1. Разделите следующие виды транспорта на три группы: передвигающиеся по земле, по воздуху и по воде.

airship train helicopter yacht plane canoe automobile space shuttle raft hot-air balloon trolley-bus motorbike   boat taxi tram submarine   skidoo ship bus bicycle


Air Water Land


2. Какие виды транспорта вы ассоциируете с данными прилагательными?

tiring comfortable expensive romantic thrilling cheap dangerous unforgettable safe adventurous stressful fast boring healthy slow


3. Сравните виды транспорта, используя прилагательные из предыдущего упражнения: a) plane and train; b) bicycle and automobile; c) bus and taxi.

4. Заполните пропуски данными словами, подходящими по смыслу:

train, customs, took, ticket office, luggage, boarding, rushed, landed, public transport

I went to the station by 1)___________. When I came there I found a long line to the 2)_____________. I got my ticket from the ticket machine, 3)__________ to the platform and got onto the 4)____________. My train arrived in London at 12. I 5)____________ a taxi to the airport. At the airport I checked in, got a boarding card, had my 6)___________ registered. Then I went through 7)____________ and passport control. I waited for half an hour in the departure lounge for the 8)___________. At last we took off, and in three hours 9)_________ in Athens.

5. Составьте диалог о путешествии, используя данный план:

Student A: Tell about your last trip.

Student B: Tell where you usually go in summer.