for as much information as possible. 2. Walk into the interview room chewing gum, suckingon asweet or smoking. 3. Jot down your qualifications and experience and think about how they relate to the job. Why should the employer…

The interview

11. Forget to shake hands with the interviewer. 12. Make a real effort to answer every question the interviewer asks. Be clear… 13. Smoke or sit down until you are invited to.


I. Give Russian equivalents for the following.

1. scores of applicants chasing every job

2. don’t let the jitters side-track you from the main issue

3. jot down your qualifications and experience

4. The interview is designed to find out more about you.

5. Give the interviewer a hard time by giggling, yawning, rambling on unnecessarily or appearing cocky or argumentative.

6. Sell yourself.

7. if you sell yourself short, no one will employ you

II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases.

1. вы и должны нервничать

2. произвести хорошее впечатление на того, кто проводит собеседование с вами

3. узнайте как можно больше о работе заранее

4. если вы будете выглядеть так, как будто вы прибрели с дискотеки

5. внешний вид имеет значение

6. будьте во время

7. говорите ясно и кратко

8. подчеркните, что вы желаете научиться

9. ваше желание работать и чувство ответственности

10. подумайте, как вы себя проявили


1 scores of a) a few b)a large number of c) hardly any 2 chasing


I. The remarks of this dialogue about a job interview have been mixed up. Rearrange them in a proper order.

- Which subjects did you study? - No, that’s all right. - And when did you come to London?


Read this dialogue and be ready to make up your own interview for some other job, your own future job, for instance.

Applicant: Thank you. Interviewer: Firstly, where did you see the advert for this post? Applicant: I saw it in last Friday's Evening Post.

Read this dialogue and give its detailed contents.

Jane: Hello. It's nice to be here. Interviewer: So, how can today's job-hunters get themselves back into… Jane: Well, the person seeking work faces two major problems. The first is actually getting an interview, and the…

Read this sample of a resume and make up dialogues with people involved taking

Any roles, e.g. a careers officer, personnel manager, etc.


Anna Smirnova

98, Chaikovskogo Street, apt. 85

St Petersburg, 191194, Russia

Phone: 78122720895

OBJECTIVE: Obtain employment in the field of public relations that will allow

me to use my ability to work with people and take advantage of my

knowledge of English

EDUCATION: St.Petersburg State University

1989-1996 Diploma in English and French. Qualified as English


WORK Assistant, Interpreter of Director General Insurance Co.Rodina


till now of the personnel, interpreting and translation of documents. January - Personal assistant and secretary to Mr. Ron Black at the office March of Operation Carelift. Mr. Black, a former member of the



Mrs. Elena Petrova, Assosiate Mr.Peter Bright, Manager

professor St. Petersburg, Anglo-American School

State University 11, US Consulat General

Universitetskaya Nab. St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg Phone: 7 812 325 62 47

Phone: 7 812 218 95 65

Fiona Scott is one of the applicants for the job. Study her CV carefully to see how the information is presented and decide where each of the following headings should be placed.


1 ………….. Name: Fiona Scott Date of Birth: 7 August 1969

University of London Glasgow Herald

II. Make up your own CV 10 years after University graduation. Let your imagination run away with you! III. Your friend is looking for a job. Give him recommendations as to how a… Use: a summary of one's personal history and professional qualifications, emphasize the kind of work you can do; it is…

V. Write a Cover Letter and a Letter of Recommendation.

Use: apply for a job; enclose one's resume; for family (or other) reasons; be available for an interview; be pleased to write a Letter of Recommendation; to be a success in every activity one undertook; have a good command of some foreign language; have excellent computer skills.

Here are samples of a cover letter and letters of recommendation.


30 June, 1997

Dear Mr Jones,

I am writing to apply for the job (position) of accountant advertised in yesterday's "Daily Telegraph". I enclose my Resume and a Letter of Recommendation from Mr J. Smith of Smith and Sponsor Bank, Manchester.

I have recently moved to your town for family reasons and feel that my qualifications would enable me to be a productive member of your company. I am available for an interview at your convenience.

References on request.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely, ...


19 November, 1997 Dear Dr Jones, Having known Dr Crown for five years as a staff-member of my department, I am pleased to write this Letter of…

A) saying why you think you would be particularly suitable for this job.

B) asking for extra information as suggested by the italicized notes below.

Write a letter of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style.


Our company specialises in providing package tours for British and American tourists all over the world, and we are looking for local people who are… Letters of application should be sent to: BritAm Tours, Empire House, 176 Piccadilly, London WJ 9FQ

Now write your own letter in answer to the question above, trying to incorporate the best features of Letter A and Letter B.

Use: be a hard-working man (woman); loyal to his (her) colleagues; able to take criticism; have high professional qualifications; have logical and… VIII. Speak on the following situation: You want to apply for a job. Below are… Model: 1. Why have you decided to change your job?

XI. Discussion point.

Some people hate any changes. They are totally devoted to their work and don't bother with looking for anything better. Others, on the contrary, are never satisfied with what they have achieved and are constantly hunting for better. They run the risk and sometimes fail. To what category of people do you belong? Give your arguments.

XII. Write a letter to your friend and describe how you were interviewed to get a new, more interesting and better-paid job and whether you were lucky to get it.


I. Translate into English.

1. Если вы ищете работу, нужно уметь правильно составить резюме, сопроводительное письмо и письмо-рекомендацию. Если вы ранее работали в области, связанной с работой, которую вы хотите получить (the job you are after), напишите об этом в вашем резюме. В разделе Personal вы должны указать свое семейное положение, есть ли у вас дети, а также гражданство.

2. В разделе Education следует сообщить все об образовании, которое вы получили: годы учебы в школе, университете, научные степени (если таковые имеются). Следует учитывать, что в англоговорящих странах степень Ph. D. эквивалентна степени кандидата наук в нашей стране.

3. В разделе Work Experience укажите в обратном хронологи­ческом порядке, где и в какие годы вы работали ранее. Если вы научный работник или преподаватель университета, перечислите (list) основные публикации.

4. Помимо работы, не забудьте упомянуть ваши интересы и хобби, а также написать вместе с резюме сопроводи­тельное письмо.

II. Translate the following dialogue from Russian into English.

Джон хочет поменять работу

Ларри: Почему? Что случилось? Разве тебя не удовлет­воряет эта работа? Джон: В общем-то, удовлетворяет. Но я нашел объявле­ние о по-настоящему… Ларри: Вот уж действительно новость. Ты уже с ними связался?

Preparing a resume

about you. Peter Michailov: Рад видеть тебя, Джек. J.: So you're a newcomer from Russia. How long have you been in New York?

IV. Render the following text into English.

1. Разузнайте, что это за компания, прежде чем будете подавать документы на эту работу. Действительно ли это та организация, на которую вы хотите… 2. Напишите компетентное резюме. Сделайте его коротким и простым, так как… 3. Разузнайте как можно больше о собеседовании. Узнайте, кто будет вести собеседование, какой пост они занимают, будет…

V. Translate into English.

Я подал свои документы и меня пригла­сили на собеседование. Руководитель фирмы задал мне множество вопросов. Он хотел знать, почему я решил поменять… Он предложил мне начать работать в следующем месяце. «Что касается зарплаты, я… Я очень счастлив. Я, кажется, удовлетворяю всем их требо­ваниям. Я хочу начать работать как можно скорее.


The right experience for the job

Materials: Individual copies of the curricula vitae of four candidates for a job, showing their past experience - things they have done (examples in… Procedure: The students read the texts, where the people who are candidates… Variations: Divide the class into small groups, and ask each one to draw up what kinds of experience they think the…


Candidates for a jobJACK, aged 30

B.A. in social studies.

Has spent a year working his way round the world.

Has spent six years teaching economics in state school.

Has written a highly successful novel about teachers.

Has lived in a back-to-nature commune for two years.

Has been married twice - now divorced. Two children.

Has been running local youth group for three years.

BETTY, aged 45

Has not worked most of that time. Has done evening courses in youth guidance. Has spent the last year teaching pupils privately for state exams – with good re-


Looking for a job

Organisation Group work (three to five members) as preparation for 'fishbowl' dis­cussion Preparation Handout (see Part 2) for each group Time 20 - 40 minutes



Preferably full-time, to work in Fairview Estate. Needs car. Some evening and week­end work. Council flat available. Salary £7,000 p.a.

Apply to Lindon Borough Council, P.O. Box 106, Lindon.



