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About My Family and Myself

About My Family and Myself - раздел Образование, Grammar: verb “to be”, there is/are. Possessive and Personal Pronouns I Believe That Everything Has Its Beginning In The Family. Family Is Very Imp...

I believe that everything has its beginning in the family. Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. It seems a bit sad that families are getting so small these days. A family with three or four children is not a common thing. More often you will find many families where there is just Mummy, Dad, one kid and may be a dog. I don't know what it feels like being an only child in the family. There are three children in our family. So by modern standards we are considered to be a fairly large family.

I think I'd better start my story with my dad. His name is Ivan Petrovich. He is in his late forties, but he looks powerful and impressive. He is tall with dark hair and brown eyes and is of a strong built. My father is a research worker by profession. But about 10 years ago he had to look for a better paid job to support us. He went in for trade. At present he is trying his luck in several trade aspects. My father is determined, strong-willed, energetic. He looks very businesslike and at the same time he tries not to lose the sense of humour. And though he is very busy, he always devotes his free time to the children, mainly to my younger brother and sister because he takes me for a grown-up person, he trusts me and relies on me. He is even sure that I can be his partner in business translating some business papers and documents for him. Generally speaking my father and me are very similar in character though in appearance I take after my mother.

My mother's name is Larisa Ivanovna. She has turned 40 this year. But if you look at her you won't give her a year older than 30. My mother is a programmer by profession. Though there were no grandparents around to help my mother when we were small, she practically never gave up working. She is very interested in her work, she is a good professional and she enjoys respect from her colleagues. Mum's life is not easy, of course, because she has to keep the house in addition to her work. My mother is a quiet and charming person. She is very kind and she does a good job of being a mother. She is concerned about her appearance, tries to be in good shape, elegant and dressed according to the latest vogue, that's why she looks so good for her age.

My younger brother Sasha is only 7 years old. He studies at school. He does well at school, which makes all of us happy. He is a diligent, kind and intelligent boy. He is tall for his age, sporty and we hope he'll make a good basketball player one day.

As for my younger sister Kate, she is only 4 years of age. She is a very pretty, lively, cheerful and energetic little thing. She is very restless and it's hard for her to stay in one and the same place for more than a minute, so when the two of them are playing they make a hell of the house.

Now a few words about me. My name is Denis. I am seventeen. This year I entered the Belarusian State University. At present I am a first-year student at the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty. I have always liked mathematics. My friends say that I am sociable, honest, helpful and cheerful, but my parents think that sometimes I am stubborn and hard to deal with. My favourite occupation is playing the guitar, reading. I am fond of sport as well.

Of course I have many remote relations: two grandmothers and a grandfather, aunts, uncles and cousins. But only my grandfather and grandmother on the mother's side live in Minsk. Though my grandma is already an elderly woman, she often visits us, helps my mother to look after the children and always brings something delicious to eat. We all enjoy her visits.

There is no «fathers-and-sons» problem in our family. We all are getting along all right and I think we are a united family. That's all I can say about my family.


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Grammar: verb “to be”, there is/are. Possessive and Personal Pronouns

Grammar verb to be there is are Possessive and Personal Pronouns... Pronouns...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Ex. 1. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian.
1. They live together with their parents. 2. Oxford is famous for its University. 3. I didn’t have an

C) Preparatory “it”.
  It is was will be easy/difficult/impossible/dangerous/safe/ expensive/interesting/nice/wonderful/ terrible/a pleasure

Ex. 4. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
a) 1. Twenty miles is a long way to walk. 2. My native city is very large. 3. The pair of black trousers is cheap.4. Phonetics is a branch of linguistics. 5. The family are fond of their house. 6.

Ex. 6. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian.
a) 1. There are some big trees in the garden. 2. There is a seminar on philosophy today. 3. There are comfortable apartments in this block of flats. 4. There are a lot of accidents on this road. 5.

Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.
sense (n) [sens] ощущение, чувство support (v, n) [sq'pLt] содержать (семью); поддержка seem (v)

Looks and Appearance
beautiful (adj) ['bjHtIful] красивый (о женщинах) blond/fair [feq]/ginger [GInGq]/ dark hair светлые/русые/рыжие/черные в

Features of Character
be in good/bad mood [mu:d] быть в хорошем (плохом) настроении brave (adj) [breIv] смелый devoted

Interests and Ambitions
ambition (n) [xm'bISqn] стремление be keen [kJn] on smth увлекаться чем-либо desire (n), (v) [di'

Family Members and Relations in the Family
average ['xvqrIG] /small/large family средняя/маленькая/большая семья   consist of (v) [kqn'sIst] состоят

Ex. 12. Translate into English making use of the words from the box.
slender beard shy short fat hazel eyes pale skin kind-hearted plump cheeks honest ginger-haired curly hair broad shoulders

Ex. 1. Make the sentences interrogative and negative.
a) 1. I usually have a sandwich for my lunch. 2. Students have one English class a week. 3. We have a shop next to the post office. 4. Most cars have got four wheels. 5. An insect has got six legs.

Present Simple
  Positive   Negative   Interrogative I we you they

Ex. 4 . Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
1. We do a lot of things in our free time. 2. The shops open at 9 o’clock and close at 5.30. 3. It costs a lot of money to stay in luxury hotels. 4. The Moon goes round the Earth. 5. They usually s

Past Simple
  Positive   Negative   Interrogative I we you they he she

Future Simple
Positive / Negative   Interrogative I/we you/they he/she/it (shall(‘ll)/shall not/shan’t) will(‘ll)/wil

Auxiliary verb Subject Predicate or part of it Obje

Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.
delay (n) [dI`leI] задержка recent (adj) [`rJs(q)nt] последний, недавний manage (v) [`mxnIG]

Memorise the following word combinations.
to be busy быть занятым the students’ hall of residence студенческое общежитие as a matter of fac

A Letter to a Friend
Dear Linda, I’m very sorry for the delay in answering your recent letter. I was so awfully busy. In the spring I passed my A-Level examinations and tests at school and managed to get good

Ex. 10. Find the Russian equivalents for the following English word combinations.
1. to belong to a group 2. to describe the routine 3. to depend on the weather 4. to have a late night 5. on the other hand

Pronouns some, any, no
Affirmative sentences Examples Some and its compounds (somebody, something, somewhere, someone) is used with the meaning “small amo

Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.
number (n) [`nAmbq]- число, количество, номер date back to (v) [`deIt] – датироваться, относиться к определенному времени antiquity (n) [xn`tIkwItI]- древность, античность

The beginning of our number system dates back to antiquity where symbols, which we call positive integers, were used as an aid in counting, and only in the nineteenth century the system, which we k

Ex. 8. Answer the following questions.
1. What were positive integers used for? 2. When was the number system completed? 3. Are the first numbers which we use the positive integers or the negative ones? 4. Is unity a first or a last int

Ex. 1. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian.
1. She could do sums in her head when she was 6 years old. 2. Peter was able to carry out the experiment successfully, but Nick couldn’t finish it without any help.

Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.
number (n) [`nAmbq] число, количество; v перечислять numeral (n) [`nju:mqrql] цифра, символ, число digit (n) [`dIGIt] цифра value (n) [`vxlju:] величина, значение; (v) це

Four Basic Operations of Arithmetic
Many thousands of years ago this was a world without numbers. Today, using the same numbers in many different ways, man can build bridges, skyscrapers, fly off the Earth like a bird, even measure t

Ex. 14. Choose the phrase closest in meaning to the given statement.
1. Dan can’t be a teacher. a) I’m sure Dan isn’t a teacher. b) I think Dan isn’t a teacher. 2. Need I take the tablets every day? a) Is it a good idea to take th

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1. Mathematicians have used mathematical formulas in solving these problems. 2. By the end of the lesson we’ll have been able to obtain the modified definition of the function. 3. Scientific theori

Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.
part [pa:t] n часть proper ['prOpq] a правильный improper [im'prOpq] a неправильный

Rational numbers and decimal numerals
In mathematics, a fraction is a concept of a proportional relation between a part and a whole. In other words, it is an example of a specific type of ratio, in which the two number

Ex.7. Give the proper English equivalents for the Russian expressions.
the greatest common factor; to invert; the quotient; performed operations; the numerator and denominator; decimal numerals; proper fractions; the minuend, subtrahend and r

Ex. 10. Choose the correct tense form.
1. (Have you ever heard/ Did you ever hear) about continued fractions? 2. We (have started/ started) learning fractions when we were at school. 3. By the end of the lecture the st

