The Church of England

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With the development of history of a particular country, there will always be development of Religion, since the Church is an integral part of State System.

Heathenism, Orthodoxy, Judaism etc They have been living for centuries. And some of them were changed, penetrated each other or reformed dramatically. England was not exception. The English are not a deeply religious race. Hundreds of years ago they decided that Roman Catholicism with its teachings about original sin and the unworthiness of the human race could not really have been meant for them. So they designed a Church of their own the Church of England. The English Reformation was a result of the chain of events that eventually altered England and Englishness forever.

So much in history is a bastard child of both long-standing, simmering emotion and the opportunistic seizing of a moment. By its nature unexpected, it is also unpredictable, and shaped as much by environment and chance as by its progenitors. The Reformation was no different. It was going on through the ages and reigns. I. History of the Church of England 1.

Status of Church in England up to

Status of Church in England up to. Until 1054 there was only one Christian Church - the Catholic Church. ... After the Roman Empire became Christian some bishops increasingly beca... Not directly involved in that split was the Church in England, which t... The CHURCH OF ENGLAND was to remain under Papal jurisdiction for nearl...

Reformation of Church

97-98, Milton Viorst, The Great Documents of Western Civilization, NY,... Edward VI During Edwards reign Henry s son, the Church of England beca... Despite many problems including frequent assassination plots from Roma... Evangelical, a term literally meaning of or pertaining to the Gospel, ... The Church of England has, in its several ways, been the Church to uph...

II. The Church of England today

The Church of England today. We are now in what many call the post-modern era and the Church of Eng... The Book of Common Prayer exists in 170 languages. There is little doubt that, among all groups of Christians, we Anglica... Throughout the world, over one thousand new Christian churches open th...

The essence of being an Anglican

It has always been independent of the Church of England hierarchy. Church of England becomes an International Church Anglicans trace thei... Some 37 national and regional Anglican Churches were established in va... As a worldwide family of churches, the Anglican Communion has more tha... Located on every continent, Anglicans speak many languages and come fr...


Conclusions. Puritan laws and censorship are repealed the theaters re-open. The conflict with Puritanism leaves distrust for religious individuali... Te Churches are committed to the proclamation of the good news of the ... In practice this is based on the revelation contained in Holy Scriptur...


Bibliography 1. The Anglican Catholic Church, second edition, 1998, published by The Anglican Catholic Church 2. Dickens, A.G. The English Reformation.

Second Ed. University Park, PA The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1989 3. Rupp, Gordon. Religion in England 1688-1791. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1986 4. Morgan, Kenneth O ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain.

New York Oxford University Press, 1986.