Fairview Council Estate

built 1968-72, many high-rise flats; high incidence of truancy and juvenile delin­quency, large number of one-parent families; no youth club; widespread vandalism; large proportion of old-age pensioners; one pub; secondary modern school, two pri­mary schools.


cannot work evenings or weekends; bad health; cheerful personality; likes children; needs a bigger flat. Harold Winter, 23 Single; just finished training as a social worker; some… Sue and Mike Darrell, 28 and 32 Married; 3 children aged 6, 4 and 1; both trained so­cial workers; went to work in…

Interview for a job

Other- preparation for possible real life situation Level Intermediate Organisation Five groups



“Nothing succeeds like success.” Proverb


• Make a note of three people that you think have been successful in different ways. Share your ideas with other students. Read the text and think about the following: 1. What is the main idea of the text?


1. What are we exhorted to by our society?

2. What are we told at school?

3. What did Gary Cooper find when he studied the lives of successful entrepreneurs?

4. What is the most certain route to riches?

5. What are you able to capitalize on if you are not wealthy?

6. Is it an advantage to have too pretty a baby face if you want to work with children?

7. What is the difference between entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs?

8. What is Cooper’s observation about the parents of these two groups?

9. What is offered to help you forge your way to the top?

10. What is the difference between successful and unsuccessful people?

11. How do “positive affirmations” operate?

12. What does Breen show people in his training programmes?

13. What does Breen get students to concentrate on?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give a suitable Russian translation of the following units from the text.

1. Make it to the top!

2. it’s easy to feel like a flop

3. a surprisingly haphazard affair

4. they were thrown out or were bored

5. were born into affluent families

6. to capitalize on another advantage

7. plainer peers

8. it can be a handicap having too pretty a baby face

9. you may fare better by taking to crime

10. who rise through the ranks to the top

11. awkward personalities

12. cope with disaster

13. to give people vital resilience

14. parents who refuse to absent themselves from you

15. self-help manuals

16. unleash the power within

17. you were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success

18. to “gee” themselves up

19. to be overwhelmed by a mountain of things

II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

1. общество, которое всё больше одержимо идеей материального успеха

2. нас призывают

3. сделай шаг по служебной лестнице

4. подвели свою семью

5. У всех ли у нас есть потенциал стать миллионером?

6. опровергать совет

7. самый верный путь к богатству

8. получили деньги в наследство

9. руководят большими корпорациями

10. имели репутацию нарушителей спокойствия

11. деловые неудачи

12. выдающиеся люди корпорации

13. жертвы дискриминации

14. курсы по позитивному мышлению

15. позитивное утверждение

16. вы – необыкновенны, уникальны и неповторимы

17. продуктивный образ мышления

18. первостепенные особые задания

Vocabulary in practice

I. Match the word with its definition.

1. success a. a calamitous event, esp, one causing great damage or


2. exhort b. to receive (property) by succession or will, as an heir

3. flop c. a person who is one’s equal in rank or ability

4. haphazard d. unwaveringly decided

5. entrepreneur e. any disadvantage or disability

6. inherit f. to urge, advise, or caution earnestly

7. peer g. a total failure

8. handicap h. a person who organizes, manages, and assumes response-

bility for a business or other enterprise

9. disaster i. a favourable result that one has tried or hoped for

10. determined j. without order or planning

II. Paraphrase the underlined using words or word-combinations from the text.

1. They urge us to get ahead.

2. With such a business you are sure to flourish.

3. If you don’t do well, you feel a failure.

4. If I were you, I wouldn’t disprove such advice.

5. He was expelled from school.

6. There is an accepted ratio between the highest and the lowest levels.

7. What was his academic achievement at school?

8. I am sure he was born into a rich family.

9. You should benefit from your good looks.

10. It is not such a great disadvantage.

11. You must pave your way to the top.

12. Self-belief is very important for success.

13. Bob ought to dismiss all the negative thoughts,

14. All these tasks will never overpower me.

15. You were intended for success.


In Success Secrets, Mark McCormack gives his top ten tips or 'commandments' for success in business. As consultant to the world's top sportsmen and companies, Mark McCormack has brought together the worlds of sport and big business.

Mark McCormack, Success Secrets

Mark McCormack is a lawyer who was educated at William and Mary, and Yale Law School. While working at a Cleveland law firm, he took on a new client, the then unknown golfer Arnold Palmer. From those beginnings he has gone on to build the most powerful sports management company in the world, International Management Group (IMG), of which he is the CEO, and whose most famous clients include Tiger Woods, Andre Agassi and Monica Seles. Other works include What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School. His advice can also be foundat the web site

The ten commandments of street smarts

Never underestimate the importance of money

I have always been grateful to my mother for cleverly letting me know that it was all right to be concerned about money. It is, after all, the way most business people keep score.

Never overestimate the value of money

Cash is by no means the only currency of business. There is much to be said for a job well done, the respect of others, or the thrill of building something from nothing. Pursue these goals as well and let the profits follow.

You can never have too many friends in business

Loyal friends who derive as much pleasure from your success as you do are the best leverage in business. Given the choice, people always prefer to do business with a friend, even if they sometimes can make a better deal elsewhere.

4. Don't be afraid to say 'I don't know'

If you don't know something, say so. There's no shame in not knowing everything. In fact, there is a subtle form of flattery and ego-stroking at work when you plead ignorance and ask the other person to educate you. If you're going to bluff, do so out of strength, not ignorance. I will very often say I don't know even when I do know – to find out how much the other person really knows.

Speak less

You cannot blunder or put your foot in your mouth if you are not speaking. More important, while you're busy talking, you are probably not reading the constantly shifting rhythms of your audience and your situation. Flapping gums dull your two most important senses – your eyes and ears.

Keep your promises, the big ones and the little ones

Few things in this world impress me as much as someone who does what he says he will do. Likewise, few things depress me more than someone who doesn't keep his word. This person is breaking an unwritten code of business. The starting point of any relationship is trust, not suspicion.

Every transaction has a life of its own

Some need tender loving care, some need to be hurried along. Once you figure that out, be adaptable. Go into a negotiation with as few preconceptions as possible. Whether you get lessor more than you really wanted, it will always be more than you started with.

Commit yourself to quality from day one

Concentrate on each task, whether trivial or crucial, as if it's the only thing that matters (it usually is). It is better to do nothing at all than to do something badly.

Be nice to people

Not because you'll need them on the way down (as the cliche goes), but because its the most pleasant route to the top. Being sensitive to other peoples’ feelings always pays off; it has an uncanny way of (1) alerting you to their business needs, (2) sharpening your sense of timing and (3) getting you out of awkward situations. All things being equal, courtesy can be most persuasive.

10. Don't hog the credit

Share it with your colleagues. If you have to tell the world how smart you are, you probably aren't.


Street Smarts is an expression that McCormack has invented. It refers to people who are successful in business. Why do you think he chose this expression?

1. Does McCormack thinkthatmaking money is the most important thing in business?

2. Are most of the commandments about dealing with money or with people?

3. What are the advantages of pretending youdon't knowsomething?

4. Why does McCormack think it is a good idea not to talk too much?

5. Do any of the rules surprise you?

6. Which three rules do you think are most important?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give a suitable Russian translation of the following units from the text.

1. street smarts

2. to be concerned about money

3. the way most business people keep score

4. the best leverage in business

5. ego-stroking at work

6. put your foot in your mouth

7. flapping gums dull your two important senses

8. commit yourself to quality

9. an uncanny way

10. alert you to their business needs

11. hog the credit

II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

1. волнение от того, что вы выстраиваете что-то из ничего

2. стремитесь к этим целям

3. друзья, которые получают столько же удовольствия от вашего успеха

4. вести бизнес

5. мягкая форма лести

6. вы заявляете о своём невежестве

7. обманывать

8. грубо ошибаться

9. нарушаете неписаные законы бизнеса

10. точка отсчёта

11. начинайте переговоры

12. незначительный или важный

13. приятная дорога наверх

14. выведет вас из трудной ситуации

Vocabulary in practice

I. Give the word for the following definition.

1. a rule to live by

2. people who are successful in business

3. to think something is less important than it actually is

4. to think something is more important than it actually is

5. to pretend you don’t know something when you do, or you do know something when you don’t

6. the opinions you have formed before studying or doing something

7. an expression that is used again and again

II. Paraphrase the underlined using words or word-combinations from the text.

1. To be a success you should follow your goals.

2. When you praise people it is always flattering.

3. He pretended that he didn’t know anything.

4. You are constantly pretending you don’t know it when you do.

5. Bob has made a very serious mistake.

6. At the party Ann said many things which embarrassed and upset people.

7. Such things are constantly changing.

8. I dislike such men. He is always talking.

9. Negotiations are extremely important to us.

10. Don’t pay much attention to things of no importance.

11. You ought to find the way out of this difficult situation.


I. Match the English idiom in the left column with its Russian equivalent in the right column.

2. a narrow victory b. очень успешный 3. to beat something hollow c. иметь успех, произвести сенсацию 4. to bring home the bacon d. провалиться, не иметь успеха


b) The following is a listof suggestions made in a survey tofind 'the most successful way to learn a language'. Discuss each one. Then vote to find… • Learn ten new words every day. • Live in a country where the language is spoken.


