Playing with the MEANINGS of words

Simile: a comparison using “like” or “as.”

Ex. He’s as dumb as an ox.

Metaphor: a direct comparison.

Ex. He’s an zero.

Personification: Treating a non-human thing with human characteristics.

Ex. The days crept by slowly, sorrowfully.

Hyperbole: Exaggeration used for effect.

Ex. He weighs a ton.

Metonymy: Substituting one word or phrase for another that is closely related.

Ex. The White House stated today that...

Synecdoche: A part represents the whole.

Ex. The football player is hanging up his spikes.

Symbol: an object that represents something else.

Ex. A small cross by the dangerous curve on the road reminded all of Johnny’s death.

Contrast: closely arranging things with strikingly different characteristics

Ex. He was dark, sinister, and cruel; she was radiant, pleasant, and kind.

Paradox: a seeming contradiction.

Ex. The faster I go the behinder I get.

Irony: something said that is opposite its intended meaning.

Ex. Wow, thanks for expensive gift...let’s see: did it come with a Fun Meal or the Burger King equivalent?