Agreement for non-distribution of the nuclear weapon ДНЯО

Agreement for non-distribution of the nuclear weapon ДНЯО. The problem of the nuclear weapon is one of the most sharpest problems of modernity present. The distribution of the nuclear weapon, know-how, accommodation it him in countries with a unsuccessful political and economic atmosphere - is inadmissible.

On it the effort of world global community is directed. In a 1961 the multilateral diplomatic efforts have resulted in acceptance by General Assembly ООН of the Irish resolution initiative of Ireland, where all states, in particular, having in the given time by the nuclear weapon, were called to do the utmost to supply ensure the conclusion of the international agreement containing a rules situations, according to which the nuclear states have undertaken the obligations to abstain from loss of the control under nuclear arms and from transfer of the information, necessary for his its production, to the states, not engaging such weapon, and also rules situation, according to which the states which are not having the nuclear weapon, would accept per themselves the obligations to not make and to not receive by a different way the control of such arms. Under this initiative in a 1968 the Agreement for non-distribution of the nuclear weapon global mode, becoming a corner stone, of non-distribution was signed.

The Agreement which has entered by virtue of March 5, 1970, has received for the subsequent quarter of century wide international support.

During one only 1992 to the Agreement have joined Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Намибия, Нигер and Мьянма Бирма, and also nuclear державы - Peoples Republic of China March 9 and France August 3 . The number of the participating states has reached achieved more than 156, including all five by keeping - permanent members of Advice council of Safety ООН. В 1995 ДНЯО - basis of the whole mode of non-distribution - was prolonged permanently and has become constantly acting.

Infortunately is far from being all states have come in this Agreement.

Iraq, Korean National Democratic Republic, Pakistan, India, Iran - the countries have sufficient potential for creation of the nuclear weapon till now have not signed this Agreement and in the given moment conduct active researches in the given area. The agreement opens by a preamble, in which, in particular personally, the main principle of new system of the warranties МАГАТЭ is formulated. These warranties are applied concerning movement traffic of initial and special splitted materials by means of use of devices and other technical methods in the certain key places, that is the extremely movement traffic of nuclear materials, instead of factories, installations aim and other nuclear objects is supervised.

Such approach in many respects was explained by commercial reasons of the manufacturers of the nuclear equipment afraid of outflow of the information to the competitors in result of the too much detailed control.

In addition to this article III I of the Agreement states, that the warranties are applied to all nuclear material in all peace nuclear activity within the limits of territory of the non-nuclear state - participant of the Agreement, under his its jurisdiction or realized under his its control where that was. Thus, the Agreement provides полномасштабные the warranties extending on all nuclear cycle the state-participant. In this key the detailed system of the warranties stated МАГАТЭ in a 1971 was developed.

The main problem of the Agreement is formulated in article III I to not admit allow switching a nuclear energy from peace application on the nuclear weapon or other nuclear explosive systems devices. In it the appreciablly certain difference from the Charter МАГАТЭ article III.A.5 , not allowing similar switching on any military purposes. The main articles of the Agreement about non-distribution I and II forbid nuclear державам to transmit to somebody the nuclear weapon, and non-nuclear - to accept transfers from somebody of this weapon and control of it directly, indirectly.

For the purposes of the Agreement the state having the nuclear weapon, is what has made and has blown up the nuclear weapon or other nuclear explosive system device till January 1, 1967 article IX.3 , that is USA, USSR England, France, КНР. the Formula to somebody has excluded an opportunity of transfer of the control above the nuclear weapon not only non-nuclear states, but also separate persons, groups, consignments, organizations, first of all - multinational nuclear forces of NATO, which creation was planned per 60 years.

The second part of article I causes questions now, as obliges only nuclear державы to not help at all to not encourage and to not induce the non-nuclear states to production or purchase of the nuclear weapon and control of it. Between that today in the world global market hundreds nuclear suppliers from non-nuclear countries, including from the states third of мира. actively act Article IV.2 of the Agreement obliges the participants to promote probably most complete exchange by the equipment, materials, scientific and technical information on use of a nuclear energy in the peace purposes. This section was perceived as gingerbread stimulating connection to the Agreement for non-distribution of the new participants, especially from among the developing states.

Number of rules situations of the Agreement article V and two paragraphs of a preamble mention a problem of nuclear explosions in the peace purposes.

The parties to an agreement have undertaken to supply ensure to the non-nuclear states for want of observance of the appropriate conditions the potential boons from any peace application of nuclear explosions for want of of maximum low cost of such boons. Core of the Agreement about non-distribution is the agreement between the states having the nuclear weapon, and non-nuclear states. Nuclear державы are obliged To not help non-nuclear countries in purchase of the nuclear weapon To transmit to the interested countries nuclear technology for the peace purposes To undertake real steps on reduction of the stocks of the nuclear weapon To require demand, that the products of their nuclear export in non-nuclear countries should be put under the warranties In turn, the non-nuclear states agree To not aspire to acquire and to develop the nuclear weapon To put under the warranties products of their nuclear export in non-nuclear countries To accept a condition of statement under the warranties of all nuclear materials, both imported, and made in country полномасштабные of the warranty To transmit to the interested countries nuclear technology for peace целей.

This agreement on to the warranties and help has reduced together groups of the states, in a root excellent different on the nuclear interests.

While the agreement plays an outstanding role in proceeding support of the Agreement, existence of the support корениться in understanding by many countries of a role of the Agreement as protection of their own interests of safety.

The agreement for non-distribution takes a central place in a mode of non-distribution, which many elements have developed during realization of rules situations of this document. After the introduction of the Agreement by virtue of in 1970 the system of the warranties МАГАТЭ INFCIRC 153 was developed полномасштабная, began work Committee of the nuclear exporters Committee Цангера. Договор is a main support in aspiration of the people of the whole world to limit distribution of the nuclear weapon.

Does not exist more значимого of a symbol of the established mode of non-distribution, which has allowed to introduce in international and внутригосударственную life very many norms and rules of non-distribution. 1