I. Comment on the following quotations.

1. "Success is man's god." - Aeschylus (525-456 ВС)

2. "Success has ruin'd many a man." Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

3. "Men are born to succeed, not to fail." Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) American philosopher & naturalist.

4. "There is no success without hardship." Sophocles (496-406 ВС) Greek tragic playwright.

5. "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." Robert Collier.

American businessman.

6. "To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence." Mark Twain.

7. A bold attempt is half success. Proverb

8. Assurance is two-thirds success. Proverb

9. Success and rest don't sleep together. Proverb

10. Success has many friends. Proverb

11. Success is doing what you like and making a living at it. Proverb


Vanessa Redgrave has been a successful actress on stage and in film for 40 years. Is this kind of success remarkable for a woman, or do men and women actors have the same long-term chance of success as each other? What about other areas of entertainment - pop music, for example?



Work in groups of four. Challenge: what kind of things should you say and do to succeed in a business deal? Two groups are investors who have a million dollars to spend. The other groups represent companies who want to provide goods or services to the customers.


Make a presentation about any successful person or company or any venture.


I. One of you is to interview the other student who is a very successful person in any field.

JG = John Goff DC:John, can I ask you my first question which is, would you say entrepreneurs… JG:Well I think that question possibly oversimplifies the, the issue because whilst I don't believe that courses of…

III. Make up your own interview with some Russian successful star.




Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a system that encourages people to be successful. Put simply, NLP practitioners suggest that following their techniques can help you with all sorts of things. You can improve what you do, whether it's telling jokes, skiing or being imaginative in your answers to questions in class.

Try to find out as much information as you can on NLP, and do a presentation for your class.


Make up monologues on the following:

1. It is rather a hard way to the top, isn’t it?

2. You do know some people who managed to make it to the top. How did they do it?

Make up dialogues on the following situations.

1. Your friend is a real flop. Give him some tips on how to be successful.

2. Your father, who is a successful businessman, talks to you how to achieve success.


“Success is always temporary; success is only delayed failure." Graham Greene, novelist “There are no gains without pains.”


Go online and find the material on how different people describe their way to success.


Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

2. Похоже на то, что она чувствует себя абсолютной неудачницей. 3. Не может быть, что он подвёл свою семью. – Подвёл. Он не оправдал их… 4. Навряд ли вы научите их быть успешными.



1. "Dad, I don't want to go to school today." said the boy.

"Why not, son?"

"Well, one of the chickens on the school farm died last week and we had chicken

soup for lunch the next day. Then three days ago one of the pigs died and we had

roast pork the next day."

"But why don't you want to go today?"

Because our English teacher died yesterday!

2. A man was driving at 80 km p.h. one day when he was passed by a 3-legged chicken. He accelerated and passed the chicken. Three minutes later the chicken passed him again as he was driving at 100 km p.h. The man tried to catch the chicken but it ran down a side road. The man followed it into a farmyard but couldn't find it anywhere. He saw the farmer and told him the story and the man asked for an expla­nation. The farmer said that he, his wife and his son all liked chicken legs so he bred 3-legged chickens.

"What do they taste like?" asked the man.

"I don't know", replied the farmer, "we haven't caught one yet".

3. Q: What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailor? A: A jeweler sells watches. A jailer watches cells.

4. Q: What is a bachelor?

A: A man who never Mrs. (misses) anyone.

5. Q: Why do cows have bells?

A: Because their horns don't work.

6. Q: Why did the golfer take an extra pair of pants for his Saturday round of golf? A: In case he got a hole in one.

7. Q. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of trousers? A. In case he got a hole in one!

8. Q: What flowers have two lips? A: Tulips

9. Q: They travel all over the world but end up in the corner, what are they? A: Stamps

10. Q: Why didn't the farmer cry when his dairy cow fell off the cliff? A: There's no use crying over spilt milk.


1. Q: How do you spell mousetrap?

2. Q: How many legs does an ant have?

3. Q: How many people are buried in that cemetery?

4. Q: What can't be used until it's broken?

5. Q: What do tigers have that no other animals have?

6. Q: What is black and white and read (red) all over?

7. Q: What do you get if you cross a pig with a karate fighter?

8. Q: What's got a head and a tail, but no body?

9. Q: What's got a wave but no sea?

10. Q: What has three feet but no legs or arms?

11. Q: Where does a boxer who weighs 135 kilograms sit on a bus?

12. Q: What makes "oom" and gives milk?

13. Q: Where does Dracula stay when he goes to New York City?

14. Q: What do cows like to read?

15. Q: What is the longest word?

16. Q: What's the longest word in the English language?

17. Q: What is the word that everybody always says wrong?


Group holiday

Other - fair discussion Level Intermediate Organisation Groups of five to seven students





“Money can’t buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy.”

Spike Milligan


Answer the following questions.

· What things do you enjoy spending money on? What do you think is a waste of money?

· How do students in your country finance their studies?

· Do you give money to beggars on the street? What about musicians?

· What do you think is the easiest way to save money?

· What is the quickest way to make money honestly?

· How important is money to you personally?

· Do you see money as fundamentally good or evil?


Read the following text and give the main idea of it.

The only thing people are interested today is earning more money

We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive. Our possessions, «mine» and «yours» are clearly… It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of… This materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education. Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire…


1. What was the social status of a young woman and a young man?

2. What did they want to do?

3. Who objected to their marriage and why?

4. What condition did young people get married on?

5. With what money did young people buy all the necessities?

6. How does the modern romantic fable end?

7. What are we trained for from our childhood?

8. How is life success measured?

9. In what way do we spend the whole of our life?

10. What is the most amusing thing of this competing game?

11. What idea are people obsessed with?

12. What does industry set out to do?

13. What provides the means for the wheels of industry to be kept turning?

14. What is the impact of materialistic outlook on education?

15. What do big companies compete in?

16. What has recruiting tactics led to?

17. What is worshipped above all?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give Russian equivalents for the following phrases from the text.

1. to be acquisitive

2. our possessions are clearly labeled

3. keeping up with our neighbours, the Joneses

4. will go one better

5. at a suitable rate of interest

6. set out to create new markets

7. “build-in obsolescence”

8. fringe benefits

9. the highest bidder

10. Mammon is worshipped

II. Give English equivalents from the text for the following words or word-combinations .

1. испытывать глубокую любовь

2. перспективная работа

3. одолжить кому-то деньги

4. одолжить у кого-то деньги

5. выплачивать долги

6. наша собственность

7. зарабатывать на жизнь

8. успех измеряется деньгами

9. самое смешное в этой игре

10. богатое общество

11. быть одержимым идеей

12. потребительские товары

13. избавляться

14. ради него самого

15. большую зарплату

16. вербовать студентов

17. соблазнительная зарплата

18. богатые нации

19. лишать

20. способные граждане

21. колёса промышленности

22. квалифицированные кадры

23. превышать

Vocabulary in practice

I. Match the word with its definition.

1. acquisitive a. appealing strongly to

2. possession b. passing out of use

3. to label c. make sth new, original or different

4. to lend d. feel or show great respect, reverence, admiration

5. to borrow e. put a label on

6. tempting f. tending or seeking to acquire, often greedily

7. to create g. the persons collectively employed in an institution or com-


8. obsolescence h. that which is possessed; property

9. personnel i. get sth or the use of sth, after promising to give it back later

10. to worship j. give a person sth, or the use of sth, for a period of time, after

which the thing must be given back

II. Paraphrase the underlined using words or word-combinations from the text.

1. They loved each other very much.

2. The bank gave him all the money he needed.

3. All our possessions are clearly marked.

4. We spend our lives trying to be on a par with other people.

5. He is sure to try to outshine us.

6. Not only in prosperous states people are obsessed with this idea.

7. Consumer goods are wanted everywhere.

8. Our industry aims at creating new markets.

9. Goods are made to be thrown out.

10. The demand is much bigger than the supply.

III. In each sentence choose one or more appropriate words.

1. Harry gains/gets/makes over £20 000 a year.

2. Mary was awarded a grant/scholarship/subsidy to study child psychology.

3. How much did you give/pay/take for your new car?

4. Their house fetched/produced/sold for a lot more than they expected.

5. I'm going to the bank to get out/remove/withdraw the money for the rent.

6. The manager disappeared with the receipts/takings/wages from the concert.

7. By the time Kate retired she was a fortunate/prosperous/wealthy businesswoman. 8. We had a good holiday but it was rather costly/expensive/valuable.

