рефераты конспекты курсовые дипломные лекции шпоры

Реферат Курсовая Конспект

Chapter 17. Home work.

Chapter 17. Home work. - раздел Образование, Three men in a boat. Chapter 1.While reading 1. Translate And Remember The Following Word Combinations. Write Out The Sent...

1. Translate and remember the following word combinations. Write out the sentences with them from the text. Make up your own sentences with the following words.

To be a failure (167) without a murmur (167) to abound in (168)
to have nothing to do with (168) conscientious (171) to put smb. at a disadvantage (171)
to spare (172) to sip (172) solemn-looking (174)
in one’s turn (175) to slip (176)  

2. Write down all the names of fish you come across in the text.

1. What qualities should a perfect anglers have? Make a list and tell in detail.

2. Have you ever heard or read any fishermen’s stories? Tell any you like.

3. Translate the part of the chapter 17 : pp.174 - 175. « Five minutes afterwards ... Ha! Ha!»

Chapter 17. Class work

Who and under what circumstances made the following statements:

a. We were strangers in the neighbourhood.

b. It wasn’t like washing, it was like excavating.

c. Why! Who told you I caught that trout!

d. It took me half an hour to land this fish.

e. Good-sizes trout, that.

f. You haven’t injured the fish, have you?

Why did the three friends have to pay extra money to the woman who washed their clothes?

How many people said that they had caught the fish in the glass case?

– Конец работы –

Эта тема принадлежит разделу:

Three men in a boat. Chapter 1.While reading

Concentrate your attention on the following words and word combinations while reading the text translate and remember them to be out of... After you read A Checking your understanding... Translate into Russian the part of the chapter p So I set my face against the sea trip when they...

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Все темы данного раздела:

Recommended Vocabulary List
pull out (16) inclined (20) arrange (16) at one’s expense (21) hint (17) ferocious (21) to be up to (18) on purpose (20) quarrelsome (20) After you read:

Recommended Vocabulary List
To settle (22) to hand (24) to do without (27) to give up (29) list (22) to lose sight of (25)

Unit 4. Part 1.
Words to be learnt: indigestible (31) to be detained (35) scenery (31) to rush (35) whol

Arrange the following headlines in the proper order.
Objections to paraffin oil as an atmosphere A married woman leaves her home A terrified horse Advantages of cheese as a travelling companion The food problem An awful oath The sec

Home task
1.Concentrate your attention on the following words while reading the text, translate and remember them: a square meal (37), every now and then (39), to take smth. in a certain way

1. Concentrate your attention on the following words while reading the text, translate and remember them. Picturesque (55) peaceful (56)

Chapter 7. Home Task.
1. Concentrate your attention on the following words while reading the text, translate and remember them. Quay (65) ridiculous (67) to w

Recommended Vocabulary List
that goes without saying (88) to get hold of (91) steadily (97)   to be a credit (89) bewi

Arrange the following headlines in the proper order.
- The missing lock of the haunted river Instincts of tow-line Saved Strange disappearance of an elderly lady Music Towers and towered Much haste, less speed George is introduced t

Put the sentences in the right order. Then check your order with Chapter 9.
1. They pull the boat much too fast. 2. Soon they stop again, because they want their hats or because they have seen a cow. 1. You always need three girls to tow a boat.

Chapter 10-11 Home task
1. While reading: Translate and remember the following word combinations To bungle smth (103). to boil over (105) to put smth out (105) to beam on a person (106) To be qua

Describe the first night on the river. Use the following words and combinations.
To bungle smth. to boil over to put smth out to beam on a person To be quarrelsome, snappy and ill tempered 4. What happened to George’s father in the country inn

Chapter 12 Home-task
1. Concentrate your attention on the following words while reading the text, translate and remember them. I would not mind (119) to prove guilty (121

Chapter 13.
1. Make your own sentences. bustling (133) meek (134) grave (135) dignified (135) to forage (138)

Chapter 15-16. Home task.
1. Translate and remember the following word combinations. Write out the sentences with them from the text. Make up short situations with words. A fair sha

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