Put in order of priority. Give grounds for your list of priorities.

School should be about practical not theoretical things.

Television should be used more to make school more interesting.

Teachers should decide what is studied at school, not pupils.

Everyone should study the same things.

Parents should be allowed to come to classes.

More time should be spent out of school – in the town doing things.

Sport should be given a more important place at school.

Everybody should have to study his own language, mathematics, the history of their country and English all the time they are at school.

Schools should organize more social events for pupils - discos and so on.

Try to agree some guidelines for the “ideal” school (or explain why we shouldn’t have schools at all, if this is your view). Consider all the following points:

a. What subjects would be taught – any new ones not currently taught?

b. Technical aids – television, computers and so on.

c. Internal administration – rules, pupil power, a school council.

d. The influence of the parents on the running of the school.

e. Starting and finishing age and the length of the normal school day.

Say if you agree, disagree or not sure.

1. Teachers should keep pupils quiet at school.

2. Teachers talk too much.

3. Wearing uniforms is silly.

4. If a teacher doesn’t know the answer, he should say “I don’t know”.

5. Corporal punishment can sometimes be a good idea.

6. The best age to start school is seven.

7. Teachers should teach their subject and not worry about what you are wearing, what you are doing and things like that.

8. Boys and girls should be treated exactly the same at school.

9. School at the moment is too easy.

10. School starts too early in the morning.