9. We would appreciate it if you would close/settle/pay your bill as soon as possible, 10. Unfortunately the old painting I found turned out to be priceless/ valueless/ worthless.

IV. Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

a. legacy b. inheritance c. will d. testament 2. The...............price is always lower than the retail price. a. wholesale b. bargaining c. cut d. budget

V. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below.

Status image welfare state mercenary

Affluence acquisitive motivated spiritual

Priorities materialistic idealism status-symbols

Coins,notes and banks

VI. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the sentences below.

Numismatist standing order currency expenditure

Counterfoil counterfeit statement bounce

Legal tender

1. You can change your ____ at any bank or large hotel.

2. She held the note up to the light to make sure it wasn't____.

3. He collects coins and banknotes. He's a ____.

4. I always fill in the ____ when I write out a cheque. Otherwise I would lose track of my ____.

5. I don't trust him. I'm sure his cheque will ____,

6. I pay my rent by ____. It saves me having to write a cheque every month.

7. The bank sends me a detailed ____ every month.

8. Don't worry. Scottish banknotes are ____ in England too.

Personal spending

VII. Put each of the following words or phrases into their proper places in the given sentences.

Broke quid hire purchase make ends meet

Chickenfeed I.O.U. mortgage instalments

1. I'm afraid I have no money at all. I'm completely ______ .

2. She finds London very expensive. She says she can't ____ on less than £100 a week.

3. To a multi-millionaire £100 is ____.

4. Can you lend me a couple of ____?

5. I managed to get a____ to buy a house. I'll be paying it back for the next 20 years.

6. He lent me the money but he didn't trust me completely and asked me to give him an ____.

7. I couldn't really afford to buy a car so I got it on ____ and paid monthly____ until it was finally mine.

A. Use at least five of the words at the top of the above exercise and any you like from Exercise 7 to describe, in a short paragraph, someone's terrible financial situation.

VIII. Complete each sentence with one of the words given.

account company enterprise market price

Claim currency figures payment venture

1. John became rich by playing the stock................

2. We have decided to turn our business into a limited ................

3. This government believes firmly in the value of free ................

4. I am interested in buying the property, but I find the............... too high.

5. I am saving money to make the down............... on a new car.

6. We put in an insurance............... after our house was damaged in a storm.

7. Everyone was impressed with the sales ............... for the new product.

8. Margaret lost a lot of money in an unwise business................

9. I keep most of my money in a savings ................

10. Our company receives a lot of payments in foreign................

IX. Match each sentence a) to j) with a sentence from 1) to 10) which has a similar meaning.

a) We have to haggle. 1) We spend a lot.

b) We have a nice little nest-egg. 2) We don't waste money.

c) We have high expenditure. 3) We let people borrow from us.

d) We get in free. 4) We earn according to what we sell.

e) We are in debt. 5) We argue about theprice.

f) We are very thrifty. 6) We earn a lot.

g) We are paid on commission. 7) We don't have to pay.

h) We want a rise. 8) We need higher wages.

i) We lend money. 9) We owe money.

j) We have a high income. 10) We have some savings.

X. Replace the words underlined by one of the words given.

agenda chair expense handle takings

bargain charge fortune income unavailable

1. Sheila made a lot of money selling used cars.

2. When Mark took his new job, his earnings nearly doubled.

3. The cost of moving house was another problem for us.

4. We need someone else to be in charge of the meeting.

5. I am afraid this product is temporarily out of stock.

6. We usually count the money we have made when theshop closes.

7. Do you like my new dress? It was a very good price.

8. We don't deal with goods of that kind in this company.

9. Don't forget to draw up the list of items to be discussed for the next meeting.

10. We make no request for payment for delivery in the London area.

XI. Replace the phrase underlined in each sentence with one of the phrases given. Do not use any phrase more than once.

come into a fortune free of charge on easy terms commercially viable in credit on expenses on the market 1. We've decided to put our house up for sale.

XII. In each sentence, replace one or more words with one of the words given, so that the sentence has an opposite meaning.

appreciate hard up prosperous rise wasteful

dear make purchase squander worthless

1. The precious stones our company mines are now known to be priceless.

2. Nigel cannot get used to being an unsuccessful businessman.

3. The company has decided to sell the premises in East Road.

4. I like living in this part of town. Of course, it's very cheap!

5. Jim inherited £20 000 and managed to save it all.

6. We were poor when I was young and my father was very thrifty.

7. At the moment house values tend to go down in this area.

8. The workers were given a cut in wages when the takeover was announced.

9. Nobody thought that the company would lose a lot of money.

10. Richard's family is incredibly well-off.


I. Agree or disagree with the following.

1. Young people’s parents were all for their children getting married at once.

2. When young people got married, they had all the necessary things for their lives.

3. We are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive.

4. We never try to keep up with the Joneses.

5. Modern industry sets out to create new markets.

6. The materialistic outlook has not influenced education.

7. Big companies compete in recruiting students before they have completed their studies.

II. Reproduce the situation where the following word-combination was used in the text :

a job with good prospects

lent him the money

our possessions are clearly labelled

to keep up with them

set out to create new markets

the highest bidder

III. Comment on the following quotations.

2. Money is the sixth sense that makes it possible to enjoy the other five. (Richard Ney) 3. Money will come to you when you are doing the right thing. (Michael… 4. Money does not change men, it only unmasks them. (Mme. Riccoboni)

V. Match the English expression in the left column with its Russian equivalent in the right column.

2. to have money to burn b. сильно нуждаться в деньгах 3. to be good money c. круглая сумма 4. to be hard pressed for money d. деньги нажитые нечестным трудом

VII. Make up a short story with one of them.

VIII. Make up the dialogue using as many idioms as possible.


Discuss the following questions.

1. How important is money in our society? What else does our society value?

2. Do you agree with the way the writer sees trade? What kinds of ‘coercion’ might

there be in reality?

3. Can you think of any activity 'more virtuous' than making money? If so, what is it,

and why is it more virtuous?

4. Is money ever better used in public hands rather than private hands?

5. Does having money improve life for individuals?

6. Does having money generally have a positive or negative effect on people's charac-

ter? Justify your answer.

7. Who is for redistribution in Russia? Do you support this idea?


Contribute your ideas оn the problem of making money in Russia.


Devise a scene acting out the following situations.

2. You are interviewing a former millionaire who is now in shallow water. Roleplay: Getting a bank loan Student A You want to borrow £25,000 to start a small business. Decide what the business is:


Write a short news item about a rich and famous person in Russia who has been involved in a scandal. Use real information, if you have any, or invent the person.

Here are some useful expressions:

The world of finance was rocked to its foundations today ...

Friends of... were stunned by news of the scandal...

His colleagues reacted with disbelief at the news...

The scandal unquestionably means the end of... s career in politics

2. Write a formal letter to a rich and famous person, appealing on behalf of your favourite charity. Refer to the following:

• the work that the charity does

• the work that the charity hopes to do

• why you think the work it does is important.

3. Write an essay: How a million changed my life!

Lakshmi Mittal, 58, India

Sphere of activity - metallurgy

Capital - $19,3 billion.



Group work. I.Find as much information as possible about rich people of Russia (their ratings, etc.). What do you know about their charity activities (if any?)?

II. Imagine you've been given £100,000 to spend in one week. Working together, decide how you're going to use it. What are you going to buy? Are you going to make any investments? Will you give any to family/friends/charity? Come to a group decision, then compare your own ideas with those of other members of the group. Did you find your plans were very similar or quite different? What do you think your plans say about your character?

Vocabulary focus

III. Match the phrases from the listening with the correct definitions.

inherit money (be) well-off

(be) overdrawn (be) hard up

(be able to) afford something

(receive/get) a pension invest

(have some) savings

(pay) the bills (take out) a loan

(receive) an income

(pay off) a mortgage make a profit

(earn/get) (a) bonus(es)

(earn/receive) (a) wage(s)

Money received ...

1. when someone dies and leaves you money in their will (verb)

2. when you retire from work

3. when you borrow from the bank

4. in addition to your salary (often for good work)

5. every week (for work by the hour)

6. when a business earns more than it spends (verb)

7. regularly (from any source)

Financial state

8. be quite rich

9. be poor

10. owe money to the bank

11. have enough money for something in particular

12. have money invested (in a bank)

Money spent...

13. to pay for your house

14. to pay for gas, water, telephone etc.

