Active Vocabulary

· amount: quantity of something

· authorities: people or organizations that have the power to make

decisions and control others

· bond: a certificate issued by a government or a company promising

to repay borrowed money at a fixed interest rate at a specified time

· borrow: take money from a person or bank under an agreement to pay

it back later

· broad money: money in any form, including bank or other deposits

· currency in circulation: coins and banknotes that people spend

· demand: desire of consumers for a particular commodity or service

· discount rate: interest rate at which the Central Bank lends money to

commercial banks

· exchange rate: value of one currency in terms of another

· inflation: a general increase in the prices of goods and services

· interest: money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money

which have been lent

· interest rate: amount of interest that must be paid

· lend (lent): to give (money) for some time, often at interest

· monetary: relating to money or currency

· money supply: total amount of money in a country's economy

· narrow money: money in forms that are used as a medium of exchange

· open market operations: buying and selling government bonds in the

open market

· output: amount of goods produced by a person, machine, or industry

· price: amount of money which is given in payment for something

· ratio: a proportion between 2 amounts

· recession: period of temporary economic decline

· savings deposit: deposit that earns interest

· sight deposit: deposit that can be withdrawn at any time

· supply: amount of a good or service which is offered for sale

· time deposit: deposit in a bank account that cannot be withdrawn

before a fixed date

· treasury bill: a short-term government security which earns no interest

· velocity of circulation: the speed with which money moves between

organizations and bank accounts

· withdraw: take away or remove money from a deposit or account in a

bank or financial institution