Dialogue II

A. Good morning, Andrey!

B. Привет, Дима! Как успехи?

A. Fine, thanks.

B. Ты уже начал подготовку к экзаменам? Насколько я помню, ты хотел поступать на факультет журналистики?

A. Right enough, yes, that's what I decided. I've been busy preparing for some time, with that in mind.

B. Ты выпускал неплохую стенгазету в классе. Тебе нравится этим заниматься?

A. You know, we had a great tutor in the 'Young Correspondent' work­shop: he was an absolute fanatic about journalism. He broadcasts on the radio — and has made several missions to 'hot spots'. He was al­ways emphasising to us what an enormous responsibility was on the jour­nalist's shoulders, regarding the material he was preparing to broadcast.

B. Да, это, наверное, важно: дать интересную и правдивую инфор­мацию. Я, например, не очень доверяю газетам, особенно мате­риалам о нашей современной жизни. Мне кажется, что в них мно­го фальши.

A. Well, that's too much of a generalisation. The true professional jour­nalist won't for ever be after something sensational or just 'pander­ing' to his market. Our tutor in these 'workshops' was always keeping on to us about the idea of the journalist's 'professional dignity'.

В. Это идеал, в жизни все сложнее.

A. If that weren't the case, it wouldn't be worth doing. The mass media have been labelled 'the fourth power'. In other words, newspapers, magazines, radio and television don't simply provide information in the fields of economics, politics or culture.

B. А какова же их цель?

A. I believe they are capable of educating the reader or hearer, of moulding public opinion, and of criticising the negative features of life.

B. Ты, Дима, рассуждаешь, как профессионал.

A. What do you mean? I've still got a lot of learning to do!

B. А ты какие предпочитаешь газеты или журналы? У тебя есть лю­бимые издания?

A. As far as the papers go, I regularly look at 'The Arguments and the Facts', and among the magazines I'm an 'Ogonyok' reader. When it comes to television — I'm less of a devotee.

B. Я, наоборот, люблю посмотреть телевизор, особенно программы для молодежи.

A. I watch the television 'review editions' of the 'News', and the Sunday programme 'The Mirror'. I like its analytical approach.

B. А как ты относишься к рекламе в средствах массовой информа­ции? Ее так много и в газетах, и на телевидении. А сколько рек­ламных изданий существует нынче!

A. Obviously, we can't do without advertising altogether. But that's not the same as saying there shouldn't be too much of it, or that it shouldn't be endlessly repetitive, or that it mustn't be in poor taste.

B. Я вижу, что у тебя есть собственная позиция. Желаю тебе успеш­но сдать экзамены и поступить на факультет журналистики.

A. Many thanks. And I wish you success in admission to the Universi­ty.