Semiconductors are solids whose resistivity lies between those : of electrical conductors and insulators. Semiconductors are used in computers, in radio and TV receivers, and in other electronic products.

Semiconductor devices perform many control functions. They may be used as rectifiers, amplifiers, detectors, oscilla­tors and switching elements. Some characteristics, which make the semiconductors such an attractive member of the electronics family, are as follows:

1. Semiconductors are small and light in weight.

2. Semiconductors are solids. There is therefore little chance that elements will vibrate. Element vibration in vac­uum tubes was the cause of microphonics.

3. Semiconductors require little power and radiate less heat than tubes. They do not need warm up time and operate as soon as power is applied.

4. Semiconductors do not undergo (подвергаться) the chemical deterioration (порча) which occurs in tube cathodes. The deterioration of tube cathodes eventually results in unac­ceptable tube performance.2

Silicon is the material of which most semiconductor devices are presently constructed.




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