15. usually on a business, hoping to gain more money (verb)

IV. Complete the texts with a suitable word or phrase from Exercise 3. 1. Student life

University students often complain of being hard up. In England, they can take out a ___ from the bank, but many of them are still ___ . They can't ___ to go out to expensive restaurants, but drink in cheap student bars instead. Often they need to get part-time jobs in order to ___ the ___ . When their student days are over, many are relieved to find that they can finally get a job and start to receive an ___ to help them pay off their debts.

2. Entrepreneurs

Some entrepreneurs start their businesses from their own home. If they want to expand, they need to persuade people to give them money to ___ in their company. At first, most small companies do not ___ a ___ . However, if you have great reserves of energy and enthusiasm and a bit of luck, you'll be able to employ lots of people to do all the hard work for you. Then, when you are really ___ , you can lie by the pool and award yourself a huge ___ every year.

Language to go

A: Would you lend me five pounds, Jim? I'm really hard up.

B: You mean you can't afford another beer! Here you are.


Work together and discuss the following problems.

1. Which of the author’s arguments do you disagree with? Give your grounds for disagreement.

2. Which of the author’s arguments are not suitable for Russia?

3. Interest in earning money is not a modern phenomenon, but people are not interested only in that.

4. Is it a satisfactory arrangement when young people borrow money and can be independent of their parents?

5. Is education in Russia only money-oriented? Isn’t it skill-oriented that is necessary because of modern technology?

6. Do we have brain drain in Russia? Are people only after more money?

7. Are young people nowadays motivated by money? Are there any voluntary organizations where people work without reward?

8. Are you motivated by money? What else?


Devise a scene acting out the following situation: Several neighbours are trying to keep up.


Read these short conversations and act them out.

Oleg Rodimov: Good morning. I would like to open a savings account. I'd like to open it with a deposit of one thousand dollars. Clerk: Would you please fill out this application. Besides you need to write a… О.R. fills out the application and deposit ticket.


Barbara: You look worried this evening, dear. What's the trouble? Paul: I'm going through the bills. В.: Are those all bills?


Make up monologues on the following situations.

1. What is the real value of money?

2. Is money the only thing people are interested in?

3. Why is money really important?

Make up dialogues on the following situations.

1. You are newlyweds. Discuss your family budget.

2. You meet your friend who is really rolling in money. You are hard up.

3. You are discussing a loan at the bank.


Go online and find anything interesting about money matters: lists of our richest people, some tips about their way to riches. Will anyone be willing to share his ideas on making money???


I. Translate the following sentences.

2. Они обязательно поженятся, когда он получит хорошую, перспективную работу. 3. Он выплачивает свои долги уже десять лет. 4. Если бы он не был стяжателем, он бы уделял больше внимания другим видам деятельности.


1. Complete the crossword.



1 I have a huge debt with the bank that I need to __ (3,3)

5 Nowadays, banks offer you a really good deal if you take out a ___ (4)

6 It is a good time to ___ in business in the Middle East (6)

7 I'm due to ___ some money when my uncle dies (7) 9 I can t borrow any more money from the bank, I am already ___ (9)

12 We'd love to buy a new car, but at the moment we really can't ___ it (6)


1 Initially, the dot corn businesses did well and made a good__ (6)

2 I need to find a part-time job to help increase my ___ (6)

3 I pay a small amount each month into my ___ for when I retire from work (7)

4 Their family are very ___ , so they go on expensive holidays every year (4-3)

8 He was very ___ until he met their daughter. Now they live in a castle (4, 2)

10 If you want to ___ a lot of money, try for a job in a bank (4)

11 If you are paid hourly, you earn a weekly ___ (4)


1. A guy says to his friend: "Guess how many coins I have in my pocket." The friend says, "If I guess right, will you give me one of them?" The first guy says, "If you guess right, I'll give you both of them!"

2. A: What do you call a deer with no eyes? B: No idea. (No Eye Deer.)

A: What do you call a dead deer with no eyes? B: Still no idea.

3. A. Meet my new born brother.

B: Oh, he is so handsome! What's his name?

A: I don't know. I can't understand a word he says.

4. Funny statement

If a man runs after money, he's money-mad;

if he keeps it, he's a capitalist;

if he spends it, he's a playboy;

if he doesn't get it, he's a never-do-well;

if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition.

If he gets it without working for it, he's a parasite;

and if he accumulates it after lifetime of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life.


1. Q: What are two things people never eat before breakfast?

2. Q: Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window?

3. Q: Why did the man throw the butter out the window?

4. Q: Why did the man put the clock in the safe?

5. Q: What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?



Values continuum

Preparation A handout for each student Time 15 – 20 minutes Procedure Step 1: Each student fills in the handout by marking on his agreement





“To have Peace and Harmony
Nature must be living free
Every Creature has its place
That includes the Human race. Cerrone”“Man has lost the capacity to foresee and forestall. He will end up by destroying the planet.” Albert Schweitzer


1. What does the expression "We're all in the same boat” mean?

2. Give some world problems – problems which face the world as a whole, e.g. growing population; famine; war; poverty; AIDS; etc.

Pair work: You are to list the problems in order of importance (or urgency) to be


3. Read the epigraph to this topic. Do you agree with the author? Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the world? Why?

In one minute, list all the pollutants and pollution you can think of. Compare your lists.

5. Read a list of kinds of pollutants and pollution. Tick the ones you noted and add any extra ones: fossil fuels, plastics, chemicals, domestic waste, industrial waste, gases, car exhausts, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, chemical pollution, acid rain, transport pollution, water contamination, energy production, noise pollution.


Read the text and point out all the main environmental problems.

Humans destroying the natural world

Consumption pressure from increasing affluence has doubled in the past 25 years and continues to accelerate. Time is running out for us to change… One of the most serious problems revealed is the de­pletion of freshwater… The environmental problems of acid rain, the greenhouse effect, deforestation, air, water and soil pollution have…


1. What have humans done to the natural world?

2. What is the amount of consumption pressure?

3. What are we to do if we are to leave future generations a living planet?

4. What is one of the most serious problems?

5. What environmental problems have become global?

6. What are carbon dioxide emissions accelerating?

7. How has global consumption of wood and marine fish changed?

8. What are developing countries doing to their resources?

9. Who are the world’s most voracious consumers?

10. What happens to the world?

11. Is growing population the main problem?

12. What happens to the Earth’s ecological balance sheet?

13. How could people save the planet?

14. What is the conservation of natural ecosystems for the planet?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following units from the text.

1. support the growing demands made on it

2. fresh water and marine systems

3. consumption pressure from increasing affluence

4. half of the accessible supplies

5. the rate of decline of freshwater eco-systems is running at 6 per cent

6. stop wasteful irrigation schemes

7. marine fish consumption

8. in decline

9. are depleting their natural resources at an alarming rate

10. the world’s most voracious consumers

11. timber and fish consumption

12. a serious decline in the health of the Earth’s ecological balance sheet

13. energy efficiency

14. the Earth’s carrying capacity

II. Find in the text English equivalents of the following Russian units.

Человек уничтожает окружающий мир

2. время на исходе

3. чтобы оставить будущим поколениям живую планету

4. истощение запасов питьевой воды

5. вызвать вымирание видов

6. увеличить эффективное использование воды

7. выбросы двуокиси углерода

8. увеличивает глобальное потепление

9. мировое потребление древесины

10. имеют высокий коэффициент потребления

11. среднестатистический житель Северной Америки

12. в пять раз больше

13. сокращать отходы

14. использовать воду экономно

15. не пользоваться лишний раз транспортом

16. это не роскошь, которую могут себе позволить лишь богатые

17. поддерживать важные экологические функции

Vocabulary in practice

I. Match the word with its definition.

1. depletion a. to make known

2. marine b. the using up of goods and services

3. to reveal c. to make double or twice as great

4. supplies d. using up or exhausting the supply of

5. consumption e. of, existing in, or produced by the sea

6. to double f. a stock of food or other necessary items

7. voracious g. a gradual loss

8. timber h. the wise use of natural resources

9. decline i. wood suitable for building, making furniture

10. conservation j. eager to absorb or possess

II. Paraphrase the underlined using words from the text.

1. People have demolished some eco-systems.

2. Consumption pressure has become faster.

3. My patience is coming to an end.

4. Different states should extend the efficiency of water use.

5. Their actions express their thoughts.

6. We should stop unwise use of natural resources.

7. States with water problems should use it carefully.

8. To preserve our environment, we must not pollute it.

9. It is important to ensure the maintenance of all ecological functions.

10. Consumption pressure comes from increasing riches.

III. Complete each sentence with one of the words given.

animal domesticated environmental health rare

artificial endangered extinct pedigree wild

1. Michael breeds ............... cocker spaniels as a hobby.

2. We should make a distinction between wild and ............... animals.

3. Some farms have stopped using ............... fertilizers.

4. Many species of wildlife could become ............... if left unprotected.

5. The gardens contain many kinds of ............... plants.

6. Some vegetarians object to eating ............... products of any kind.

7. The dolphin is one of many ............... species.

8. More and more of my friends are eating so-called............... foods.

9. People are becoming more concerned about ............... matters.

10. We're going up the mountainside to look for ............... strawberries.

IV. Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

A) adopted B) taken up C) practiced D) exploited 2. Local people are concerned about pollution from ............... oil… A) maritime B) sea-going C) off-shore D) coastline

