Read the words of the song below, noting how many people there are who are not number one.

I know you've always got to have a kind of substitute

Who will throw all the balls back into play.

And you couldn't really do without a deputy manager

Longing for the manager's holiday.

Ad the company will always need a vice-chairperson

Praying for the chairperson's death.

It’s clear that somebody has got to be the second string

And someone has to make do with second best.


Someone must accept that he's the twelfth man

Waiting impatiently to play in the team.

Someone's got to act as the trainee secretary

Typing out ream after ream.

Someone's got to be the magician's assistant

Holding the maestro's gloves.

And someone's got to work as the auxiliary junior

Wishing she was one step above.


I suppose there'll always be a place for the failed musician

Turning the pianist's pages.

And you're always going to find a would-be trainer

Who’ll clean out the animal's cages.

And can the cast do without the poor understudy

Fidgeting i the wings?

Can the golfer get around without his faithful caddy

Carrying his clubs and things?


I know that someone's got to be the student dentist

Getting on everybody's nerves.

And there'll always be a need for a stand-in speaker

Aware that she was first reserve.

And it's no disgrace to be a plumber's mate

Carrying the boss's tools,

Or the temporary relief, a supply teacher

A stranger in a hundred schools.


I guess there'll always be a job for the commis waiter

Peeping through the restaurant door.

You can't have a fight without a heavy-weight challenger

Landing in a heap on the floor.

And you'll often hear the stories of the stand-by sailor

Who never quite made it to sea.

I know all that, but I can't help wondering

Why it's always got to be me.