For advanced students. Instructions as above.

status affluence priorities image acquisitive materialistic welfare state motivated idealism mercenary spiritual status-symbols


People nowadays have more money, and some say this new ______ has made people more__________, which means they place too much importance on money, comfort and luxury goods, and more____________________________ , which means they want to buy, own, possess more and more. We are not only money-oriented but also over-concerned with social and professional _______. We care too much about our _______, how other people see us. We like to own________________________ , like unnecessarily fast cars, the latest hi-fi equipment, fashionable clothes. Another factor is that many of us live in a ______, in which all our basic needs are provided by the government. In fact, care for those in need is now so highly organized that there is less scope for personal _____. What can a mere individual do to improve the world? But is the picture so black? Are we really reduced to being _____ creatures, ______ only by money? Perhaps it is time we examined our _____ and decided what is really important in life. Perhaps we should try to find self-fulfilment by exploring our (abilities and finding satisfaction in the _____ aspects of life: an appreciation of art and nature, service to others, the improvement of our minds.