V. Find the odd one out. There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.


1. green efficient environmentally friendly

2. to conserve to save to protect

3. to condemn to campaign to oppose

4. traffic jams motorway tolls park and ride schemes

5. nuclear energy oil pollution radioactive waste

6. to ration to share to deplete

7. sustainable biodegradable renewable

8. an oil rig a power station a recycling plant



I. Translate the following article into English.


Человек стоит перед экологическим кризисом, вызванным им самим. Веками человек не думал о последствиях его воздействия на природу. Загрязнение…


The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the… If we don't do anything about this spoiling of the world around us – its air,…

III. Act as an interpreter. Translate English sentences into Russian and Russian sentences into English.

Dialogue I

B. Да, экология – сегодня это слово у всех на слуху. Об этом гово­рят в новостях, пишут в газетах, много специальной литературы издают. A. Well, it is fascinating. But how did it become known as… B. Не совсем так. Экология – это целая наука. Само слово происхо­дит от греческого «ойкос», что означает «дом».

Dialogue II

B. Здравствуй, Лиза! Как дела? A. Fine, thanks. Just off to the country – I have to help Granny. She's… B. Это замечательно. А какая там у вас природа? Это далеко от города?

IV. Translate the following dialogue between English teenagers and the club.

Waste not, want not.

Клуб: Проблемы загрязнения хорошо известны большинству людей. Мы все- гда слышим о них по телевидению и читаем в прессе. Кто-нибудь из вас сделал… Эндрю: Честно говоря, я уже по горло сыт всем этим разговором об экологической катастрофе. Всё так мрачно. Когда бы я…


Is it possible to "use cars less"? Discuss these ideas:

provide good public transport

• make it difficult for car users (e.g. expensive parking)

• cut down the need for journeys (e.g. new technology)


Discuss one or more possible solutions to this problem.

Who should solve these problems - governments or individuals? Would you rather join a political campaign, or do something about it yourself, instead?


Many people in Britain think that tropical countries should preserve their rainforest. But those countries sometimes say: "You in Britain have… What can you do to prevent the destruction of the rainforest? Make a list of… Here is a short list of environmental or "green" issues. Which do you think is the most important? Explain…


Design a T-shirt with a message about the rainforest or about another green issue. Think of a beautiful natural place that you know. Write a description, including the plants and animals that live there.


According to the experts, between 1990 and 2000 10% of the estimated 30 million species of plants and animals were lost forever. By 2030 another… Estimated Population: In 1994 there were estimated to be fewer than 3,750… Background: Few animals are better known or more admired than the tiger. But these graceful and powerful hunters are…


1. How many surviving tiger subspecies are there?

2. What is the population of tigers?

3. What is their habitat?

4. What are primary threats to tigers?

5. Why are tigers under tremendous pressure now?

6. What is to be done to recover tiger population?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases from the text.

1. Each tiger subspecies has a different range.

2. poaching still is rampant

3. Habitat destruction resulting from logging

4. it simultaneously fragments tiger population

5. the mangrove swamps

6. to lose habitat to human encroachment

7. wild game

II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.

1. пять уцелевших подвидов

2. в их естественной среде должно быть достаточно

3. предполагаемый медицинский эффект

4. добыча тигра падает

5. находятся под большой угрозой

6. эти последние оплоты находятся под сильным воздействием

7. утрата ареала

8. были истреблены

9. из-за браконьерства

10. нелегальная торговля

11. численность дикого тигра может быстро восстановиться

Vocabulary in practice

I. Find in the text words similar in meaning to the following.

1. value 2. calculate 3. about 4. area 5. live in 6. enough 7. spreading 8. take up 9. reduce 10. demolition 11. destroy 12. because of 13. quickly 14. fate 15. plenty

II. Paraphrase the underlined part of each sentence choosing the appropriate word or phrase from the text.

1. There are large areas of forest.

2. Tigers live in great numbers.

3. The tiger has long been abused.

4. These tigers vanished.

5. A few Chinese tigers survive.

6. There was an attempt to destroy them completely.

7. Poachers inspected all the forests.

8. The number of tigers was becoming less.

9. According to this program, they organized three reserves.

10. Tigers got used to visitors.

11. Population has grown by 50 per cent.

III. Find in the text words and phrases with the opposite meaning.

1. exactly 2. similar 3. increase 4. construction 5. expanding 6. to be found in scarcity 7. lack 8. increase 9. alive 10. die

IV. Give the word for its definition.

1. a group of plants or animals having important common characteristics

2. the natural home or place of growth

3. growing rapidly and spreading quickly

4. an animal, bird, fish, etc., hunted, killed and eaten by another

5. to trespass on (another’s game preserve) in order to hunt or fish

6. wild animals and birds hunted or shot for sport or food

7. be greater than

8. a gradual weakening

9. an area of land kept and used for a special purpose

V. Match the word with its definition.

1. to impose a. a person who vouches or is responsible for a person or


2. collaborate b. give; engage

3. priority c. the act of persuading to do wrong

4. sponsor d. that which urges, rouses or encourages

5. pledge e. help forward; encourage; support

6. temptation f. giving; something given

7. promote g. force or persuade a person to do or take something

8. incentive h. being prior in order or greater in importance

9. donation i. work together with another

10. daunting j. frightening, discouraging

VI. Match the name of the mommy with the offspring.

1. goat a. chicken 2. pig b. duckling

3. deer c. cub 4. cow d. kid

5. hen e. lamb 6. dog f. foal

7. duck g. kitten 8. lioness h. puppy

9. sheep i. calf 10. mare j. fawn

11. cat k. porkling

VII. Match the English idioms in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column. Use them in a proper context.

2. to buy a white horse легче на повороте 3. dark horse винтика не хватает 4. hold your horses приобретать жизненный опыт

IX. Use a word from the list to complete each phrase. Do not use a word more than once.

nest pack troop shoal swarm flock flight herd

a) a............... of sheep. e) a............... of wolves

b) a............... of cattle f) a............... of monkeys

c) a............... of bees g) an ants'...............

d) a............... of fish h) a............... of sparrows

X. Choose the most appropriate word underlined.

a) Last year this tree was struck by lightning/thunder/a storm.

b) I like spring best, when the apple trees are in blooming/blossom/flowers.

c) Something must be done to protect wild/wilderness/wildlife.

d) When I want to relax, I go for a walk in the countryside/the nature/the outside.

e) In this part of the country, the earth/the land/the soil is quite expensive.

f) Suddenly we saw a ship appear on the atmosphere/horizon/sky. We were saved!

g) Most animals will attack you to protect their babies/litters/young.

h) Julia recently discovered a new category/make/species of fruit-fly.

i) We got soaked to the skin in the torrential drizzle/downpour/snow.

j) While I was eating cherries I accidentally swallowed a nut/pip/stone.


I. Reproduce the context where the following phrases occurred.

1. have a different range

2. various types of habitat

3. primary threats

4. poaching still is rampant

5. prey is diminishing

6. habitat destruction

7. fragments tiger population

8. critically endangered

9. under tremendous pressure

10. were wiped out

11. over-hunting

12. immediate conservation action

13. critical tiger habitat



A judge in Spain handed down a novel sentence recently to a factory-owner who had contaminated the environment (a local river). By obliging the man to attend classes on the fragility of the environment, the judge was able to waive the initial sentence-a six-month-spell in jail.

Imagine the above person had caused poisonous substances to be dumped into a local river, killing 10,000 fish in the process: how can he be punished? Order him to restock the river? Close the factory? And the workers? A huge fine could drive him out of business? Debate on the concept of work versus that of the environment (which is more important at the end of the day?).


Read the dialogues and give their detailed contents. Enlarge on the subject whenever possible.

B: I agree. We could also help by planting more trees to replace those which have been lost. Further­more, governments could reduce the need for… A: That's a good idea. To stop pollution, I think we should encourage… B: Yes. People should also try to use bicycles instead of cars especially in cities.


• If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would ... • If I discovered the factory I worked in was secretly polluting the… • If I were minister for the Environment, I would ...


