a) Read the following quotations about success. Write 150 words comparing and contrasting what they say. Conclude by saying which of the quotations means the most to you.

“Success is always temporary; success is only delayed failure."

Graham Greene, novelist

There are no gains without pains.”

Adlai Stevenson, American politician

“The only way to succeed is to make people hate you. That way, they remember you.”

Joseph von Sternberg, film director

“It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail.”

Gore Vidal, writer

“Success is like knowledge: where is the fun if everyone's got it?”

Basil Boothroyd, comic writer

b) In the film Wall Street, financier Gordon Gecko (played by Michael Douglas) makes a speech in praise of greed. Greed, he says, is the energy that makes businesses successful. Write an essay expressing arguments for and against this theory.