Ex. 11. Ask special questions.
1. By 5 o’clock the experiment will have been over. (by what time) 2. By the age of 41 Sophia Kovalevskaya had won recognition of mathematicians all over the world. (whose) 3. Zero concept has got

Ex. 12. Translate into English.
1. Дробь представляет часть целого. Она показывает, что что-то раздели­ли на несколько равных частей. 2. В дроби число, стоящее над чертой называется числителем, число, стоящее под чертой называетс

Degrees of Comparison
short words: -er, -est big – bigger – the biggest thin – thinner – the thinnest short – shorter – the shortest

Ex. 1. Analyze these sentences and compare the adjectives given there. Translate them into Russian.
1. He has a difficult test. I have a more difficult test. Her test is the most difficult of all. 2. Your problem is easy. His problem is easier than yours. That student’s problem is the easiest. 3.

Types of Comparisons
There are a number of different sentence patterns with comparative and superlative forms:   Than чем This book is more interesting

Ex. 5. Give the proper English equivalents for the Russian expressions.
the best, greater, as difficult as, less, longer… that one, as interesting as, not so important as, the youngest, better, not so famous as, the sooner… the better, the old

Facts to be remembered
  a. Present Perfect Continuous is used: For actions started and finished in the past and lasted for some time. The result of the actions is visible

Note the difference in translation between the Present Perfect Continuous and the Present Perfect Tenses.
1. – You look hot. – I’ve been running all the way. Я бежала всю дорогу.   2. I’ve been learning irregular verbs all afternoon. Я учил неправильные глаголы ве

Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.
compute [kqm`pjHt] вычислять deal (dealt) with [dJl] иметь дело с; рассматривать apply [q`plaI]

The Nature of Algebra
Algebra is a generalization of arithmetic. Each statement of arithmetic has been dealing with particular numbers for years: the statement (20 + 4)2 = 202 + 2 • 20 • 4 + 4

Ex. 13. Give the proper English equivalents for the Russian expressions.
computed, instead of, simpler, ordinary letters, replace, hold, generalization, relations, concerning, multinomials 1. Algebra is обобщение

Monomials and Polynomials
1. Algebraic expressions are divided into two groups according to the last operation indicated. 2. A monomial is an algebraic expression whose last operation is neither addition not subtraction. 3.

Ex. 1. Read these sentences. Compare the predicates in these pairs of sentences
a 1. I attend all lectures at the University. 2. We often use the Internet. 3. He applies a new method in his research.   &n

Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.
equation (n) [i`kweiSqn] – уравнение statement (n) [`steItmqnt] – утверждение, формулировка finite (a) [`faInaIt] – конечный variable (a) [`vFqriqbl] – переменная

Equations and Identities
An equation is a statement of equality between two algebraic expressions. The two expressions are called members, or sides of the equation. If the two members of an equation are finite and are exac

Ex. 5. Give the proper English equivalents for the Russian expressions.
to solve, the unknown quantity, substituted into the expression, the value, roots, have been transposed, the Least Common Denominator, is checked, clearing, to satisfy

Ex. 9. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
1. In solving problems by means of algebraic equations, the first and the most difficult step which must be done is to translate the words into the algebraic language. 2. Definite rules cannot be g

Ex. 10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
1. Уравнение – это утверждение, выражающее равенство двух алгебраических выражений. 2. Корень уравнения остаётся прежним, если к обеим частям уравнения прибавить или от обеих частей уравнения вычес

Ex.1. Analyze these pairs of sentences and compare the predicates given there.
1. They are solving the equation at the moment. 2. He was dividing these numerals at 2 o’clock yesterday. 3. We have already reduced the fr

Guess the meaning of the following words.
Algebraic adj. ["xlGI`breIIk]; polynomial n. ["pOlI`nqumIql]; integral adj. [`IntIgr(q)l]; constant n. [`kOnstqnt]; coefficient n. ["kquI`fISqnt]; exponent n. [eks`pqunqnt]; fundamen

A number represented by algebraic symbols is referred to as an algebraic expression. An algebraic expression whose parts are not separated by + or – is called a term; as 2

Ex. 6. Give the proper English equivalents for the Russian expressions.
a trinomial, descending, subtraction, obtain, a fraction, coefficients, terms, exponents, sum, remainder, fractional 1. Each of these polynomi

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