1. Does the environment belong principally to the human race?

2. Do your consumption habits destroy the habitats of other species?

3. Do you think that developers should be permitted to build big hotels and tourist complexes in the most beautiful places in your country?

4. Should the private motorist be made to pay more heavily through higher road tax, petrol prices, parking fees and motorway tolls?

5. Should cars be banned from city, town and village centres?

6. Are you for or against nuclear power?

7. Does your country need stricter laws to punish noisy neighbours or discos which play loud music late at night?

8. Are your country's seas, rivers and / or lakes clean to swim in?

9. What government and private campaigns are there in your country to

protect and improve the environment? Are these campaigns motivated by concern for the lives and habitats of species other than our own?


• Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature?

• What can you do to help prevent pollution?

• What can you do to make this world a better place?

• Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or protecting the environment?

• Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? Explain.

• What is the most important issue facing the environment today?

• If you could choose one alternative energy source to develop which one would you choose? Why?

• Are companies more or less environmentally responsible now than they were in the past? Why do you think that is?

• Should we make the development of renewable energy sources an economic priority?

• What can large cities do to improve their air quality?

• How can we protect the environment and at the same time improve people's standard of living?



Prepare a talk show on the protection of our Siberian tiger. One student will conduct the show and be a talk master. Some students are to write role cards for themselves (e.g. the role of a forest guard). The talk master is to interview all these people.


Make a presentation on environmental issues.


Go online and find additional material about environmental problems in Russia, GB, America or any other country. Don’t forget to visit sites of any green organisations.


Translate the following article into English using lexical units of the text.

Медведи мира.

Большинство из восьми видов медведей населяют северную умеренную зону Северной Америки, Европы и Азии.

Полярный медведь живёт в суровых условиях с температурами намного ниже нуля. Их ареал распространяется на Гренландию, Норвегию, Россию, Канаду и…



The doctor asks, "What do you mean?" The man says, "When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts. If I touch my… The doctor says, "I know what's wrong with you - you've broken your finger!"


Letters and telegrams

Organisation Individuals Preparation A copy of the letter for each student Time 10-20 minutes




Answer the following questions.

2. Will newspapers disappear in the future? 3. How often do you watch or read the news? 4. Do you make a point of watching the news?


Read this text and say what major differences you see between The British and the Russian press.


There are many morning papers, both national and provincial. The Times is the most famous newspaper in the world, and one of the great British… Bold headlines and a variety of photographs are features of the British press.… Newspapers differ greatly in their ways of presenting news. Quality papers present to their readers important…


2. What do you know about The Times? 3. What are the characteristic features of British newspapers? 4. To what category of newspapers do The Times and the Daily Telegraph belong?


Vocabulary in context

I. Give a suitable Russian translation of the following units from the text.

1. The esteem in which it is held

2. bold headlines and a variety of photographs

3. tabloid format

4. run strip-cartoons

5. present striking pictorial comment on politics

6. the style is clear-cut

7. contain human interest stories

8. Popular papers are concerned with events commonly termed front-page news.

9. to get a good tip for a race

10. can be sued for libel

11. contempt of court

12. articles concerned with comment and general information rather than news

13. their reliance on advertising revenue

14. the more highbrow members of the community

II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian units.

2. они поглощены вечерней газетой 3. характерные черты британской прессы 4. здравомыслящая

Vocabulary in practice

I. Give the word for its definition.

1. a person who supervises or directs the preparation of a newspaper

2. a person having superior intellectual interests or tastes

3. to tell or announce beforehand

4. a number of copies

5. one who devours many books

6. the paper that is sold all over the country

7. the paper for some locality

8. a small newspaper that has many pictures and presents its material as briefly and as excitingly as possible

9. exciting; arousing intense emotions

10. special force or stress on words

II. Paraphrase the underlined using words or word-combinations from the text.

2. The Times uses pictures rarely. 3. The Sun uses illustrations widely. 4. I want to get some information for the next race.



One of you is the author of the text. All the group interviews you on the press in Great Britain.



The Times is read by the people who run the country. The Mirror is read by the people who think they run the country. The Guardian is read by the people who think about running the country.

Make up an advert for some newspaper in Russia using lexical units of the advert and any other suitable for the purpose. Try to be very persuasive as you are a journalist from this newspaper.

3. Imagine the stories that might go with these headlines:

Oldest sailor goes round the world.

Miracle cure for car crash victim.

From a million pounds to nothing - in 6 months!

Influenza epidemics caused by UFOs?

Rock star arrested at airport.

Record robbery rocks Rochester.

Whatever happened to the summer?

Write the stories as very brief reports. For example:

Oldest sailor goes round the world.

Jack Daniels, an 80-year-old yachting enthusiast, today left Portsmouth. He plans to sail around the world. He set off towards Canada, and expects to arrive in mid-March.

Newspaper Parts

Below are 18 typical extracts from different parts of a newspaper. Identify each one with one of the following words or phrases.

Obituary football report television preview

Headline horoscope crossword clues

Gossip column auction report weather forecast

recipe new car report readers' advice column

Caption court circular parliamentary report

Editorial gardening tips travel and holidays

(b) The word is that Clinton Ross, 32, playboy son of US steel billionaire Dwight Ross, has left his girlfriend, actress Lee-Ann Van Post, 26, and is now in… (c) Prince Edward (left) enjoys a joke with actor Sam Cool (centre).

Newspaper Headlines

Certain words are used very often in newspaper headlines because they are short or sound dramatic. Some of these words are not common in ordinary language or are used in a different sense. Headlines also omit certain words and use colloquial expressions, abbreviations and different verb tenses, e.g. STAR TO WED (A film star is going to get married).

Match each of the following words from the headlines above with its meaning below.



(a) jewels (g) to silence, censor, censorship

(b) goods stolen in robbery or (h) exciting, dramatic event

taken by police or customs (i) election, voting, public opinion

(c) to falsify survey

(d) director, high-ranking officer (j) to rearrange, rearrangement

or official (of senior jobs)

(e) raid, to raid (k) to resign, leave

(f) to look for, ask for, want

For each of the following headlines find the sentence below which expresses it as it would appear in an ordinary news announcement.






(a) Allegations have been made that election results were falsified.

(b) Police raided a house today and took possession of jewellery stolen in a recent robbery.

(c) Police are hunting two men who made a daring escape from prison by helicopter.

(d) Senior officers of the armed forces have been instructed not to talk to the media and, as a result, two of them have resigned.

(e) Strong appeals have been made to the Prime Minister to make changes in his ministers.

Express each of the following headlines as it would appear in an ordinary news announcement.








For each of the following words, all frequently used in headlines, find the meaning in the list below. It will help you if you look to see how they are used in the headlines at the foot of the exercise. Then express each headline as it would appear in an ordinary news announcement.



(a) to prevent (g) support, to support

(b) strong request, call for help, (h) to force out of office, remove

appeal from high position

(c) attempt, to attempt (i) run away from, escape

(d) stop, to stop (j) to try to attract

(e) to prohibit, prohibition (k) action, step, to take action

(f) fighting, argument, conflict, (l) to question, interrogate

to argue, to fight





For each of the following words, all frequently used in headlines, find the meaning in the list below. It will help you if you look to see how they are used in the headlines at the foot of the exercise. Then express each headline as it would appear in an ordinary news announcement.




(a) mystery (g) at a loss to explain, mystified

(b) to escape, escape (of secret (h) restrict, restriction

information) (i) divide, division

(c) diplomat, ambassador (j) investigate, investigation

(d) close, dismiss, cancel, (k) to demand, to appeal,

closure, dismissal demand, appeal

(e) remove (restrictions, (l) angry argument

prohibitions) (m) a number of victims

(f) criticize, reprimand





Make brief headlines from the following news stories.

(a) Eighteen people were killed when the army tried to overthrow the government.

(b) A leading diplomat has been mysteriously murdered.

(c) The Prime Minister is trying to win the support of the coal miners' trade unions.

(d) The director of British Petroleum has been forced to resign.

(e) A Member of Parliament was questioned by the police in an investigation into the use of illegal drugs.

Express the following headlines in ordinary English.





8. Think of a news headline for the following countries: America, Britain, France, China, Australia, Indonesia, Russia, Germany.


There are 7000 periodicals in B. and they are classified as "consumer general in­terest", "special interest" and "business to business". General and special interest magazines cover a very wide range of interests. Here are three of the most popular The Radio Times; Woman's own; Smash Hits. Try to guess: a. what they are about; b. what type of people read them.

You are the editor of the magazine for teenagers. Look at the features below and put them in order of priority.

