Ïðî÷èòàéòå è ïåðåâåäèòå

1 Can you close the window, please?

I’m cold.

2 I’m 32 years old. My sister is 29.

3 John is afraid of dogs.

4 It’s 10 o’clock. You’re late again.

5 I’m tired but I’m not hungry.

6 Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

7 Look! There’s George.

2. Âñòàâüòå íóæíóþ ôîðìó ãëàãîëà “to be”


1. The weather is very nice today.

2. This case _____ very heavy.

3. These cases _____ very heavy.

4. The dog _____ asleep.

5. Look! There ____ Carol.

6. I ____ hot. Can you open the window, please?

7. This castle ___ 1000 years old.

8. I _____ not tired.

9. My brother and I _____ good tennis players.

10. Ann ____ at home, but her children ______ at school.

11. I ____ a student. My sister _____ an architect.

12. These students _____ good singers.

13. His friend _____ not a student. He ____ a schoolboy.

14. It _____ windy today.

15. The sea _____ warm and calm.


3. Ñîñòàâüòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, èñïîëüçóÿ ãëàãîë “to be” â íóæíîé ôîðìå.

1 (my shoes very dirty)

My shoes are very dirty.

2 (my bed very comfortable)

My _________________________________.

3 (your glasses in your bag).

Your ________________________________.

4 (I not very happy today)


5(this restaurant very expensive)


6 (the shops not open today)



7 (Mr Kelly’s daughter six years old)


8 (the houses in this street very old)


9 (the examination not difficult)


10 (those flowers very beautiful)



4. Íàïèøèòå óòâåðäèòåëüíûå èëè îòðèöàòåëüíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, èñïîëüçóÿ ãëàãîë “to be”.

1 (Paris the capital of France) Paris is the capital of France.

2 (I interested in football) _____________________________________.

3 (I hungry) _______________________________.

4 (it warm today) ________________________________.

5 (Rome in Spain) ___________________________________.

6 (I afraid of dogs) ___________________________________.

7 (my hands cold) ____________________________________.

8 (Canada a very big country) ____________________________________.

9 (the Amazon in Africa) ________________________________________.

10 (diamonds cheap) _____________________________.

11 (motor-racing a dangerous sport) _______________________________________.

12 (cats big animals) _____________________________________________.