Австралия (english)

Реферат на тему The history of Australia Работу выполнила студентка Института Молодежи группы МО- 102 Москва 1999 г. Contents General information about Australia3 National anthem, flag and the coat-of-arms3 Incognita Unknown land 4 First European settlement.4 Creation of the Commonwealth of Australia5 New crown colonies.5 Australia s ties with Great Britain and the USA 6 Literature 8 Information about Australia Australia is situated in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean. The area of this country is 7,7 million square kilometres.

The population of the country is about 20 million people. The capital is Canberra. The population of Canberra is about 300 thousand people. Official language is English. Australia is the largest island in the world and it is the smallest continent. The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state. It has got 6 states New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and 2 internal territories.

National Anthem, Flag and the Coat-of-Arms Australian national flag consists of 5 white stars of the Southern Cross and the white Commonwealth star the large seven pointed star on a blue background with a Union Jack in canton. The Southern Cross is the southern Crux, whose four chief stars are in the form of cross. The flag of Australia is the only one to fly over a whole continent. The small Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain, and the large seven-pointed star represents the six states and the Territories, and the small stars form the Southern Cross a prominent feature of the southern hemisphere night sky. A distinctive Australia flora and fauna is reflected in the country s coat-of-arms by the symbols of Australia s endemic animals kangaroo and emu and twig of wattle a kind of acacia. Australia officially adopted green and gold as its national colours in 1984. The Australia national anthem was adopted in the 1970ties. It is used on the all official and ceremonial occasions.


Incognita Unknown land

It is supposed that Australia s native inhabitants, the Aborigines, ar... On April 20, 1770, Cook sighted land near Cape Everard, in the southea... The first Europeans visited the shores of Australia in 1606. He turned north, charting the coastline as he went and, 9 days later, ... The Spanish ship of Luis Vaes de Torres sailed through the strait whic...

First European settlement

Soils were generally poor and crop yields low, but better agricultural... Britain tried to make up for this loss by the seizure of new territori... More than a century and a half later an expedition headed by the Briti... During the War of Independence 1776 the former British colonies in Ame... Australia Day is a very important holiday for the Australians, another...

Creation of the Commonwealth of Australia

The first Governor General, the Earl of Hopetoun, convened the first P... Sir Edmund Barton was the first Prime Minister. The constitution provi... Governor-General s residence Jarralumla is in Canberra. These men, known as Squatters, raised sheep or cattle, depending on th... The image of a typical Australian was a tall, thin and blond man who w...

Australia s ties with Great Britain and the USA

Australia can seem quite British at times and somewhat American at oth... Dry and witheringly hot towns bear names from England s green and plea... A strong sense of distinct Australian identity has grown with the grow... 55 устных тем по английскому языку Москва, издательский дом Дрофа, 199... Атлас мира.