1. A column answering your letters about personal problems.

2. Good sports reports

3. News about the pop scene

4. Crosswords and puzzles

5. Letters from people the same age in other countries

6. A love story every week

7. Health and beauty tips

8. Technical reports about scientific developments

9. Really attractive pin-up pictures


· Last week 330 jumbo jets landed or took off without incident at Heath­row, the world's leading international airport, with 20 million… · Approximately 12,200 happy, gurgling babies were delivered to Brit­ish… · 92 per cent of the first class mail was also delivered on time.

A period of ten years.

A place where people can marry without a religious ceremony.

A young newly grown tree.

A programme of pre-arranged times.

5. A contest of skill between a num­ber of players.

Groups of animals or plants (which are able to breed together).

A formal legal agreement.

Firms which sell goods at a public sale to the person who offers most money.

The collection of fruit, grain or vegetables made by a farmer.

A standard measurement for oil.

III. There are five examples of the use of 'to win'. What are they? IV. Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one of the words or… argue that there should be have no intention raised fears brought about it is common knowledge regarded as explained…

X. Match the parts in a) to j) with the wholes in 1) to 10).

b) spine 2) library c) episode 3) set d) entry 4) book

XII. Choose the odd one out. There may be more than one answer. Give your reasons.


1. a broad sheet a journal a tabloid

2. cable satellite terrestrial

3. a channel a station a wavelength

4. advertising revenue the licence fee road tax

5. to screen to stage to broadcast

6. circulation readership audience rating

7. to censor to curb to regulate

8. a business tycoon a media mogul a press baron



1. Did you like the news? Can you do the same work for one of our Russian publications

2. Prince Charles said that newspapers always print the bad news. Is that true?

3. Why do you think newspapers might concentrate on “bad” news?

4. Would you buy a newspaper which only reported 'good' news? Why? Why not?

5. Did you hear the news yesterday? What was it? Was it all bad?


1. Work in pairs. Think of the big news stories of the past seven days. Make a chart showing: the main news event each day, the country where it happened and your comment on it.

Join another pair. Compare your charts.

What happened?

I. Work in pairs. Look at the photographs below and decide what's happening in each one. What happened before and what is likely to happen next?


1. Choose one of the pictures and imagine that you are one of the people in it. Work out a short story which either starts or ends with the event in the picture. Then do the same with a different picture.

II. Work in groups. What do you think the story is behind these headlines?

1. Woman left 'granny' in part-exchange for car.

2. Teenager's flat stripped bare after message misunderstood.

3. Wash-day kitten comes out clean.

Giving your opinions

"The whole problem with news on television comes down to this: all the words uttered in an hour of news coverage could be printed on one page… Neil Postman (American writer) A newspaper can easily afford to print an item of possible interest to only a fraction of its readers. A television…


A. Write a letter (100—150 words) to a newspaper, giving your reaction to one or more of the news items you have read.

B. Write an essay on newspapers in your country or on the influence of the press.



Role-play the conversation between the representative of the magazine and a reader. The reader finds fault with the quality and contents of the magazine. The editor promises to make next issues more interesting.

2. You meet your friend who is indignant at the gossip about his favourite singer published in the newspaper. You know it to be absolutely true. You try to convince your friend that the press doesn’t always lie.


Brainstorm the following idea: “The advantages and disadvantages of reading quality periodicals and popular ones.”


Make up monologues on the following situations.

1. What is the difference between daily and Sunday papers?

2. What can you say about newspapers in Russia?

3. Speak on newspapers and magazines in GB.

4. What is the difference between popular and quality newspapers?

5. What do you know about news media in the US?

Make up dialogues on the following situations.

1. You are discussing newspapers and magazines in the USA.

2. You are discussing newspapers and magazines in Great Britain.

3. You are the editor of a magazine for women. Talk to your customer.

4. One of you is the editor of a popular newspaper, the other of a quality newspaper. Discuss their pros and cons.

5. One of you is the editor of a Sunday paper, the other – of a daily paper. Discuss merits and demerits of them.

6. You are discussing newspapers and magazines in Russia.


Radio or TV interview

Meet the people is a weekly programme on local radio or TV in which ordinary people are interviewed about their lives and opinions. Each week there is a different theme and people are invited who have had experiences related to the particular theme.

Possible themes for the next programme are:

FEAR ‘my most frightening experience’

TURNING POINTS ‘the day that changed my life’

ACHIEVEMENTS ‘the proudest moment of my life’

DISASTERS ‘the worst holiday of my life’LEISURE ‘why my hobby is important to me’

There are three roles: Interviewer Assistant Guest

Equipment: one or more tape recorders or note-books if possible.


1. Interviewers work together to prepare for the interviews.


Assistants conduct preliminary interviews with guests to establish basic facts. Their notes will be handed to the interviewers.


If the class doesn't divide evenly into threes, it will be necessary for one or two assistants to interview more than one guest.

2. Practice interviews take place.


Assistants observe and offer comments and advice

3. Real interviews take place.


Assistants operate tape-recorder(s) or note-books or observe a different interview in progress.

4. (Optional) Recordings are played back or assistants report back. Discussion of success of interviews.

5. (If time) Change roles and repeat procedure.

Notes for guests

1.First decide which topic you have something to say about.Make notes, if you like, to help you remember the details (but don't try to write out an account).

2. Answer the questions which the assistant puts to you.

3. Look on the interview as a friendly chat rather than a formal interview!

Notes for interviewers

APREPARATIONWork out (and make notes on):

- a short but realistic introduction to the programme, the theme and the guest.

- the kind of questions to ask. These should be ‘leading’ questions, designed to get your guest to explain or describe rather than just answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’, For example:

not ‘You're married to a doctor, aren't you?’

but ‘What's it like being a doctor's wife?’

or ‘What are the disadvantages to being a doctor's wife?’

- a suitable conclusion, thanking your guest and perhaps mentioning next week's theme.

- an appropriate time limit for the interview!


1. Read your assistant's notes. 2. Try to be relaxed and make your guest feel at ease! 3. Start with general questions and lead up to your guest's particular experience.

4. Remember to ask leading questions which prompt your guest to talk.

5. Really listen to the answers and be prepared to develop any interesting points.

6. Remember your time limit and stick to it!

Notes for assistants

1. Your job is to provide the interviewer with basic information about the guest. This should include:


married/single, children?

job/work experience etc

choice of theme to talk about

outline of particular experience

2. Prepare clear notes for the interviewer and give them to him/her before the programme.

3. Be prepared to observe the practice interviews and offer comments and advice (e.g. additional questions which could be asked).

4. Be prepared to operate recording equipment. Otherwise, go and observe a different interview in progress.

5. Give the interviewer a warning one minute before the end of the time limit and clearly signal the end.



2.“No news is good news.” What do you think these sayings mean? Discuss. 3. Does your town have a local newspaper? What's it like? What kind of things does it report?


Read the dialogues and give their detailed contents. Point out all the main differences between quality papers and popular ones.

tabloid newspapers and the so-called quality press in Britain? ANDREW Oh yeah, there's a huge difference. I mean, physically you'll see the… ference straightaway because a tabloid paper is smaller, the so-called quality press,


I. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

2. Если бы не местные газеты, мы бы не знали, что происходит в нашем районе. 3. Что требовалось от средств массовой информации? Освещать проблему со всех… 4. На что газете пришлось существовать? На доход, получаемый от места в га­зете, продаваемого под рекламу.

II. Act as interpreters and translate from Russian into English and from English into Russian.

Dialogue I

B. Привет, Олег. Нет, не смотрел. А что там было интересного? A. I was quite taken with the opinion-poll findings – the poll identified the… B. Да, что бы мы делали без телевизора! Он формирует обществен­ное мнение сам, а потом и сообщает о нем.

Dialogue II

B. Привет, Дима! Как успехи? A. Fine, thanks. B. Ты уже начал подготовку к экзаменам? Насколько я помню, ты хотел поступать на факультет журналистики?


Go online and find hot news from different countries. Present it to the group.



A: What's the longest word in the dictionary? Q. How many seconds are there in one year? A. Twelve. January second. February second, March second...

The First 3 Years of Marriage

• In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. • In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen. A man inserted… The next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine."


Newspaper report

Language - reporting events, past tenses, passive Other- imagination Level Intermediate


Remarks If unusual and widely differing pictures are chosen the result can be

very funny.


UNIT I National stereotypes…………………………………………… 3

UNIT II Education in GB and America……………………………….. 29

UNIT III Choosing a career……………………………………………. 66

UNIT IV Applying for a job …………………………………………… 90

UNIT V Success ………………………………………………………. 117

UNIT VI Money talks …………………………………………………. 137

UNIT VII We’re all in the same boat …………………………………. 163

UNIT VIII The press ………………………………………………….. 197