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TEXT 1. IN SEARCH OF GOOD ENGLISH FOOD - раздел Образование, Навчальний посібник для студентiв II курсу факультету «Референт-перекладач» Харків   How Come It Is So Difficult To Find English Food In England? ...


How come it is so difficult to find English food in England? In Greece you eat Greek food, in France French food, in Italy Italian food, but in England, in any High street in die land it is easier to find Indian and Chinese restaurants than English ones.

Britain'-and good food are two things which are not commonly associated. Visitors to Britain have widely varying opinions about all sorts of aspects of the country, but most of them seem to agree that the food is terrible. Why? One reason could simply be that British tastes are different from everybody else's. However, the most common complaint is not so much that British food has a strange, unpleasant taste, but rather that it has very little taste at all. The vegetables, for example, are overcooked. It is all too bland.

Another explanation may be that most visitors to Britain do not get the opportunity to sample good cooking. They either eat the food cooked in an institution, such as a university canteen, or they 'eat out' a lot, usually in rather cheap restaurants and cafes. These places are definitely not where to find good British food. For one thing, food should, according to British people, be eaten hot, which is difficult to arrange when feeding large numbers of people. In addition, the British have not got into the habit of preparing sauces with grilled food in order to make it tastier.''

The explanations above can only serve as a partial excuse for the unfortunate reputation of British cuisine. Even in fast food restaurants and everyday cafes, the quality seems to be lower than it is in equivalent places in other countries. It seems that British people simply don't care enough to bother.

Even at home, food and drink is given relatively little attention. The coffee is often just as' bad as it is in the cafes. British supermarkets sell far more instant coffee than what the few people who drink it often call 'real' coffee. Instant coffee is less trouble. Meals tend to be eaten quickly and the table cleared. Parties and celebrations are not normally centred around food.

British people have been mostly urban, having little contact with 'the land', for longer than the people of other countries. Perhaps this is why the range of plants and animals which they will eat is rather narrow.

However, the picture is not entirely negative. While the British are conservative about ingredients, they are no longer conservative about the way they are served. In the 1960s, it was reported that the first British package tourists in Spain not only insisted on eating (traditionally British) fish and chips all the time but also on having them, as was traditional, wrapped up in specially imported British newspaper!

By now, however, the British are extremely open to the cuisine of other countries. The country's supermarket shelves are full of the spices and sauces needed for cooking dishes from all over the world (the increasingly multicultural nature of the population has helped in this respect). In addition, there is increasing interest in the pure enjoyment of eating and drinking.



1. Read the quotations about English food. Comment on them using information from the text above:

"If the English can survive their food, they can survive anything!" (George Bernard Shaw);

"Even today, well-brought up English girls are taught to boil all vegetables for at least a month and a half, just in case one of the dinner guests comes without his teeth!" (Calvin Trillin, American writer);

"On the Continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners." (George Mikes, writer and humorist).


2. Explain the meaning of the following phrases:

in any High Street in the land; English food is all too bland; to sample home cooking; to eat out; unfortunate reputation of British cuisine; 'real' coffee; instant coffee; package tourists; fish and chips; the increasingly multicultural nature of the population.


3. Make up 10 questions to cover the text.

4. Give a summary of text 1.


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Навчальний посібник для студентiв II курсу факультету «Референт-перекладач» Харків

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Professions. meals
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1. Who would you contact or call on in the situation below? Find the appropriate person for each situation. Be careful! They are not in the right order.

Read the following descriptions and guess which jobs are described.
a)They help people who need legal advice. Sometimes they have to go to court. b)They work in the fields growing crops breed animals such as cows, sheep, p

Match the professions on the left with the correct definitions on the right.
  1) an ambassador a) a person whose job is carrying people’s luggage and loads at railway stations, airports, hotels, markets, etc.

Read the words of the song below, noting how many people there are who are not number one.
I know you've always got to have a kind of substitute Who will throw all the balls back into play. And you couldn't really do without a deputy manager

Use the correct phrase from the following list to replace each of the phrases in italics in the sentences below.
The headmaster-to-be The late headmaster The present headmaster The headmaster present The actual headmaster The headmaster in question The so-

Study the words and word combinations paying close attention to the way they are used in the context.
A What do you do? People may ask you about your job. They can ask and you can answer in different ways: What do you do? What's your job? What do you do fo

To his surprise, Paul loved the market. He made lots of friendsand enjoyed working out in the open air. After two years, he took over( = took control of) the stall. Two years later

Starting with the words you are given, rewrite each of these sentences using active vocabulary. The basic meaning must stay the same.
Example: I'm a banker. I work in banking. a) What do you do? What's........ ? b) I earn $ 5,000 dollars. My....... c) I get $

Answer these questions as quickly as you can.
  a) What does your job involve? b) Are you responsible for anyone or anything? c) Have you had much training from the company? d) Have the company sent you

Fill in the gaps choosing a suitable word or expression form the box.
  a) perks b) qualifications c) ambitious d) job security e) salary f)references g) promotion h) commission 1)His_______ is not ve

Instructions as above.
commute salary prospects promotion retire pension ambitious perks increments commission   Job satisfaction is important but I have a wife and baby so I have to think

Choose the best alternative to fill each gap.
a) He has all the right _____ for the job. certificates degrees diplomas qualifications b) She's looking for a better position with another ______. association firm house

Translate into English.
1)Я одержую справжнє задоволення від своєї роботи. Мені пощастило мати приємних колег. У мене досить висока заробітна платня і гнучкий графік. Але головне - це можливість подорожув

Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below.
elderly medical treatment physically disabled pension schooling mentally handicapped eligible out of work social services benefits social workers welfare state retire subsidized low incomes

For advanced students. Instructions as above.
status affluence priorities image acquisitive materialistic welfare state motivated idealism mercenary spiritual status-symbols   People nowadays have more money, and some sa

Instructions as above.
constructively aimless regimentation rewarding initiative scope challenge creativity aspire conditioned 9 to 5 fulfilment   Most adults ________ to more leisure but, in fact,

Translate the articles into English.
A. Перерыв на веб-серфинг Если офисные служащие заходят на сайты, не связанные с основной работой, то, как правило, производительность из труда возрастает. К такому выводу пришли сотрудник

TEXT 1. A TRANSLATOR OR AN INTERPRETER?   An English professor studied these two jobs, and the text below describes his conclusions. Do they confirm or contr

  With unemployment so high, and often scores of applicants chasing every job, you have to count yourself lucky to be called for an interview. If it's your first, you're bound to be n

The interview
The interview is designed to find out more about you and to see if you are able for the job. The interviewer will do this by asking you questions. The way answer will show what kind of person you a

After the interview.
Think about how you presented yourself: could you have done better? If so, and if you do not get the job, you can be better prepared when you are next called for an interview. Good luck! &

  Having a solid and effective resume can greatly improve your chances of landing that dream job. That is beyond discussion. How does one make sure that his resume is top notch and bu

  Goethe claimed that one could only have a complete understanding of what a single man could achieve by seeing the Sistine Chapel with Michelangelo's frescos. Few have a greater unde

Ways of cooking. Kitchen utensils. Taste.
a) meal, breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, supper;   b) starter, entrée, appetizer, hors-d’oeuvre, main course, seconds, meat course, fish course, dessert, sweet cours

1. Define the following words: Starter, entrée, appetizer, hors-d’oeuvre, cutlery, bland, greasy, rare, done to a turn, stodgy, more-ish, savoury.  

Two things never fail to confuse foreigners when they come to Britain: cricket and British meals. However, whereas the visitor can live without understanding cricket (indeed, most British people ha

Kinds of meat. Seafood. Fish. Vegetables. Dairy products. Cereals & pasta. a) pork, beef, veal, mutton, venison, ham, gammon, bacon, poultry, game, offal, a joint of b

1. Sort these dishes out under the headings starters, main courses, sweets: a) chicken casserole; b) coffee gateau; c) fresh fruit salad; d) Irish

Fill in the blanks with the word best suited to the context form those in brackets.
a) dish – course 1. The second … was a roast turkey. 2. She put some tangerines and grapes on a silver … . 3. At a restaurant you look through the menu-card and make your choice of

Read through the following recipes. In groups, try and decide which country they might come from.
1. Saute onions, garlic, tomatoes and hot chilli peppers for five minutes, then stir in the lemon juice and add the chicken pieces. Cook until tender. Leave until cool and then chop the meat and st

Translate the sentences into English.
1)Постарайтеся скоротити вживання яловичини, свинини і баранини, краще їжте варену курку, курячі парові котлети, тушковану морську рибу. Також раз на тиждень ви можете їсти морепро

Translate the following sentences into English.
  1. Налити вам ще стакан чаю? 2. Яка ваша найулюбленіша рибна страва, 3. Я не полюбляю каву з молоком. 4. Час обідати. Стіл вже накритий. 5. Я б випив склянку міцного гарячого чаю. 6

Translate the following sentences into English.
1) Різдвяна вечеря в США звичайно складається з індички, шинки, яблучного пирога, горіхів та фруктів. 2) Моя подруга – вегетаріанка, і тому вона зазвичай їсть овочі, фрукти, молочні продукти і інод

At Supper.
Mike: Hallo, everybody. What’re we having for supper? Mom: Fish. Mike: And chips? Mom: I’m afraid I haven’t had any time. Just boiled potatoes and lettuce. Mike:

Hard & soft drinks. Types of containers. Set expressions. a) a hard drink, a soft drink, a beverage, a squash, a cocktail, a nightcap, one for the road, a shandy, punc

1. Define the following words: venison, poultry, game, offal, a cutlet, a chop, a nightcap, a shandy, a punch, a short, whisky "on the rocks", a teetotaller, vin

Match the words 1-15 on the left with the groceries a-o on the right.
1. a bar of 2. a bottle of 3. a box of 4. a bunch of 5. a can of 6. a carton of 7. a dozen 8. a jar/pt of 9. a joint of 10. a loaf of 11. a packet of

Fill the gaps with suitable words or phrases - in some cases there are several possibilities.
1. They love eating at home because they are both fantastic ________. 2.Carrots can be steamed and they can also be eaten ______. 3. You can save yourself a lot of work in the kit

1) Retell the dialogues in reported speech 2) Learn the dialogues by heart and act them out.   - Waiter! Will you show us the bill of fare? - Here you are,

Revision translation
1)Останнім часом у нашому місті з’явилося багато нових ресторанів, які пропонують кухні різних країн. Особисто мені подобається японська кухня, в якій багато морепродуктів і овочів

Revision translation
1)Останнім часом у нашому місті з’явилося багато нових ресторанів, які пропонують кухні різних країн. Особисто мені подобається японська кухня, в якій багато морепродуктів і овочів

I want it to be very, very lean.
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    the salt of the earth full of beans a butter-fingers nuts a piece of cake peanuts money for jam the cream cup of tea in a jam

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Professions. meals
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